Show me your font rendering setup, Sup Forums. I know that macOS has the best font rendering but I'm on Linux and I think my font rendering is quite good.

Here's a challenge for you. In this pic, Sup Forums homepage is rendered by the same browser (Chromium). The only difference between the two is that one of them is using the default distro (Arch) settings (whatever those may be) and the other pic is using Infinality with default settings. Everything else is the same.

Fonts are default Chromium fonts _after_ ttf-ms and ttf-apple and ttf-google fonts have been installed.

Which one is better?

Also, show me YOUR font rendering of the Sup Forums.org homepage.

Other urls found in this thread:


I literally can't see the difference. Stop being so fucking retarded.

Arch Linux reporting in

>I literally can't see the difference.
There is a difference.

>Stop being so fucking retarded.
Stop being so fucking blind. You need a new eyeglasses prescription, kid.

>tfw no propriatery CSS and JS

Save the page locally first, it isn't a fair comparison if the page being rendered changes.

look at the parts of text that haven't changed.

what do i win

you get some coal for not reading the fucking request. render Sup Forums homepage like op.

uhh no ty

My point is that other things on the page can impact text rendering. If an image thumbnail causes text to be shifted over, the subpixel alignment might change, even if the text is the same.

Android reporting in

your dumb

then fuck off because this is not a desktop thread.

it's a font rendering thread and she posted her font rendering, what's the problem?

you have no fucking clue how browser page rendering engines work. post less.

samefag. or just another retard who think that guy is a she.

she's a girl, she's posted pics before

>she's posted pics before
"she" posted pics of some chinese model. you're dumb if you think that's really him. he never posted a timestamped pic of himself.


How to fix fonts in Gentoo? mine are shit

Default Linux font rendering is too wide looking, I don't like it.


That's large as fuck. Is the font that large for the entire site?


cant beat it

I prefer FireFox. Chromium's sometimes looks too thin, some other times looks too thick, and sometimes looks blurry - complete shit.

take one without the page zoomed

Those are the exact same thing you fucking faggot


R8 muh dick

firefox master race reporting in

HiDPI, right? Looks great. 9/10

Windows? 8/10

9/10 what OS/browser?

9/10. what OS/browser?

>I prefer FireFox. Chromium's sometimes looks too thin, some other times looks too thick, and sometimes looks blurry - complete shit.
I have the complete opposite experience. FF always renders like shit.

Damn that looked sharp. OS/browser?

blurry/10. have you even adjusted your Cleartype? Honestly, this is the worst rendering in this thread by far.

even the small letter "i" is not properly subpixel aligned. just zoom in a bit and see for yourself. OS?

Everything looks the fucking same. What the fuck are you autistic faggots circlejerking for.

Seriously. Who the fuck even cares? It's just like that one faggot complaining about normies not removing the nvidia and intel stickers on their laptops right after buying them.

OP Here!

So, to give you some answers, left picture has Infinality rendering and the pic on the right is stock Arch rendered with all the fonts installed.

Interestingly, when you install all the fonts I listed, Chromium picks these fonts as default (pic related). And when you don't have all the fonts installed, it picks inferior knockoff versions of these fonts. I think this is the big reason why people don't like Linux-rendered webpages..

Install these fonts if you're on linux:

aur/ttf-mac-fonts 1-7
aur/ttf-vista-fonts 1-8
aur/ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-10
aur/ttf-ms-win10 10.0

And your font rendering will be great even without Infinality.

sorry, forgot pic.

you'res looks like poop

The left one looks better to me, even though both are weak.

I really wonder why so many websites use Helvetica or Arial.
In my opinion, both suck on a screen.

Windows 10, firefox default font settings

I was trying to make the point that if you zoom the page in it will make any font look good. This is the same as just zoomed. ctrl+9

Why font rendering on android is so good?

I like the one on the left; the one on the right is ever-so-slightly blurry. They both look very nearly the same though, I had to look hard to notice the difference.

linked wrong post should be not

mine is safari and macos 10.12.2

fuck you, faggot

Windows 10, Chrome

Windows 7 + MacType on Firefox
wikipedia main page is a better example impo since it has various typefaces


>>I really wonder why so many websites use Helvetica or Arial.
>In my opinion, both suck on a screen.
Hipsters. Apple used Helvetica Neue for one of the macOS versions and people hated it and then Apple created San Fancisco UI Text and it's literally god-tier for desktop.

You can grab SF UI off Github and add it to Linux and everything will look so much better. SF UI is similar to Segoe UI but Segoe UI doesn't render as well.

>I like the one on the left; the one on the right is ever-so-slightly blurry. They both look very nearly the same though, I had to look hard to notice the difference.
Sure. Infinality does seem to improve things a bit.

I've been told that you can improve infinality even more if you follow some good guides. I haven't come across any and just left it at default. So like you said, it does improve even when it's on default.

Windows has THE WORST white-text-on-black-background rendering of any OS. It's all rainbows.... maybe they're celebrating LGBT this way. Dunno.

in "what is Sup Forums" section, notice the heavy rainbowing of the letters? notice how letter "i" is purple and not black? Notice how "n" is half black half purple"?

Don't know why Microsoft can't get that shit right.

That looks 10x better than the pic above yours. Letters are actually black and only antialiasing is colored... because of subpixel rendering.

SF is the tits on linux with infinitaly.

>I was trying to make the point that if you zoom the page in it will make any font look good. This is the same as just zoomed. ctrl+9
Can you take the screenshot with the page set at default size?

When I set my Chromium at default size (no zoom), Sup Forums CSS specifies 12px font height using Arial (pic related).

using firefox

When you zoom in, it does look pretty shitty. Notice how there's no consistency even between the letters that are the same.

rainbows? fucking Sup Forums.

everything is disabled for battery mode, faggot. im not gonna switch to decicated video for screenshot.

i have no idea what any of those things you mentioned are, but the left one is better.

>everything is disabled for battery mode, faggot. im not gonna switch to decicated video for screenshot.
it clearly looks like shit. stop making up excuses.

I win!
semi-hint adobe-cff and MS Arial

Still using a 1024x768

adding some light on dark + Wikipedia main page

>update firefox
>looks like this now
lads how do i fix this? i use mactype but something happened when i updated firefox

>font rendering
I've been on Sup Forums for years now and I still don't get it. Do I have to look at my screen under a microscope to tell the difference or what?

Not the guy but now that you mention it i do notice the purpleness...


I think it's quite good.

>Also, show me YOUR font rendering of the Sup Forums.org homepage.

>semi-hint adobe-cff and MS Arial
all right dude, tell me how to do it under Arch. I googled and came up short.

>I've been on Sup Forums for years now and I still don't get it. Do I have to look at my screen under a microscope to tell the difference or what?
What OS do you use? If you use macOS or Linux, you can easily assign zoom to a key modifier and your scroll wheel. So you can easily zoom into pictures and see the pixels.

no idea about Windows....

looks ok even through there's some color fringing on subpixel borders.


damn! that looks like total shit. how did FF disable subpixel rendering???

>I think it's quite good.
Look at the "I" of "International". not that good.

Also, you are not using fonts at 12 px. It's MUCH EASIER to render text at higher resolutions but it's difficult at 9, 10, 11 and 12 px sizes.

What font? It looks OK I guess... since it's at least 16px in size.

Pale Moon
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian 8.5 jessie
,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 1d 16h 47m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 2720
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Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' GTK Theme: Not Found [GTK2], Not Found [GTK3]
`$$b "-.__ Icon Theme: Not Found
`Y$$ Font: Not Found
`Y$$. CPU: Intel Pentium CPU G4400 @ 3.3GHz
`$$b. RAM:

Arch is best os

atrocious kerning

What the fuck has hiro done with the front page



also, /s4s/

Browser: Firefox Developer Edition
OS: Debian Testing
Font: Noto Sans

No infinality patches installed. Just the config from wiki.debian.org/Fonts#Subpixel-hinting_and_Font-smoothing

MacOS font rendering is optimized for retina screens, otherwise fonts look somewhat blurry.

tfw X is working

Shitty kerning... Look at the lowercase f in the last line of the "What is Sup Forums" block. Or the "erna" of "International" in the popular threads list. Found this after 3 seconds. I can probably find 100s of other issues with your config, but I don't want to get eye cancer

I need to fix it one day. Mint has the worst font rendering :(

Someone who thinks they have a good setup, post your fonts.conf.

heil arch

happened to me too when i updated firefox. Had to tweak some settings in about:config page.

windog 10

you forgot to attach a smug anime loli


your font size is too big to make a comparison. don't use font scaling or zoom and post again.

>Shitty kerning... Look at the lowercase f in the last line of the "What is Sup Forums" block. Or the "erna" of "International" in the popular threads list. Found this after 3 seconds. I can probably find 100s of other issues with your config, but I don't want to get eye cancer

Hmm... rn looks like m.
How do you fix kerning?

Actually, it has excellent font rendering but bad kerning (like all Linux-based OSes). Zoom in into your pic... it's one of the best subpixel renders in this thread.

Any font rendering experts on here today? Which of these packages should I install to improve font rendering?


Atrocious font rendering user. What OS/browser are you using? What does your font setup look like? You need to fix that shit.


I was hoping someone would offer to help. It's OS X/Chrome. My eyes aren't very good.
I use infinality in arch on my other computer. It seems like my system fonts here are gorgeous but chrome's look kind of blurry.

use San Francisco

Replace Helvetica with SF UI Text asap. That's your culprit.

It's not an option on the list. Do I have to install it? It's an apple font, figured it would be here.

What MacType profile is best for a 24" 1080p display?

hmm... don't like how yours looks. something seems off. what OS is this? here's the same page in my browser.
