This operating system is literally for people with autism...

This operating system is literally for people with autism. It has zero benefits over Windows and causes you an immeasurable amount of headaches just in trying to get fucking basic shit working. I had to spend half a fucking hour today just to disable mouse acceleration after installing Shitux, what kind of autistic retard would use this absolute garbage?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I installed a completely new operating system and didn't instantly know how to do everything in it!!!
>Lenux is bad!!!
>If you use it you must have autism!!! xDdd
Toddle on back to your containment OS

Do you use it? Because it sounds like you have severe autism

>Mongoloid pointing finger at autists

>wow this OS has mouse accel on by default
>this isn't so good
>maybe I'll check the mouse settings
>huh ok no option for it then
>have to instead type out a bunch of retarded shit
>find the device number for my mouse
>use commands to disable accel

Would it really have killed them to have included a tick box?

This is not your personal blog.

In Mint there is.

le personal blog meme

fuck off

>using Gnommie cuckware
>waa Leemux is baaads

>have an opinion on a piece of shitty software
>'nice blox dude xdd'
Fucking kill yourself you autistic weeb.

git -gud

I agree the way you have to disable mouse acceleration is pretty long winded for what you're actually accomplishing, but most other tasks are a lot simpler compared to windows. Having to visit each individual website, download an installer and then run and click through all the options instead of just opening up a terminal and typing "sudo eopkg install [name]"

I've been using GNU/Linux for 15 years and naturally I hate it and recognize that Windows is superior as a desktop OS for a lot of reasons, however, claiming that it doesn't have a single advantage over Windows is false. For example, in GNU/Linux I can watch the preview pictures of the porn videos in TPB and I never have to worry about malware. See? That was one advantage for the common user. I'm sure I could find a few more if I wanted to.

You sure sound angry today user. Did something bad happen in your life?

The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

>what kind of autistic retard would use this absolute garbage
people who don't have jobs or social lives and need to occupy themselves with something

Pro tip
If you don't like linux, don't install it.
I like it
I use it every day with nearly no problem
And wether you like it or not it is used in the majority of servers and any computing device not aimed to complete retards

ayy lmao monitor overclocking is the same

takes me 45 seconds on Windows, on Linux looks like I'll be here till 4am.

Nobody cares about you or your problems. Go away.

maybe you just dont need the ability to do some real computing?

>posts smug anime wiafag shit

Nobody enabled mouse acceleration without my knowledge, because I installed a non-retarded distro.

bad troll

>tfw when it takes you half a day to copy/paste 6 lines of text from arch wiki into a file you have to make with administrator privilages
Absolute madman, where do i sign up


>an operating system
it's a kernel you dip, of course you have to die to get everything working.

just use mint it's literally the only distro worth your time. you are experiencing the side effects of "arch-induced autism spectrum disorder".

It's okay. if you hang around here too long you will feel compelled to install arch and then hate linux because of it.

join the rest of the productive world using linux and install mint lmao

>what kind of autistic retard would use this absolute garbage?

Autistic retards, duh.

Linux: by autists, for autists

The volume controls don't show specific numbers, it's just a slider, no doubt solving this little issue will only take a few hours of coding.

>on Linux looks like I'll be here till 4am.

But that's why no life autists love Linux. It gives them something to waste their lives on.

Top kekkles

Mint takes money from yahoo to delete chrome as a default search option out of firefox. That's exactly the shit I was trying to get away from. and to top it off its nothing more than an ubuntu clone with a different skin.

Triggered? Lost your safe space?

Works perfectly for me and I do a lot of work in GIS, VMs, and scripting

Maybe you're just a faggot

Nobody needs an ``overclocked monitor" (I don't even think that's a real thing, it sounds like some made-up technobabble).

hey it's that faggot who can't use quotes properly

>It has zero benefits over Windows
As a programmer, tools like regular expressions, grep, sed, etc. accessible from the UNIX shell are invaluable with no good equivalent in the "toy OS" windows. Windows stinks for performing complex operations on textfiles. I get that you just use your computer to surf for porn and play videogames, but some of us actually use these things professionally.

Linux isn't for the simple-minded. It is the most dynamic OS out there but requires so knowledge and intelligence to operate. Stick to Windows/macOS if you can't hang. I could have resolved your problem in a couple of minutes. Noob shit.

Linux is for autists
Windows is for retards
Macs are for homosexuals

I know which one I'd rather be.

Did you expect any less after listening to /g

This place of overflowing with Autists

>This operating system is literally for people with autism.
I thought you wrote an article about a new distro.
Instead you don't know what “literally” means.


What operating system ?