I'm in need of a roomier internal storage drive for my PC. What's the good word with good brands/bad brands these days?
Pic is what I'm considering.
I'm in need of a roomier internal storage drive for my PC. What's the good word with good brands/bad brands these days?
Pic is what I'm considering.
internal = SSD
external = 2.5 inch HDD
I already use a 120GB SSD as my OS drive: and as far as price-per-GB goes, spinning platters are still the best option. I just need something reliable to store my movies and teevee shows on.
>Price per GB
In that case magnetic tapes are even better and more reliable than HDDs. Many data centers use them for backups
Hitachi. The answer is always Hitachi.
Not for small volumes when you factor in the cost of a drive
Perhaps I'm not being clear. Or everyone here is stupid. 50/50 maybe?
I want to purchase a HDD, to use purely as a storage drive in my PC. I don't want a SSD, as a) I own one already, upon which my OS is installed; and b) they offer poor value for money when compared to spinning platters.
The point of this thread is to angle for recommendations with brands/models to seek out, and/or avoid.
Duly noted. Thanks.
In that case you should go and read a sticky, then terminate your existence.
>read a sticky
There's nothing whatsoever of any use/value on the sticky or the wiki, as usual. If I ever take up vaping or have the mental illness that makes mechanical/LED keyboards seem like a good thing I'll know exactly where to go though!
hitachi makes the most reliable hdds
did you even use them or just parroting? hgst drives are loud, hot and die the same as the others
WD RE is the best hdd right now
>did you even use them
Yes. I've used nothing but Hitachi drives for over 10 years.
>(hitachi) die the same as the others
Where did you get your data from?
The crazy thing is, if OP posted a smug blanket-swaddled pepe holding a hard drive saying TOSHIBAKEKS BTFO,or shrieked some retarded gay shit like WHICH HARD DRIVE IS LESS BOTNET, this thread would have had two hundred replies by now. this board is a toilet but, of all the turds in the bowl this thread is at least one of the less fragrant
>price-per-GB goes
Whassamatter? You poor?
>500GB 850 Evo SSD here
Only reason I didn't get 1TB is because I don't need to hoard movies.
If cost is no object, buy me stuff.
I may not like to hoard movies, but I like to hoard numerical figures in my bank account.
>failure rates
Over what? first day? first month?
See the years?
Still ambiguous. So was it one batch they bought at the beginning of 2014 and this is a per-year histogram? Or were these samples from each year failing at some rate?
This is why you label your fucking axes.
They have number, rate, and the time period.
You didn't answer my questions, you fucking mong. With the given data there is more than one interpretation.
They have number, rate, and the time period.
And you have extra chromosomes.
They have number, rate, and the time period.
what they lack is the data regarding how long the drives ran before failure (avg on times would suffice), when they were purchased, and what they were put through.
They have number, rate, and the time period. Stop trying to hide that you were too dumb to read the graph.
you fail to see that they don't point out how old the drives were that failed. Hard drives fail over time, and if a lot were added at once it makes sense for a "deathwave" of sorts to happen down the line. What they do not show is the difference between early failures (the important factor) vs 24/7 run time for years at a time. Without designating the difference between the two you lack the necessary division.
You fail to realize that the graph is missing important data. Fuck off, shill.
Is WD any good ? I'm getting WD Blue 2TB it's like €79 euro
seagate has yet to disappoint me
WD Blues are garbage
Everyone here is stupid, they wouldn't be here otherwise.
Why ? And wich one should i get.
I'm just saying that because I've seen way too many of them fail.
Either run with redundancy (RAID 1,5,6, or similar), or go with an enterprise drive