Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?
Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?
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Obviously yes.
All the evidence seems to indicate so.
No, stop believing democratic lies.
It's 2017, the Russians would be absolutely idiotic to have no cyber, for self defense at least.
After the rapid devaluing of the ruble recently, it may have been self defense.
Russia chugs windex dude they're not that bright
>all this desperate drumpftard damage control ITT
lmao, now that fraud has been found even in the electoral college, the probability that Drumpf will be declared president is plummeting even further!
1. No.
2. DNC was hacked but not by Russians
3. No proof. FBI admits they didn't even inspect the DNC servers.
4. Wikileaks says Russians didn't give them the data.
5. Americans are just Russophobic.
Into the trash it goes
maybe. probably.
but the US gov didn't release any proof, so everybody should treat their whole "they hacked our elections!" whining as total BS until they come forward with something solid.
At first I thought you were just baiting, but know I see you're an actual tumblr faggot or dyke who thinks they belong here. Fuck off.
>he touched a nerve and made me cry, I'll say mean things to him to make him cry too
Sorry kid, but I don't debate children. Go back to your video games.
And my buddy down the street huffs cans of compressed air. I fail to see how poor people abusing cleaning products for a chemical high is related to cybersecurity, though.
Why don't you trust your news?
May be you one of that crazy which believe Saddam Hussein was innocent of 9/11
Nobody knows, malware is from Ukraine and lot's of Tor exit nodes used.
It's a mess it could even be the Martians hacking from mars at this point.
Hикaк нeт.
Go look at the local news on this story. A) computer was not connected to the grid control
B) it was likely run of the mill mallard from looking at port at work
C) you're spreading an agenda that will lead to a new cold war, you're a pawn in a game you don't understand, you're spreading "fake news" which ironically only comes from mainstream media outlets and sites like huffpo.
D) kys
>sorry kid
You forgot to teleport behind him. I'm cringing.
*unsheathes katana*
Try to stop me, Russians!
Do people honestly believe that if the Russians were involved they wouldn't use middlemen and hide their tracks? Do you think Putin would hand over a usb stick to Assange himself?
Just look at the MH17 incident if you're in doubt if the Russians are capable of producing fake conspiracy theories in an attempt to steer public opinion.
Salon wasn't even reporting anything besides celebrity crap until this election, if you're wondering why the source is shit
Yes, if you'd like to show where exactly Saddam had any weapons of mass destruction I'll gladly believe 9/11 was not just an excuse to go meddle in the middle east
>50 Donald Trump electors were illegally seated
What about the 5 million foreign voter and stuffed ballots?
What about your delusions?
>Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?
They were, they are, and they will always be, and the Muricans are involved in Russian Government hacking.
Now, complaining that the Russkies rigged the elections by showing everybody your emails planning how you rigged the elections is just plain stupid.
>This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
What about yours?
> it was the russians!
> proceeds to sanction them, expel the diplomats and make public accusations
> but we won't release any proofs to the public after starting a political shitstorm
Of course, don't you read CNN and Huffington Post?
How else could a new Hitler become president?
You sound frustrated.
Sure, a petty tantrum by foreign leftards manipulated by ((them)) frustrates me unmeasurably.
Do continue entertaining me.
You wanna talk about stuffed ballots? Let's talk about stuffed ballots...
>US hacks other world nations
>lol who cares
> russia hacks US
> omergawd this means WW3!!
>posts news article
>no actual evidence
They were it was confirmed by the NSA, CIA and the FBI. The same people Trump Zionists use for their statistical data
>implying wikileaks does rely on hackers from throughout the world
>implying I wasn't on Sup Forums that friday morning when all this blew up here first
>implying I saw barely anyone from russia interested in the threads
>implying Sup Forums wasn't claiming that an FBI user tipped them off
Gotta love democrat damage control. I'm not a trumptard but this is exactly the reason I wanted Shillary out.
>I'm from Sup Forums
Opinion Descarted!
If that loon thinks it's not true, then it must be true.
whats the likelyhood voting machines could be manipulated?
i still dont get the specifics of the hacks
They released actual evidence a long time ago, user.
> This report is provided “as is” for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.
Try again kiddo.
>reads generic disclaimer that has absolutely nothing to do with the report and honestly doesn't even make sense in the context of the information provided
>"lol gotchu kiddo ecks dee"
Extremely likely because they were manipulated. Many voting machines on election day were auto selecting hillary and the borders/user input for selecting candidates were way out of wack.
>old stale memes
Stop giving (you)'s to the followers of the Troll.
Does anyone have proof that the machines were rigged?
I've heard audio testimony and that's not worth shit and could be false flagging
Not even Trump or Hillary supporter
Voting machines are a bit complicated.
While there were voting machines in some states that were hacked: cnn.com
There's no conclusive evidence that there was wide-scale hacking across every state in the country. There really should be an investigation to conclude that there was no foul-play, but political gridlock would prevent that entirely.
The question should be. Why is obama doing this crazy things at the last moment?
Why is congress doing crazy things at the last moment?
Such as?
Stabbing Israel on the back.
>implying I saw barely anyone from russia interested in the threads
what are proxies
pol is fueled by russian online agents
>No link
>Probably something regarding them building illegal settlements
>illegal settlements
Historical borders, you islamo-commie.