"Linux is free if your time has no value." - Louis Rossmann
How is OSS community going to recover from this?
"Linux is free if your time has no value." - Louis Rossmann
How is OSS community going to recover from this?
Other urls found in this thread:
really makes you think
What does the OSS community have to do with linux being shit?
Linux kind of created the OSS community though.
This. All the good free software is written for Windows.
>a jew that doesn't like free stuff
That's new.
Than you based jewman of Applel repairs.
Why would I listen to anything an ugly mexican has to say?
Who had the quads?
>Louis (((Rossman)))
>He repairs Applel devices
>His business logo is a sheep
>Goy is "sheep" in yiddish
Really makes you think.
>all other LR threads
>he's funny lol
>you go! apple suxx xD
>this LR thread
>ugh he's so annoying
>he's wrong! I love linuxxx
Yo what up
Switched from W10 a month ago, don't see any difference, everything just werks as it werked on windows, don't know why I even bothered
>Linux created OSS community
If someone says that something is free only if their time has no value, it's not the same thing as saying something is shit. It means only that you still have to pay for it but the currency is time.
Using Ubuntu you don't lose barely any time so it's still pretty close to being free.
"It's easier to use a Linux phone with Windows than to use a Linux phone with Linux."
He's unstoppable.
Welcome to Sup Forums, here's your complimentary tip
>"Niggers need to be gunned down." - Louis Rossmann
can he chill out for a second, where did that even come from?
I love Sup Forumsoogle. Fuck Sup Forumsentoo though.
Well it's not like BSD was all that active in GitHub.
All praise Louis, king of the repair business.
Well the majority of GNU+=LINUX users on Sup Forums are NEETs so their time has no value
most of the NEET scum are gaymers so no
It's Rossmann not Rossman ie he isn't a jew.
t. louie "totally not a heeb" rossmanberg
your complexion and semitic facial features have betrayed you
This one got me.
.There aren't too many free physical objects, that can do the things computer hardware can, he's a businessman not a programmer.
louie come on
Looks italian desu
In what video did he say this?
I don't know what he meant by this. My Android allows direct manipulation of the file system via USB connection in Debian out of the box, while in Windows you need to install something and it still doesn't provide quite the same functionality.
>using greentext to falsely imply that it didn't
That's like saying "bathing is free if you don't value your time"
Takes longer to set up windows than Linux.
If you value your time, switch to Linux ASAP.
>LR tricks applefags into parting with their sheckles
>teaches other hebrews how to do the same
>drops redpills on the daily
really gets the noodle oodling dont it
>Goy is "sheep" in yiddish
No, it's sheps you Sup Forumsack. Goy is Hebrew for nation.
Probably youtube.com
>Use Windows
>mediocre battery life because unstoppable background processes keep cpu usage at 30+%
>use linux
>cpu usage near 0%, great battery life
We don't have to agree with everything he says. Obviously he is a busy person, and considering he uses two desktops (one at work and one at home), he has no need for wasting any time configuring linux even once. The battery life for me makes linux worth it.
>OSS community
They can't recover from something that is not actual criticism. The benefit of OSS and Linux outweighs the negatives for many. After a few hours of fine tuning and installing Ubuntu on my desktop, I have not had any OS-breaking problems for a year so far, and this is with regular updating.
Is he a confirmed jew? I assumed he was since he lives in NYC and named "Rossman", but he's also referred to himself as a guido, so I thought he might be Italian. Maybe he's both
At least he tried.
OP is a faggot as homosex have many OSS part.
Windows isn't free and OP's mom is a slut.
- Anonymous
Well honestly he invalidates his own point by saying "let's look at 2003, 2004 when shit wasn't working properly". Right now, if you don't NEED to use proprietary software for professional or other reasons, or need one of the several nice features that only windows has at the moment, there's little reason not to be using linux. Browsing the web and reading and writing emails really is just as easy on linux as it is on windows, no strings attached. It's when you try to customize everything to your exact preferences or want to run windows software on linux that it becomes a timesink.
Then again, there's a whole lot of windows-only (and even some mac-only) proprietary software. I'm really pleased by the fact that professional EDA software has made the jump to linux.
It is a quiet reasoning when you thought about it.
Ubuntu took me just as much time to setup as Windows did, so it still out-values in the end.
Rossman is tall if 5'5 is considered tall.
He isn't Italian
>>Use Windows
>>mediocre battery life because unstoppable background processes keep cpu usage at 30+%
sure, buddy
Half italian half jew
same thing
go read some wikipedia idiot