How do I get my sister into programming?

She has all these ideas for applications she draws into a little booklet and she's also started designing her ideas in photoshop.

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don't ask Sup Forums for advice would be your first step


Good thread so far.


Fucking obvious b8.

However, I recommend Rust because as we all know on g/ it is the God tier of languages.

Now fuck off.

Who is this semen demon?

>She has all these ideas for applications she draws into a little booklet and she's also started designing her ideas in photoshop.
That's very cute

MIT has an app designer for kids. Not much programming a lot of drag and drop

Start off with Scratch.

It would help us answer if we know how old she is.

Give her the C

This sounds best so far. Anything she should look at once she gets bored with this?


>It would help us answer if we know how old she is.



Personally I went the route of scratch to Python now going down learning basic webdeving path. Idk how long she will be able to keep her interest by herself. Do you as her older brother know some programming? Girls like to socialize while learning so you should spend time with her maybe even try out some hackathons with her.


Oh she's that age then I suggest giving her links to CS50 web course. She may not watch all of it but still do some programming socializing.

She'll get bored with Scratch pretty quickly. Have her learn Python from Codecademy since it's a really lenient language in terms of syntax and variable types.

After that it depends on what kind of applications she wants to make. C++, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS are generally good places to start.

Help her realize one of them, she should catch onto the idea of "googling the problem" after that.


visual basic

get your hands off my daughter, thanks

If she's serious about wanting to become a programmer, get her set up with a C compiler and a pdf of C Primer Plus.

If she's just trying to see if she'd like it, get her to learn Python or Ruby, or perhaps JavaScript if she'd prefer to do things in a web application.

Please do not recommend things that are not programming languages as an introduction to programming.



Introduce her to me

Python 3

no, 2, python 3 sucks femenine penis

here is another legacy faggot ....

So what exactly is wrong with Scratch for a complete beginner, dear tripfag? Nothing. Scratch can help develop a programming mindset and increase familiarity with the underlying concepts that could otherwise alienate newcomers who are not already very tech-oriented. It's all too common for a complete beginner to run out of steam while learning the basics in Python or whatever because at that point it might feel devoid of purpose.

Since OP's sister is visualizing her ideas etc. Scratch might be a good starting point. And after a while she can switch to something else.


Making a website is has a design aspect as well as lets you type code. Go from there.

Python... Python is even fine for small children as their first language desu. I am pretty sure a dog can learn python.

