Use windows

>use windows
>disable all services
>remove all botnet features
>monitor with wireshark
>absolutealy no traffic for hours
>then suddenly TCP connection to this
>google it
>some strange cloudflare shit
>there is even a website with just one pic on it

I'm really considering linux now

Other urls found in this thread:

Take your privacy into your own hands.
The longer you stay the more you lose.

Do you play gaymes?
If so what kinds?
You'll have the handle linux gaming differently.

post pic

>he's considering linux because he visits Sup Forums
I'm okay with this. XD

no games, it's a fresh install, no programs, no nothing

>use winshit

>I'm really considering linux now
>millions of lines of code, not counting xorg, pulseaudio and all other subsystems and necessary applications
>nothing is ever audited
>99.9% of people blindly compile and run
part of the problem m8

10 or 8/8.1

I have seen better bait on Sup Forums and /wg/.


considering to test is

i'm kinda doubtful about W7 too. tho i haven't seen it doing any spying

There's definitely no strange shit going on with my network while running Linux, though.

Not even TCP connections to CloudFlare? That's interesting.

Sure, the Cloudfare comment is retarded, but why is Windows trying to look at my network shares on other computers? Not cool, Sir.


can some techno-wiz check that IP?

im deploying my attack barriers as we speak.

Are you using Avahi?

Linux? You mean Android? Its a bit limited for desktop use. Perhaps you are thinking about GNU/Linux (or as Ive recently taken to call it, GNU + Linux)
Not GNU Linux, because that way it might trick you into thinking that Linux is a GNU package. Through a peculiar turn of events, Linux wasn't created for that purpose

Yes. What happens is this. Boot up Windows and the dreaded update bullshit starts, while this is going on, I watch the traffic on my Linux box across the room. During the whole process the Windows box is clearly extending it's feelers to the Linux machine. I'm not worried, permission is denied to the Windows computer, but the bahavior seems odd and sneaky.

>nothing is ever audited

>not knowing about NETBIOS
>not expecting windows to send out tons of ARP broadcasts.
You sir clearly have no idea what's actually going on with your internal network.

So, you've disabled all services, and still have a TCP connection.

Yeah, not possible.

>not knowing about NETBIOS
This is my first and only Windows machine. I guess I didn't expect it to be enabled by default. We don't do things like that in Linux. Statement retracted. Thanks.

NETBIOS is a fucking plague and should have been axed long ago. OSX also sends out NETBIOS broadcasts which is really fucking stupid.

>I guess I didn't expect it to be enabled by default
Netbios has been around since before DNS was practical, it's like an old version of DNS, controlled by a WINS server. Why Windows still uses it is a real mystery.
>muh NT technology

OSX introduced bonjour, and then Lennart got jealous that Windows and OSX could autodiscover things on network so he introduced Avahi to Linux. If you dislike Netbios, maybe you need to be sure Avahi service isn't running on your Linux distribution.

Get Windows Server 2008 R1 SP2. Even though it is Vista it ends support in 2020 instead of 2017, the same time 2008 R2/Win7 ends support. No telemetry nor quality rollup nonsense.
But it is Vista, so browser-wise there is a problem.

So has there yet been any proof that the gubmint actually uses this supposed Jewish telemetry to catch people doing illegal shit?

Or do you actually care that some computer at Microsoft logged you fapping to gay furry porn on January 5 2017 at 4:03 PM, and no one will ever see or care about this information?

hey OP

What the fuck is bonjour? who gives a fuck about speaking french?

Zero configuration. It's how your ithings automagically let your neighbors see your femdom porn collection before you realize it's being shared.

>Why Windows still uses it is a real mystery.

Because enterprise legacy support.

almost all "why does Windows do this" can be answered by "because legacy support for enterprise".

Microsoft bends over backwards to ensure backwards and forwards compatibility, Windows is a fucking 5th dimensional pretzel of compatibility.

resolves to

you literally got spooked by wireshark itself

Use windows 10 for gaming and as soon as you are done go to shitpost using ubuntu.

phew, why does it need to connect to pcap?

guess my win7 is telemetry free, if only I could find a non-botnet browser, firefox connects to some weird shit

I recommend installing Windows 7 and don't do any updates.

And then just use Kaspersky or CS2017.

I've heard chromium and palemoon are pretty legit.

incoming or outgoing? Cloudflare is content delivery used by Sup Forums among other people.

>using Kaspersky ever

Everyone on Sup Forums is fucking retarded.

I don't care what Putin does with my information.
It's not like he can send a death squad to America and arrest me for downloading torrents of animemes and movies like the US can.

> going through all of this shit to play gaymes
> not having a console literally DEDICATED to games

i just got korora mate its kinda great glossy lookingalso post the website im curious

Isn't it weird how the current situation makes it more desirable for a citizen to have a foreign power spy on then rather than their own government? I can't find any analogy for this.

Id rather have a foreign spy than a domestic spy or a corporation desu. I really dont care as much what the Russians and microsoft know about me as much as my own goverment.

holy shit I just typed desu without even thinking about it what is happening to me ._. I dont even watch anime

>muh fud

why are you so concerned with connecting to an MS IP when you connect to every service on google just by posting this thread?

Win server 2008 is win7 tho

>So has there yet been any proof that the gubmint actually uses this supposed Jewish telemetry to catch people doing illegal shit?
Shit dude idk

>why are you so concerned with connecting to an MS IP when you connect to every service on google just by posting this thread?
Not all of them. There's no analytics.

The R2 is, the R1 is not.

What anime is this?

post wireshark log

Install Gen2

user, keep your windows in a VM and disable NAT. Enjoy both software and privacy

Connected Domains

OP is an animeme faggot shilling his shitty weeabo crap and GNU/Lincuck.

I have netbios turned of.
Did I do good ?

use linux
do your gaymur in VM without network card

this is what I plan to do when I buy new PC with VT-d

Is ESET better for privacy? What about Avira? What do you recommend?

eset smart security and their interactive firewall is good (you explicitly allow every new app to communicate)

for scanning unknown binaries use virustotal

I meant wheter listed AV solutions are themselves botnet or not, and how much.

ghost in the shell

I don't even care anymore. I want her to watch me.

Damn russians at it again!

Dualboot windows and remove ethernet while in windows.


>shocked a company that invested millions into making an os that can spy on you can't be stopped from spying on you
fucking idiot

I run 48 hour wireshark analysis on idle distros before embracing them, never noticed anything shady

Fuck off Stallman. Your compiler is great, but that isn't enough for me to notice you.

Why hasn't Sup Forums written an official "How to get out of the Botnet" guide yet? Does the NSA just kill you in the night when you start writing it?

You can't, you can only try

Isn't rms off the botnet besides his email?

please love me

> tfw Windows users uncuck themselves after they realize that their OS is spying on them

>they then switch to another OS that spies on them but now they think they're off the hook

Why has the program "Web Content" been running longer than Firefox when I run top?