What the fuck is this shit?

What the fuck is this shit?

>no Volta
>no 1080Ti

What in the fucking 1.7 Hell are you doing Nvidia, this isn't fucking MWC or GDC that I would give a flipping fuck about AI and botnets

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Volta in May at GTC 2017

Counting on this. Who's going to GTC here? I will for sure go there.

Gee, so 5 more months until it's announced and another half a year before it's on the shelves at best?

nope. if that where the case then Nvidia would have said something about it.

im thinking january 2018 is more likely

GeForce Now is a great feature, all you can play for months with $20

Absolute steal.

Poor Volta.

what a time to be alive

Nvidia is fucking amazing, while AMD does catching up, Nvidia makes amazing features like GeForce Now where you don't even have to buy a GPU to play games.

Are you stupid or what?

Nvidia announce Pascal back at GTC 2016 and they will announce Volta at GTC

>$25 for 20 hours of shitty high latency gaming

I know you're a shill but that's just fucking sad.

>5 more months till it's announced and another half a year
You do realize that pascal and maxwell released literally on the same day they were announced right?

Thank you so much for GeFore Now nVidia. I can't wait to pay $25 for 20 hours for gaming.

I love you nVidia. I will always be the 98.3 to your 1.7

>$25 for 20 hours
It's funny because they market it for Mac users, the people dumb enough to fall for it. Now if I could use it on any device at $25 a month I would do that instead depending on how the latency is.

Not gonna lie, former Nvidia shill here. This is fucking hilarious watching Nvidia crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this company get the market.

>crash and burn
Well when AMD has literally nothing on the table still, why would they bother to try?


>May 8


Deep learning for automotive cars and collaborative computer resources comsumption is more important and interesting than some gaming shit for kids.

>no 1080 ti

Guess I'm buying a Titan X then.

no poors please

They make real money there.

PC gaymers are big time retards.

PC gaming graphics are stagnating hard, hence the retarded push to 4k all the things to try and sell higher tier GPUs. A 1080 or 980 Ti will give >60 FPS at all non-meme resolutions for the next few years at least.