Hello Sup Forums,
so I've been starting out programming, both in C(using mostly google) and in Python(using mostly learnpythonthehardway). I really hate the book because it doesn't at all emphasize some background knowledge / terms that I think would be useful to even start a conversation about things.
For example I wondered about pointers in other languages, because I just read about them in C and they seemed really important but apparently there's no such thing in Python.
However there seem to be barenames and decorated names. I'm 20 exercises into this book and never heard of those.
Point is, I'm constantly hitting brick walls. I can program your usual FizzBuzz or "count from 700 to 200 in steps of 13" but as soon as I want to try something else I feel uninstructed. Things like why gets() is a bad thing.
The way I progressed in C was picking some challenge I thought I could do and doing it. That was fun and helps me stay motivated. But I am constantly baffled at how "untrivial" seemingly easy challenges are.
To break off the rant, can someone help me out? Someone who knows the feel and got over it?
I wish there was just a long list of programming challenges sorted by increasing difficulty where I could acquire the missing pieces myself.
Otherwise I guess some non meme book recommendations would be nice.
I don't wanna do
>pic related
all the time.
For C I use CodeBlocks with the GCC and for Python it depends on the platform I'm on, either Notepad++ or Gedit and the command line.
(Reason for this thread is I was curious about how to help port a tool called GeDoSaTo from DX9 to DX11, but I probably don't even know what I'm asking, which is exactly my problem.)