/fbsdaout/ - Friendly BSD and other Unixes Thread

Welcome to /fbsdaout/ - Friendly BSD and other Unixes Thread

Users of all levels are welcome to join the discussion on Berkeley Software Distribution and other Unix-like operating systems.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in Friendly BSD and other Unixes Thread. ***

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post your BSD machines

Why is BSD far behind Linux in terms of development?


It's pronounced unices.

I'm installing FreeBSD right now

Is this the workspace thread?

Consider trying out one of these nice distibutions of GNU and/or the Linux kernel
> GuixSD
> NixOS
> Gentoo
> Funtoo
> Exherbo
> Slackware
> Void
> Devuan
> Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
or these fine Unices
> FreeBSD
> OpenBSD
> NetBSD
> DragonFlyBSD
> PacBSD
> illumos (a fork of OpenSolaris)
and remember to keep an open mind.

this is a lot better than the fat kike you had in that place previously. now you need some anime and you will truly be a good poster.

What's a good alternative to compton?
It makes my screen all blue

Holy fuck that theme looks turbo autistic


>turbo autistic
sorry I couldn't have arc-dark with some faggoty numix icons

i am currently planning on getting rid of the FSF
I have a feeling they're head kike will be gone by the end of the month


Is that on a laptop?
do your speakers work?

it's an x220 and yes, why wouldn't they?

i3 blocks?

Unix thread?

nope, just regular i3status with a custom script for mpd status, volume and temp

mind sharing it?

how can I get my volume keys working with i3? it had something to do with amixer on Lincux, what should I do on FreeBSD?

only my headphone jacks will play sound, the speaker on the pc and the headphone jack on the dock don't give a peep
Everything I found online says they should be in perfect working order

So, maybe someone here can help me with this.
I installed FreeBSD 11.0 in my little laptop, and the wireless driver isn't listed by ifconfig -a, though dmesg does show the driver (ath) load at boot.
This was not a problem with 10.3 where the interface was readily available.
Any ideas as to why this happens?

what model?

When you install, config the wifi there
otherwise There's jack shit to help you online, because everything is for 10.3

put these in your ~/bin directory (or where you keep your scripts) and make them executable
# shell script to prepend i3status with more stuff

i3status | while :
read line
echo "`muscript` VOL: `getvol` | TEMP: `gettemp` | $line" || exit 1


current=$(mpc current)

if [ "$current" == "" ]

state=$(mpc status | grep -o paused)
#[[ "$state" == "paused" ]] && echo -n "▮▮ "
[[ "$state" == "paused" ]] && echo -n "[paused] "

#state=$(mpc status | grep -o playing)
#[[ "$state" == "playing" ]] && echo -n "▶ "

echo -n $current
echo -n " "
echo -n "[$(mpc | awk '/\[(playing|paused)\]/ { print $3 }')] |"

mixer vol | cut -d':' -f2

sysctl hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature | awk '{print $2}'

and put myi3status instead of i3status in your config

meant to reply to

I think that the installer didn't find the wireless driver either, now that I remember.
Anyway, I'll try building a kernel, though it probably won't help.

# media keys
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec "mixer vol +2"
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec "mixer vol -2"

I haven't figured out how to make mute work as it should yet (there's no command for mute apparently and I probably need to write a script or something)

I noticed you have a wireless card, which is something that was made in the last 15 years. Simply throw it out, along with your router, so that you don't have a need for it anymore. you see, if you use wireless, you own a laptop, and therefore cannot fit into our autistic secret club. wireless implies you have a laptop and laptop ownership means you leave the house, which does not fit into this historic autistic 1995 time we want to stick in.

You also have to go to wherever it is you were going, and throw out the entire place as well, so that there is no need for a laptop. Hard task but it's an easy price to pay for having a pure os with no needs/drivers/software/anything also im better than u

thanks. i don't really care about mute anyway.

>wireless implies you have a laptop and laptop ownership means you leave the house, which does not fit into this historic autistic 1995 time we want to stick in.
um... no? i just like to watch anime while in bed and i dont own a tablet


I have lenovo's x240. Any profits of switching to BDS* ?

Also potential problems of using it?

but what about thinkpads?

bsd doesn't even have a movie player because videos are unpure

>o but u could get a gpl one!
then when you post the same thing the contrarian switch will be flipped and they will post your system is insecure

Hm let's see

>video driver won't work
>wireless won't work
>browsers are 10 years old
>no movie player
>no printers no usb no nothing

Potential problems:
>Be 110% unable to work with anyone in person or remotely
>You will quit your job and stay inside complaining that there's too much software and "PC's nowadays" are too good
>You will kill yourself in 15 years

RMS convinced them to open source.
They didn't copyleft

Everything works if you actually know anything about computers

what are you on about

I meant you too

mpv and vlc are ports and do not count based on the highly vocal bsd luserbase insisting that using such software makes bsd "insecure" or a higher "attack surface" which is a by-phrase meaning "I'm better than you"

as I said here
When BSD user posts trying to "convert" everyone: Oh you can use mpv and vlc!
When BSD user sees another BSD user that he's converted: lolports are insecure

Serious question: is there any reason at all to choose a unix distro over a linux distro or the other way around, or is there no reason at all and is it better to compare individual linux/unix distros with eachother, disregarding which family they belong to?

Can I expect most things I have on Gentoo from FreeBSD? My hardware is compatible, I remember trying it a while ago.

Hi, everyone. This might be a stupid question, but, which BSD image has the most driver support out of the box?

FreeBSD 11.0

>using mpv is insecure
As part of that userbase, never have I heard anyone say such a thing.
Take your bullshit someplace else.

You're attempting to install a niche OS into the wrong niche.

There are Unix certified Linux distros. BSDs are not unices

compare individual distros with each other
there really shouldn't be too much of a distinction between GNU/Linux and *BSD beyond the license autism
That's why i suggested a unified /fgut/ in the /fglt/ thread

do you have wlans_ath0="wlan0" in /etc/rc.conf?

yeah just try stuff out and keep an open mind don't be like these 12 year olds who found out about ubuntu and now pretend everything else is shit because they can't tell grep apart from sed

wtf I love fbsd now

no you don't

Should I switch to OpenBSD from FreeBSD?


why? it seems comfier

Why is MacOS left off of that chart?

Whatever happened to PC-BSD? I remember using it some years back and it was pretty fun.

It's called trueos now

Looking for a debian-based Live iso that includes multimedia codecs + VLC pre-installed. What does Sup Forums recommend?

Mint has discontinued this (after 17? i think).

netbsd is nice but having to edit every makefile when you compile third party shit is annoying

third party libraries tend to sit in /usr/pkg

Unices and BasedSDs are for right wingers only


>no right wingers in macOS
Nice try, Hillary

This thread needs more mac

That chart is suspicious considering the amount of installs these days of NetBSD rumpkernels in containers it's like a mini userland OS you can run with no privs, heavily being used in research along with libOS right now.

Are you a right winger using macOS? I don't believe you.

I will be, because I'll buy either an iMac or a Mac Mini to replace my crawling, old computer

And how exactly are you right wing? I don't think you are to be honest


Cool taste.

the ports system is similar i guess

look up your software on freshports

is that sort of like an overlay?

the ports system is concepetually much more simpler than portage

it has nothing like overlays, i think

Depends on why you're switching.

i remember having to configure most packages mid-compile, i mean having to wait for a dependency to compile before configuring the next package. is there a way to do this beforehand?

make config-recursive does it i believe

you need to run it until it stops asking for stuff

else you can just set BATCH to YES to accept the defaults

Gentoo user here who's getting more and more pissed off by Linux and wants out

What's a good BSD to start with? I know FreeBSD is pretty close to Gentoo historically, is that still the best out there? Also, is Gentoo/FreeBSD still alive? I would love to continue using gentoo if possible, but with BSD userspace/libc/kernel in place of Linux.

>make config-recursive
yeah, that seems right.

>is that still the best out there?
depends on what you like, try them all out
>Also, is Gentoo/FreeBSD still alive?
most GNU/BSD stuff seems dead
>but with BSD userspace/libc/kernel in place of Linux.
i want the reverse, a linux kernel with everything else feeling like openbsd

Can I get KDE 5 on FreeBSD?

>The latest releases of KDE Software -- in particular KDE Plasma 5 Desktop -- are not yet available in FreeBSD ports. However, the unofficial ports tree, area51, does have ports for KDE Frameworks 5, KDE Plasma 5, and KDE Applications. There are also unofficial packages available (see the area51 documentation for details).

If I use FreeBSD as my main OS, how difficult will it be to get Linux programs running? I assume a good number of them would just work, but what about the ones that don't? Is a full-on virtual machine the only option? (What virtualization tech does BSD even support? i.e. what is their equivalent of KVM)

What about stuff like GPU drivers? Do the nvidia proprietary drivers run on BSD?

>i want the reverse, a linux kernel with everything else feeling like openbsd
Funny, the Linux kernel is exactly why I want out; it sucks at pretty much everything it does from memory management to process scheduling to networking to filesystems to caching to crypto

It seems like Linux can get nothing right, and the high focus of enterprise markets on the Linux ecosystem is my explanation for why, I guess.

According to svnweb.freebsd.org/ports/head/x11/nvidia-driver/pkg-descr?view=markup it seems they're packaged. No idea if they work well, but I guess that's better than nothing.

just run a linux jail with bhyve

here's mine

Use an anime image next time

bhyve is a hypervisor, similar to KVM. Jails are containers.

is FreeBSD suitable for watching anime?

I think mpv runs on FreeBSD?

yeah, but is it an anime OS?

>how difficult will it be to get Linux programs running?
The Linux compatibility layer will run anything 32bit for Linux 2.6.32 or older.

post your make.conf

I unironically hate niggers and some muslims, not to the point where I directly harass them, but I try avoiding talking to them if possible.

I know a turkish guy, who's pretty cool though. The main thing I dislike about muslims is, well, their religion, but I'm not fond of the rest of the abrahamitic religions either.

tl;dr: someone's gonna reply to this with
>t. mactoddler


Top tier taste there

I have to add that I think communists/socialists and Nazis are degenerates who have only proven that they make the world a worse place

I don't think you know what right wing means.
are you at least a monarchist? or are you socialist scum?
oh, if that's the case then you might indeed be right wing.