Were the 2000s the last time UI design looked good?

Were the 2000s the last time UI design looked good?




no, it looked like shit

Nobody respond to this thread. They are cancerous.

>i'm so cool, i hate all new design

This is an efficient use of small space. Now we have touchscreens, text is tiny but hotboxes are huge an it all looks garbage.

Shit looks like shit! WOW! AMAZING!

It's not about this thread. The whole 4cocks is cancerous.

this is when shit started looking retarded, good UI's peaked in the 90's.


>not liking 2002 deviant art skins for winamp
plebs pls

Royale would be a better example

I say it in every thread I visit.

WMP6 > Your shit

(MPC-HC maintains look of WMP6)

Reminds me of 1998 ;_;

That UI is amaizing, it's a shame they abandoned that media player's UI. Imagine how beautiful it would look combined with aero.

this looks like something out of a PS1 RPG

Vista was the zenith of Windows UX. Even 7 was a step down from Vista visually and windows has been in a steady decline in the UX department ever since. Just look at 10, They don't even care anymore. "Here's your ugly inconsistent piece of shit goy"

(((Material Design))) was better.

im not really a fan of that bulgy glossy design