Whats a good cheap tablet Sup Forums?

Whats a good cheap tablet Sup Forums?

Cracked mine while masturbating. :^)

consider buying a fisher price toy, they're made to be handled by gorillas like you.

Egyptian stone

>Cracked mine while masturbating. :^)

Shield K1. Just got one and it runs like a dream.

This 2bh



Story time!

>on break staying with parents
>other siblings including parents are home and want to masturbate
>go into shower
>drain is closed and have to touch it to open ir so decide not to
>get a little excited
>drop first gen google nexus 7 into tub full of water and cum

I used my nexus 7 in the tub many times, still alive after all these years. I thought the warm moist air will kill it in no time but nah

It's not really dead, just its stuck in a boot loop and the power button doesn't work. Left it by a vent and will check on it in the morning, hopefully it still works.

Unplug the battery

It'll probably work again. Something similar happened with my phone, but in a toilet. Rice did the trick.

Kindle Fire


>ITT retarded normies who don't know what to do after dropping their devices in water.

What you should do is immediately take it apart and soak the motherboard and any other circuitry in (99%) alcohol to prevent corrosion.

But retards don't know that, and the rice trick is just as good as using the hairdryer to dry the device, thus risking corrosion on the motherboard and failure of components.

>using the smiley with a carat nose
>quoting the smiley with a carat nose

There's nothing wrong with that \(^_^)/ ~~~

Use the money to acquire a gf

Use the money to kill yourself

I bought the smallest amazon fire one and I've been happy with it
after rooting and installing AOSP on it it ran a lot faster too
perhaps there is a model with a crackable bootloader for your autistic needs

samshit galaxy tab a 10" 2016.

>drop first gen google nexus 7 into tub full of water and cum
You should've gotten Xperia Z4 tablet, senpai.


Wait for the Nintendo Switch. Rumors say it will run a full custom OS called NintendOS, 4G option, and with web browsing, Netflix, Spotify and everything else.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2

