/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Daily reminder to secure your VPS/Seedbox Edition :o)

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

#ptg on irc.rizon.net, SSL only

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

• Temporary fix for bibliotik • user wants to know why technical powerviolence has yet to be recommended on Apollo • user finds an unsecured seedbox • Unsecured seedbox friend gets some quality recommendations from /ptg/ • user finds another unsecured seedbox making use of PTP and BTN • PTP and BTN staff are made aware • Meanwhile in another thread, user falls for the "I can't tell the difference" meme Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


cara pls cara pls

>using the smiley with a clown nose


Import Spaghetti PGP key. oppaiti.me/pubkey-spaghetti.txt

Notice it's also for [email protected] doxxed?

thanks for the news, kind OP

Yeah, thanks for the news.

How was that anons seedbox broken into? Or was it on a VPS and he didn't have any protection setup?


You've stumbled upon a door where your mind is the key. There are none who will lend you guidance; these trials are yours to conquer alone. Entering here will take more than mere logic and strategy, but the criteria are just as hidden as what they reveal. Find yourself, and you will find the very thing hidden behind this page. Beyond here is something like a utopia—beyond here is BIG ANIME TITTIES.
It's oppai time.

we leethaxed him using ppeep3 x500 sumoprotocols

what is google dork

spaghetti's name is Ben Haney. LUL

Is it the meme edition or daily reminder to secure your VPS edition?

we should gangrape him, LOL!

Nala has smelly feet

no password

no worries, doesn't take that long and they're nice recaps for threads in the archive.

vps and no login prompt lmao

can it be both? :o)

Thanks. I'm not very tech savvy and took me a minute to figure out how to secure mine. I imagine a lot of people run the script and then do nothing.

How did they download stuff to it without showing their own accounts? They edit the torrent after downloading it to put the stolen passkey in?

why hasn't sarek fixed the NoS redirect yet?

because he an hero.

anons just added stuff from the piratebay and public trackers, not private ones.

xth for ab is cabal.

wow mean
but I meant, is it difficult to correct or something?

It shouldn't be, but I think he's given up / doesn't care at this point.

Ah okay. At least he got some porn I guess.

I don't believe sarek when he says he doesn't give a fuck. But it is highly indicative of what a bullet was dodged having someone with that kind of attitude nearly in charge of the What transition.

he got gang raped by PTH staff :/

How can I get back my 53 NoS accounts?

You can't

They've been converted to PTH accounts now. Congrats!

What the fuck is this? I don't want to be /marked/

get a proper account on Apollo.rip the interview is easy.


It's a warrant canary also oppaitime is not part of cabal, they are 4channers like us.

>they are 4channers like us
yes, how do you do fellow 4channer

lol u tk him 2 da bar| ?

They want to believe that the FBI or NSA cares about them

So now that i've made it onto HDBits can I hang out with all the cool kids?
I want to watch a movie with Nick007, play bar trivia with 312c and cuddle all night with Nala

Asking again because I only got a meme answer last thread
Can any of my /ptg/ bros check their private trackers to see which tracker got Twixtor Pro V6 plug in for After Effect (mac version)?
Just give me the name of the tracker that got it and I'll find an invite myself
Its been about a week but I am still looking for this damned plugin in every private tracker I knew and there is still no sign of it

And by doing so they leak real names, making it easier for MPAA and RIAA to find them.

/marked/ torrent


Daily reminder /ourqueen/

How long is the wait? Is it like WCD where it took forever?

epic fail

fuck off you dumb faggot. if it's not on BrokenStones then it's not on private trackers.
stop asking bullshit questions go

they get in about 15 people a day. just watch IRC for the trivia, be one of the first couple to answer an you can get in

/ourqueen/ is available for sexy chatting on irc.opentrackers.org:6667 #opentrackers.org

Found it on pth.

fuck off italiankitten.

What's the Japanese equivalent of the MPAA? Are they as vicious?


enjoy incumming banhammer


Do they recruit from anywhere? I'm on all the cabal. I just want a PTH backup.

Please no.

the weeb police, and they're even worse

IRC only so far

Damn. I'll wait then. I imagine eventually they'll recruit from someplace.

>he's unironically on pooloo

Who here /set4lyfe/?
anime books and vidya is all you need

/ourking/ and /ourqueen/
long may they reign

How do I sort by seeds in the swarm in the ruTorrent web client?

But thats not maidenslayer.

set4lyfe during FL, no need for any other music tracker for me now.

I'm too brain dead to read but everything else I'm /set4lyfe/ on. And the occasional book I can generally request or find.

>he thinks italiankitty posts on Sup Forums

based mole-rat

I actually bought an ebook reader and really started getting into reading again this summer. I think I know how you feel though, computers and other media already provide so much sensory stimulus, books just seem really dry. It just takes some time to get used to, but worth it for sure.


So does anyone here actually use IPT? What kind of coverage do they have over music, movies, etc.

lol no

What did sarek do before wcd closed down? Did he just pop up after and immediately made it known he was a clown?

Decent for movies and softwere. Also, newer games.

hello xnx staff
staff use tripcodes these days, didn't you know?

ill tripcode all over your mom.

What are the actual reasons though? Shitty seed counts, lack of security, etc?

Thanks, user.

I feel like I'm getting dumber and would struggle to start reading again. What ebook reader did you get?


they Ddos other trackers, and are a pay2leech site.


Why don't all trackers support open dyslexic font :(

Fair enough.

/ptg/ I'm tired and don't want to go to work today. I want to stay home and shitpost with you.

user just know that at this side of word I'm hugging a pillow and imagining that its you
I'm now going to cuddle with this pillow and watch Sora no Woto and whisper sweet nothings into the pillow (your ear)
I love you user! there I said it!
I wish you were here so we could really do this but just know that you will be always here with me no matter what happens next


britfag here, almost finished work user.


Picked up a Kobo Aura. A Kindle is nice but it doesn't support epub which basically renders trackers like bibliotik useless.

I think even starting with memetier books like thriller fiction or Harry Potter is a decent way to get back into reading again. Don't feel bad if it's a struggle at first to continuously pay attention. It was for me at first, but your brain eventually adapts and gets used to it.

calibre makes conversion easy.

how can I join Pedro or E*
being in top tiers

Thanks. What reader would you recommend that supports epub?

I'm not in Bib and it seems like a bit of a hassle to get in, but, I feel like I can request most stuff on BigBoyz or even PTH if it isn't already there.

ItalianKitty is very beautiful, and brave.

NoStream hacked. Once again.

it was in last threads op


Did sarek say anything about the hack?

users don't join bib to read conversions user

AzzA Emm i just got a PM from Sadistic saying 'i own you nigger'. I went on my site and it forwarded to passtheheadphones.me


sarek is a clueless fuck who has no idea who gaped his asshole

how do i get into o****t**e