What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Aircrafts are weapons?
Whatever would inevitably happen when your industry operates on an unlimited budget.
Too big to fail
VTOL meme
VTOL and trying to split development between so many different countries and companies.
It's not a bad plane though, still very capable for its designed role.
In this case, yes
They made the wings too small to fly good because vstol.
Russian spy stole all the designs and test data so it's not even the slightest bit stealthy.
>so it's not even the slightest bit stealthy.
Yea that's totally how stealth works.
It has a tiny radar cross section, even if they had the full technical specifications the Russian radar systems are still dealing with a tiny radar blip that could be something else entirely.
The whole point of the F-35 is to sit back 50-100 miles where they can't get radar lock and fire your missiles then turn away and fly home before they even see you were there.
There is no such thing as stealth.
Sooner or later somebody will find the way how to shoot it down.
looks too small to carry useful weapons
too small to have decent engines installed
You were born
Too many americans involved in the design process
It's Lockheed, what do you think went right? Nothing.
The Chinese copied it,
and the copy they made had the dual thrust that the engineers in USA originally wanted,
which made the Chinese copy more stable and faster,
and the worst of all the Chinese copy is 60% of the cost that the F35 is with better design properties which really pissed the US engineers off.
Let that marinate in your minds for a moment.
Lol they use dual thrust because they don't have a single jet engine as powerful as the one we use.
Also it's radar cross section is massive compared to ours
What plane is this and what's wrong with it?
F35. Costs too much and shitty design requirements made it take far longer than it should've. Some people think this means it sucks or we should stop production and make something newer. But no point throwing away literally hundreds of billions in R&D at this stage.
>Lol they use dual thrust because they don't have a single jet engine as powerful as the one we use.
They use dual thrust because having a single-thrust which constantly has to calculate and re-adjust itself for stabilization is retarded compared to having 2D thrust vectoring.
They use dual thrust because it allows supercruise, which F35 lacks.
Any minor differences in anything else can be adjusted and are justified by a 60% OF THE TOTAL EQUIVALENT US COST.
This is why you don't let 50 managers from 10 departments trample all over your projects, none of which know a single thing about your project aside from that you're getting their money.
It's a piece of shit and even they admit it. You don't see a massive fleet being constructed.
If anything they built it as a test bed before trying to build their own domestic 5th or 6th gen fighters.
If you think those Chinese knock off F35s are actually even close to approaching the US version they'd be building hundreds of them. They currently have 2 prototypes and no current public plans to incorporate the fighter into air force or naval roles.
radar can be tuned to detect f-35 signature.
Financial engineering took priority over real engineering.
>It's a piece of shit and even they admit it.
>You don't see a massive fleet being constructed.
>they'd be building hundreds of them
Because it's not worth it wasting money on such shit these days.
Laser technology is a better investment and China (including Europe now) is operating military economics whereby spending military budgets on quantities of cheap yet fast and numerous missiles and missile systems is more advantageous than wasting it on aircraft carriers and planes with retarded costs.
Only USA has a jerkfest about having "muh best planes and muh biggest carriers" because it likes going around the world bombing shit.
The rest of the world however is more focused on
developing systems that precisely make airplanes obsolete and useless. Because the rest of the world has fucking had it.
Even the most cutting edge, costly, Israeli "Iron Curtain", developed by the cutting edge of US defense technology, was only ever effective against 60% of cheap Soviet era sandnigger missiles. This was proof enough for the rest of the world on what to spend money on.
We didn't spend enough money fast enough.
Several countries put up hefty deposits to get in on the joint fighter program. The deal was you would get service contracts depending on how many planes you signed up for.
A lot of the countries are cutting their losses and backing out.
It's a turkey.
Its the US Government/MIC's Star Citizen.
Proofs me a wrong's
The idea.
holy cow this is awesome
Because you can't relay on stealth alone. It's a huge plus, but in the end closer battles will happen and enemy pilots will learn how to counter them more effectively. And without stealth, F-35 is just a slow, lowflying potato with lame load
>he thinks his shit russian mig has a chance vs what will be the arguable best SPAMRAAM spammer of all time.
Nothing went wrong, but the entire program went a lot less right than was expected.
Feature creep.
Too many countries and militaries are involved and the result is constantly trying to cater to all of them.
Forever in development.
Kinda like StarCitizen.
>Kinda like StarCitizen.
that hit too close to home
t.spent $400 on SC already.
See my post above.
t. owns a retaliator, the f35 of SC
>spent $400 on SC already.
For what fucking reason?
t. bought the digital merc pack back in 2012
>tiny radar blip
Even with a tiny blip it's game over.
Tomcat getting revenge from the grave.
hacked by china so its useless
Radar degradation in mid flight forcing the pilot to reboot even before combat, it's like the militarized version of taking an NES cartridge blowing in it and putting it back in.
less than you'd think, Pierre Sprey/combatreform are morons. Aside from the B, which was the big problem child the program's actually gotten onto a pretty good pace. Not to mention that at this point, even the B has shaped up. When you also add in that the next Block is going to have a new bay design it's weapon load is actually pretty impressive.
Also nice to see that nobody in this thread understands the idea of profile lift, GG no re
Lockheed pls go.
>They use dual thrust because having a single-thrust which constantly has to calculate and re-adjust itself for stabilization is retarded compared to having 2D thrust vectoring.
>They use dual thrust because it allows supercruise, which F35 lacks.
Wrong again.
Lockheed found a government money mine.
>Radar degradation in mid flight forcing the pilot to reboot even before combat
Every plane equipped with a radar experiences this. Welcome to technology.
Add to the list:
One plane to rule all air combat roles
Design by international committee
Feature creep
>They made the wings too small to fly good
The F-35 doesn't fly so good?
I still believe the F-35 is on budget and the extra money is going toward the black budget.
>They made the wings too small to fly good because vstol.
Wrong. The wing size is determined by the physics of both stealth and trans-sonic flight. Also the F-35 is a lifting body design.
Stealth works by reducing the energy returned. You cannot "tune" a radar to a stealth "signature." You can use different frequencies and hope the techniques used to minimize return for one frequency are less effective at another, but this is expensive and unreliable at best.
And it doesn't return a "blip." At some distances/altitudes/angles it doesn't return enough for the receiving antenna to register anything. At others the return appears and disappears preventing any kind of intercept.
>any kind of intercept
You do realize there are fighter planes designed to intercept other planes, right? And those fighter planes can shoot these bits of metal at extremely high speed, called bullets, that don't require radar, right?
Maybe that knowledge will make you reconsider your choice of words next time you feel like saying like the F-35 is impossible to intercept.
Never mind the fact that the radars may pick it up at certain angles or distance.
So basically they research for new methods and then the plane is useless, what a great investment.
They should have spent it on other useful things to develop the human species.
A better question of what went wrong
>So basically they research for new methods
Physics says you don't know shit.
>You do realize there are fighter planes designed to intercept other planes, right? And those fighter planes can shoot these bits of metal at extremely high speed, called bullets, that don't require radar, right?
So what slav magic will prevent those interceptor craft from being gang raped by AMRAAMs far beyond gun range? Also AIM-9X has a much longer range than plane mounted cannons.
couldn't fire weapons yet while the yf-22 could and had been doing so for months. had massive structural flaw that caused the frame to crack significantly faster than it should. engines weren't ready yet. was less maneuverable. Also apparently looking cool and getting memed by the same type of retard who can't understand the perfection of the f-35 doesn't mean you are a good aircraft.
That plane was so sexy.
Maybe it'll get another shot with the LRSB escort program.
Nothing, it's so stealthy that noone knows how many theyre actually making.
The design was answering the wrong question. They were looking for air-superiority fighter while Northrop delivered a fighter/bomber.
Tuning to a stealth plane is like tuning to see a bird. Strangely there was some old school radars that picked up the f35
The lack of understanding on what VHF radar is and how radar in general works on what is supposed to be a chink TECHNOLOGY board is embarrassing
>using guns
It's not Vietnam. Most air fights arer like naval fights. Far away with missiles.
who in the fuck has gotten a gun kill against another air superiority fighter since vietnam? nothing can even get close enough to the f-22/f-35 to see it before it acquires lock on them and kills them
no thank you
>I'm the average unwilling to seek info sprey-fag
>the f-22/f-35 to see it before it acquires lock on them and kills them
And this has happened wgen, exactly?
too expensive and faulty
basically the win10 of aviation
why upgrade when F16s (win7) just werk
>You do realize there are fighter planes designed to intercept other planes, right? And those fighter planes can shoot these bits of metal at extremely high speed, called bullets, that don't require radar, right?
Do you have any fucking idea how difficult it is to visually acquire and engage a target at 100 miles?
At night? In bad weather? When the target can super cruise? When the target can kick in afterburners and run? When the target likely saw you first because you're not stealth and a missile is already up your ass?
The fucking Iraqi's couldn't hit F-117s with AA guns and the planes were right over their heads at subsonic speeds. "Muh switchin' to gunz!" is not a defense against stealth.
>Maybe that knowledge will make you reconsider your choice of words next time you feel like saying like the F-35 is impossible to intercept.
I didn't say "impossible" you fucking sperg. Plebs think stealth is "on/off" like a cloak in Star Trek. But lots of luck guiding a missile or fighter to intercept at a range of 100mi. You won't even see the fucking thing in the first place.
>Never mind the fact that the radars may pick it up at certain angles or distance.
"Pick up" and "track" are two wildly different things.
I have critiques of the F-35 program, but stealth tech is not one.
f-16's approaching 7k flight hours. f-18's have even more. frame cracks are actually visable on them now. new f-18's would cost 90% as much as an f-35 but only be able to do 25% of the work. you have bad opinions
>And this has happened wgen, exactly?
I don't know about the F-35, but the F-22 has dominated every fucking air exercise it has participated in. To the point that red teams gloat if they get ONE Raptor kill. Because usually it's 5 Raptors vs. 25-30 other aircraft and the Raptors rape the red team in mid air before going home with no losses.
And before you cry "it's not real war!" Red Flag is probably a lot tougher then fighting some chinks in Chinese made Su-27 variants with parts falling off in mid air.
>VTOL meme
but the russians did it right
ayy lmao
Typical MIC Overspend because "if we don't spend it all this year, we won't get as much next year." Then to have China come in and Firefox it? SMFH, it was a movie already!
>doing it right
ummmmmmm, what?
The F-35, and the F-22, were designed to fight an imaginary war, and that's the problem.
They have no real opponent, no enemy they need to be able to defeat. They're being designed to defeat paper enemies written up by people in board rooms.
An absolute waste of time and money. For the amount that has been spent on the program so far they could have bought countries instead of going to war with them.
remember what happened last time we had "Battle Need" in doctrine?
We had 75mm shermans on D-Day, because someone thought the 76 and the 90 weren't "needed"
lol @ reuters.com
oh, I was talking about thrust vectoring, not VTOL
you guys are right, VTOL is a retarded concept and a meme, IMO
such a nice plane
the flanker series has got its own set of problems I could go into, but I don't think we want to be here all day, so I'll just mention the high skin friction and weird frontal profile actually putting at a rather significant disadvantage vs the F-15 in WVR, and the relative patheticness of the flanker radar in BVR
what Chinese copy are you referring to?