Poorfags desperately holding on to their sandy bridge processors

>poorfags desperately holding on to their sandy bridge processors
>meanwhile a dual core skylake is outperforming their shitty quad core junker

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Say that to my face, motherfucker

>8fps more after 6 years
wow such deprecated, much speeder!!!

A cpu with less cores can make up for it with a significantly higher clock speed? Who knew! Let's not even get into the ~20% IPC uplift over the course of 8 years. OC the 2500k to 4ghz and see how well that overclocked i3 matches up. Better yet, put the i3 back to stock.

Has more to do with ram than CPU at this point.

Why should I upgrade for 6 fps?

>10% faster
>half the cores

>upgrading from an i5 to an i3

this shit needs to be banned from Sup Forums

please post this shit on Sup Forums where it belongs

yes, it's still technology, but there's a separate video game board for a reason

>muh vidya
>muh modern open world exploratory sandbox shitpile
fuck off back to Sup Forums

>CPUs and >CPU performance >not technology
What what what???

My first build is Sandy and its been doing fine

>needs a ddr4 ram
>blatantly ignores the fact that the other processors are at stock clocks

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this.

It's gaming consumerism ridiculousness

"Oh fuck if I buy the AMD 48484848 I'll have to turn down shadows in ShitterFall Murderkill, but if I get the Nvidia 10000000000 I can't be esports competitive in Onichanwankablam F2P edition unless I turn off the ultra high quality ambient occlusion"

If your hobby has just turned into literally dickwaving over who's spent more money it's a bad hobby

I have a better processor than any of those listed and I only get 50 FPS???

What you mean I can't buy a gaming PC for 200$ and get perfect performance at 4K?

Why even have a PC

>10% faster
>faster ram
say that to my 5GHz 2500k with 2133MHz ram you motherfucker

>Upgrading to the latest intelâ„¢ processor every generation
>actively wanting to give intel your hard earned money for their gimped cpu's

That's a good little goy. don't forget to upgrade that motherboard too, you'll need that extra pin on that socket ;^)



why dont you find a comparison thats showing a 2500k @ 4.5ghz also then? and with overclocked ram aswell..

i know this is bait and i'm not defending the "2500k mastr raze" shit, but if you own a 2500k at 4.5ghz, spending money on a 6600k is retarded. Even more so if you got a 2600k.

I do very much like that you can baseclock some skylake cpu's tho, and I hope they bring this back officially (tho this is never gonna happen with the jews)



it's the tone that's the problem. It's like a fucking advertisement.

>>meanwhile a dual core skylake is outperforming their shitty quad core junker

Show me a 100% increase in single-threaded speed from 3770K, and I'll upgrade.

It's just not worth it for me to build another system unless I can get some serious speed improvement. Like maybe twice a month I find myself waiting for a few seconds on the CPU. Big fucking deal. It's all disk and network bottlenecks now.

In the 90s, I used to be able to do a new build every 4 years and get a doubling of single-threaded speed. Now, I'll be lucky to get a doubling every 15 years.

And I don't give a shit about more cores. 99.99% of the time I'm using either 1 or 2 threads out of the 8. I just don't give a crap about that other 0.01% of the time. I'll be happy to "downgrade" from 8 threads to 4 if that's what's necessary to get better single-threaded performance.

the i3 6100 has a pretty high clock speed

in addition it's a 4 thread CPU, not a dual core, a dual core can't properly run GTAV


>Let's not even get into the ~20% IPC uplift over the course of 8 years.

Jesus fuck, that's pathetic. It should be a 20% IPC increase at least every 2 years. They seriously need to do a total rethink of their whole technology base.

ddr4 OP

OC vs stock.


>ShitterFall Murderkill
fucking lol

2nd best locked i5's
3550: summer 2012
6500: winter 2015

>tfw don't use these poor people CPUs

>a few fps difference

wew such new gen

w o w
a w h o l e
e i g h t f p s

>there are people that actually fell for the quad core meme

cpu market is dead guys. Get over it. The innovation is in GPUs now

640KB ought to be enough for anybody

Why? People buy them. People even upgrade every gen.

What needs to happen is Zen. If AMD kick ass with their new shit, Intel will step it up.

Are those other processors overclocked?

it's the RAM.
run the processor with the same RAM speeds and it will be just as slow.
fucking idiot.

>Only 4.4GHz
That's a super mild overclock for the 6100 desu, it hits 4.8 on air with a fucking $20 cooler

Are you disappointed that you don't need to upgrade?
What the fuck

i mean i don't blame them for not upgrading

but the smug fart sniffing attitude is funny

old meme

I'd say he's more disappointed that intel's near-monopoly due to AMD's continued incompetence is killing technological progress.

but it's dual core

GTAV will run like shit on both an i3 6100 and an overclocked 2500k. I mean it will run, but you have to watch your CPU usage and adjust settings to cope.

it's a 4 thread CPU, a CPU like a G3258 has issues in GTAV because it requires 4 threads

Honestly I fucking wish I bought an i7-2700k in 2011.
There would have been ZERO reason to upgrade until M.2 came out.

8 frames per second in that one vidyo game that's sure worth over 300 fucking dollars reeeeeeeeee

This. I have no idea why people think horribly optimised ports are relevant for anything aside from showing they're horribly optimised ports.

Is 5+ attainable on a meme AIO cooler?
Might do that just for keks if so.

You can overclock the Skylake i3s?

but it's dual core

console or no, gtav is just a fucking monster of a game

it's the only game I've seen in the past several years that uses more than almost 8 gigs of ram a 4+ gigs of vram at high settings on 1080P.

it's pretty damn demanding just for non ultra levels.

yea its a new thing all intel chipsets now support overclocking

Seems more like it's just terribly coded then. Plenty of other games look and perform far better for a fraction of the system demand.

With hyperthreading

More like technology isn't progressing how he wants it to. We've reached the point where a 45w laptop cpu is only 25% slower than a 91w desktop equivalent. Check i7 6700 vs i7 6700qm if you don't believe me.

Atoms with a 4w power target are faster than core 2 duos that had a 95w tdp. Integrated GPUs no longer suck dick and are even powerful enough for light gaming at FHD.

I7 870 struggled to breach the 4.0GHz mark but modern I7s can get up to 5GHz.

i3 has always been good


Still only has 2 cores.

An i7 6700k isn't an octa core either

3570K @ 1.168V @ 4.3GHz almost on par with at 6600k at stock. Going to keep rocking this cpu for a while, only had it for 4 years.

Yes but you would be pushing into "just fuck my chip up senpai" voltage territory. 1.45v is supposedly 24/7 safe with the new Skylake voltage controller, and that's what I hit 4.8GHz with

the sheer amount of stuff being rendered on the screen is insane, with lighting/shading and anti aliasing on it all it's super demanding.

jeez that's rude. i was just pointing out that hyperthreading doesn't magically make it a quad core cpu even if it handles 4 threads is all


it's the "best" city simulator out there with weather/day cycles/cars/boats/planes and damage modeling for all of it.