

I just whitelist sites i like.

If I like the site or the content creator I'll just donate to them or buy a piece of merchandise.
They can live without my 3 cents worth of ad revenue.

bloody quints

ublock origin
adbypasser (greasemonkey)
self-destructing cookies

if you don't have these you deserve to get hacked and malware installed

noscript is retarded

you do know that you're not supposed to give yourself a nickname

u wot m8


>I don't
>I don't
>You have discovered

You can't even edit it properly.

What a fag

>I don't want to pay for adblock
am I being memed or what
do people do this



>having morals

Nice bait thread.

NoScript's anything but retarded.

well, no thumbnails load on pornhub
so fuck you

Grow a pair of balls and make a pi-hole already

It's neither my fault nor NoScript's that you don't know how to use it.

while at the same time ruining my 400mbps internet connection faggot

Lol only 400mbps. Good job u small


I haven't see an ad on the internet in years
fuck ad
the market has changed
adapt or fail, you can't force ads

umatrix makes more sense that noscript

if you're using greasemonkey/userscripts then you absolutely need antiadblock killer as well

doesn't ublock origin have some kind of noscript built in?

You use uBlock for blocking JavaScript and have NoScript with scripts enabled globally for its XSS attack protection.

Ads are morally wrong. Visual pollution.

retard confirmed

Maybe you should consider putting "decentraleyes" on your list

add these filters to your uBlock Origin My Filters list so you don't accidentally give clicks to fake news sites, or allow their tracking cookies to build a profile on you


>self-destructing cookies


I enjoy the Washington Post though. Still it IS important to block the cookie that tries to bill you after 9 articles.

>no breitbart


>I enjoy the Washington Post


>antiadblock killer
It's a standaard adblock list, of course it is on.

What would you say is the best site for unbiased news?



>using adblock and noscript
>not just using umatrix
Laughing @ you guys irl t b h

It's not my list, I was just explaining it.

>obese cuck, retard, and a manlet

Sup Forums

>needing extensions to block ads

but you need extensions to block cookies and js

Only for blocking JavaScript

>money and morals

Would anyone really pay to view a site if it removed ads?

I think you mean squints.

How do you selectively block cookies without an extension?


I just set my browser to accept cookies only from sites I visit and to delete all new cookies when the program's closed.

>no salon
>no mother jones


Are you Jewish?
>Sup Forumslution
are you underaged

>taking that post seriously
You are beyond retarded.

ublock still comfy?

>adblock is morally wrong
What is morally right about ads?
Is it morally right to waste peoples time?
Nobody is entitled to make money.
People chose a business plan where they do not get paid by the users, so why is it up to the users to make sure that they get paid?
People don't watch TV anymore because ads are unbearable. People wouldn't watch YouTube if you couldn't remove ads.
Why can't news sites use static images as ads instead of having content blocking blobs that require tracking software so they can display the most effective ad to you.
And the worst part is the content of the ads are unbearable.
I watched TV at someone's house and it ranged from dating sites to dating sites for adulterers, from underwear to cars, and then a donate to cripple in Africa for good measure.
It is sick degeneracy and then you want to lecture people about morals?
Advertisement is not beneficial to society. It does not educate the viewer, it does not improve the products.
If I want to buy a car, I will do my own research on what car I want. I don't need the help of advertisement to know that cars exist.

>it's the daily "adblock is stealing!!!!!111" meme thread

Ive been using noscript my whole life but ive heard multiple times that i can do the same shit in ublock origin and umatrix. Is it true? Should ditch noscript?

Spotted the socialist millennial

Oh no. People don't like being ripped off. Must be a socialist.

Anime is more polluting than ads

What are you doing on Sup Forums then?

What is morally wrong is the amount of intrusive adds that every website plasters on their site.
I have disabled my add blocker for sites I like, because they deserve it.

I hope that people using add block leads websites to realize that they are killing themselves.

what the fuck. you're not even replying to anyone.

I'm willing to bet you're the OP, and that you're so fucking frothing at the mouth with this tumor of an idea in your brain pushing on the gland that regulates aggression. Some becky at the office or your mom voiced the opinion that blocking ads is stealing, or worse yet, a buzzfeed article appeared in your fucking plebbit or facebook feed. You couldn't retort or think of a witty comeback at the time, so you spent your day moping and coming up with all the reasons why adblocking isn't 'immoral'. At this point, you NEED to argue about this topic or you will implode. So you made this thread, hoping, pleading, begging that people would come to voice an opinion that was always contrarian to begin with, but is now just a troll meme that people pull out to get guaranteed replies. You made or posted in this thread because you have succumbed to 'rant culture' or 'callout culture'. Fuck you. This isn't twitter or culture. This isn't your clubhouse full of like-minded individuals. If you wanna yell into the aether go to /s4s/

I agree and it needs to stop.



I would just block IP's via the hoast file.

fucking faggot go kys desu

I installed adblock just to block ads here to be honest with you family