Friendly reminder this chink is data mining everything you post and that if you still post here you are a retard

Friendly reminder this chink is data mining everything you post and that if you still post here you are a retard

Other urls found in this thread:



Enjoy all of your posts being archived and attributed to your IP address and phone data, retard.

friendly reminder that we don't care

you'll care when it's used against you in any professional arena of employment.

Back to ribbit, newfag.

Really makes you think...

Do you think anyone that posts on here isn't completely aware that the site is a FBI honey pot?

>implying I'm not posting through my VPS's connection that I bought anonymously

>so what, I post anonymously online in my free time

Wake me up

Why would I care about what a retard says?

>implying I don't change isps every year
>implying the account is in my name
>implying my countries data logging record extends beyond 6 months

This post was just logged.

Well done, retard. You sure showed them!

So? Are you 12 years old and have no idea about how laws work?

Are you the type of fuckwit who keeps shouting botnet?

Get the fuck off Sup Forums you fucking idiot.

Thanks. I'm leaving.

>So? Are you 12 years old and have no idea about how laws work?

It's precisely because I know how laws work that I warn you about this, retard.

They recently passed into law without anyone noticing the ability for the security services in the USA to hack and confiscate the computers of anyone who uses tor or vpns even once.

Also, if you think your country actually abides by that data logging rule, you are a retard.


>if you still post here you are a retard
It means you are retard

I'm sure there'll be book dedicated to your prescient prophesies.


Ah yes, le everyone who is worried about this is a loony

Try reading a history book, retard.

You sure seem fired up. Maybe a nice tablet can make you calm.

>if you still post here you are a retard
Hello, OP. Nice post.

cringe post

Why is everyone acting like this is a revelation?

shut up

>Linking Mr.metocuck in this thread
>All just a conspiracy theory and nothing based on real facts

You must suffer from autism.

yall got baited by the OP

teach me the arts of being a tripfag you legend

>conspiracy theory
>he's literally done it before

Wow. Really makes one think.

Make sure that the stuff you post reflects who you are. Anyone can post crap; making quality posts takes effort.

And do not pay attention to tripcodes. Judge each post for its content, not the person writing it. The best posts are almost always by anons for this very reason.

Absolute faggot.

sweet, thanks my dude. I'll keep this in mind

oh noez

So OP is retard?

I don't live in Ameriga, so log whatever you want from this IP. ;* China, I love you

unsigned long long int fucks_given = 0;


>"Oh no, someone is going to use the ip adresses I posted from to collect every post I made into one group of posts"
>"whatever will I do?"
And? Man this is pathetic, come on, put some imagination into your conspiracy theories

>implying my every single post is not ironic
hiro needs to die tho

He really is a slimy untrustable fuck though isn't he? At least moot didn't pretend to not understand english when it suited him.

terror terror terror
bomb bomb bomb
kill everyone
the hacker 4chin is responsible for this

Literally what would he be mining

Most of my posts would be /CSG/ or shitposts, he'll literally get nothing of use out of me

>I come here to shitpost and chew bubble gum.
>I'm all outta gum ...

bump for awareness.

What would be the most profitable board for data mining?

Sup Forums

Sup Forums


Morons who actually gave their personal info to the datamining gook.

/vip/ is basically [s4s] with no anonymous posting