Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?

Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?

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No. Dems are whiny faggot crybabies that cannot stand that the peasants voted against them.

No i think some russian dude who was almost 99% chance was unaffiliated with the state tried to access the voter registration records in some unsecured office in some backwater state.

Exactly. They got all the news stations to report highly of them and nothing but shit about the Republicans and then they loose by a long shot. Then they protested like the baby back bitches that they are (a good % didn't even vote either).

Yes, they hacked a power grid in Vermont recently. ;^)

>then they loose by a long shot

Who fucking cares.


assange says they were not:


Netsec expert analyzed malware and says there's no russian fingerprints.


tl;dr: obongo lied in an effort to delegitmize trump and to shift the blame for Dem loss of elections.

Does anyone believe anything that the US's government says these days? It's gone full third-world-corruption.

Yes, my dad works for putin

The report from WordFence is misleading. The evidence is staggering.

Thanks for the heads up, Crowdstrike!

>The evidence is staggering
ahhaa... show me the evidence, you butthurt libtrard.

Almost assuredly.

Nearly the entire US Intelligence community blames Russia for the hacks. It is a good bet that they know something the general population doesn't know - the evidence is classified.

If you don't believe them, then the alternative is a multi-agency, bi-partisan conspiracy that would be uncovered the moment that Trump actually settled down in the White House.

Yes, my uncle works at putin and he said it was

there are two types of people

1. people who've been hacked by russia
2. people who don't know that they've been hacked by russia

If the russians did something why can't anybody in the intel crowd say what they did. Hacking peoples brains with pizza-gate news doesn't count.

How is Assange relevant?

His site released the documents the russians supposedly stole.

Your source is a dead blog that doesn't cite where it got its figures from.

Again, the evidence is likely classified.

Revealing the evidence would be bad opsec, as it might clue the Russians in to the methods as to how they actually got said evidence.

If Clinton would have been an honest politician, these leaks wouldn't have been an issue.

And every politician that is now worried about russian hacks ruining future elections is suspicious, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

How did the Russians hack the election?

Like, at what point in time during the election process was the security so weak that the Russians could affect the results?

>trump becomes president
>finds out the hacks were from the Russian government
>downplays their involvement in the election

screencap this

alternative: he avoids questions related to it and never mentions it again

Obama's approach to international relations has been diplomatic and level headed. He wouldn't authorize the exposure of Russian hacking unless there was concrete proof.

President Trumpski will be our first Russian President.

Russian did it :


it doesn't fucking matter who was behind the podesta leaks. the russians didn't conspire to throw bernie and his supporters under the bus, the democratic party did.
imagine committing a crime, getting caught in the act, and complaining when a cop exposes your crimes. that's what the dems are doing, scary russian hackers are being used as a red herring.

Remember when CNN said there is a secret server in the Trump Tower which Donald uses to directly communicate with Putin?

>it's really a laptop with skype
toppest kek

There's still some questions surrounding that but the researcher who came forward has stopped responding to inquiries. It was real traffic they observed, but likely misinterpreted.

>it doesn't fucking matter who was behind the podesta leaks. the russians didn't conspire to throw bernie and his supporters under the bus, the democratic party did.
imagine committing a crime, getting caught in the act, and complaining when a cop exposes your crimes
Ok, except the DNC doing that isn't a crime, whereas hacking lots of politicians' and political parties emails and releasing them is. Especially when it's a foreign government trying to get the candidate they favor to win.

Also, they didn't specifically throw him under the bus other than sending 1-on-1 emails like "this guy's an asshole", aka the kind of shit you'd find in any workplace. There's always shittalking and internal politics. They undoubtedly favored Clinton, which I think is unfair, but they didn't really do anything that specifically impeded Sanders.

I hate the Democrats (except Sanders) but he still would've lost the primary without the superdelegates and without the DNC's bias. There's no question about it. They're shitty, incompetent people who supported an awful, corrupt candidate, but no crimes or even unethical behavior was ever uncovered.

There's way more evidence than just that. See a dumb reddit post I made with more details:


Anyone in technology still denying it is only doing so for partisan reasons.

Doesn't matter, they didn't write the emails the were exposed

>They're shitty, incompetent people who supported an awful, corrupt candidate, but no crimes or even unethical behavior was ever uncovered.
Actually I take that back, Donna Brazile feeding questions is definitely unethical. That's pretty much the worst thing that was unveiled, though.

They weren't to start with (i.e. didn't interefere with the elections), but because of all the lies and hysteria, are probably doing some low level harmless shit now. Nothing that damages anything, but the equivalent of breaking into someone's house and simply leaving a note on their coffee table. Doing it for shits and giggles. Putin's version of posting a Smug Pepe.

Let's say they were. So they interfered with the election. By telling the American people the truth about a major political party.

We should be thanking whoever leaked or hacked that shit. Whoever being the guy who phished Podesta, and the Bernout who leaked documents in righteous anger.
>muh russia
>muh fake news

Forgot this?


>His comments came amid questions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer servers, which American intelligence agencies have told the White House they have “high confidence” was the work of the Russian government.

This was in June. This isn't just post-election news.

>There's way more evidence than just that. See a dumb reddit post I made with more details:

You're citing Crowdstrike? Immediately discarded. Crowdstrike is run by a russian jew who hates russia and putin. Guy's fucking full of shit.

Crowdstrike also blames almost all the attacks on various APTs. They get paid big money to insulate the management from lawsuits. And what a better way to do it than to blame hack attacks on various state intel agencies.

Anyway, FBI/DHS evidence released is incredibly weak and Trump says russians didn't do it and he knows more about it since he was briefed.

PS: Did Russians also make HRC install her own illegal server? Did they make DNC fix elections? Did they make Donna Brazzile give questions to HRC? Did they make all the "journalists" cooperate with HRC's camp on how to trash Trump and write favorable articles for HRC?

All you retarded libtards are just butthurt. Fucking deal with it, degenerates.

And surprise surprise, WaPo withdrew their claims that russians hacked power plants. One more fake news from bullshit MSM that fakes news all the time.

PS: And for posting plebbit links, go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

I'm interested in the evidence that says it was russian hacking.
I've plenty that says it wasn't.

This. The FBI was investigating Russian suspects in September of 2015. The CIA, FBI and NSA are competing agencies despite what the DHS would have you believe (it's a turf war thing that dates back decades) and they all agree that it was Russians. I'm not surprised that there are allegations of misinformation and lots of fake news memes, but that doesn't mean the entire concept is a conspiracy.

There was a Russian official who admitted that they helped with the email leak. Google it.

The hell are you on about? Trump is honest? Bush was honest? Politicians are honest? GTFO with that nonsense. The big issue was whether classified information was transmitted via insecure emails and it wasn't. Bush deleted 22 million emails from his private server while he was President.

They're spouting some bullshit on the news right now that one piece of evidence is they traced back through metadata that whoever did the hack had a Cyrillic keyboard. I shit you not, that's the best bullshit they've got alongside the CIA's 13 page report with a big fucking
>lel no warranty provided to this information

on the front page.

Guess I'm a hacker from Japan now because I can selectively pick out JP exit nodes and have my region settings set to Japan.


What matters is that they're legit. Fucking Martians could have leaked them, who cares. What matters is what's in them. Who actually leaked them is completely irrelevant.


Baron, go do your homework.

>The hell are you on about? Trump is honest? Bush was honest?

nice subtle strawman

every politician is a piece of shit tho

>Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?
We won't know until Trump tells us what secret he apparently knows about.

They don't reveal anything we didn't already know about Hillary: Her shady mixup with wallstreet, her hang for secrecy etc. Obviously not good things, but not too bad either.

Emails and hacking were the only topic this presidential election that was discussed in the media...

And yet we still don't know what's going on.
Our government tells us one thing... Backed up by their intelligence agencies, and the soon to be troll in chief dismisses it because it doesn't make him look good.

Hillary is a fuck up. Liberals know this. You can stop acting like it's still about Hillary now. It's not. She's over. We can drop it. What she did with her own email server was illegal. The DOJ decided against prosecuting because they didn't have enough evidence. She deleted what she determined were private emails. All of the emails that were ever sent to any other politician using the government email servers is still there.

The DNC emails were "hacked" by Russia per the WaPo citing anonymous CIA agents.

Podesta got phished like a goddamn technological retard and what came of that was full on retard conspiracy mongering culminating in a man opening fire in a restaurant that pushed "fake news" into the spotlight.

The co-opting of "fake news" by Trump to label any news that paints him in a bad light even if it is true is the biggest travesty and only encourages us all to stay in our little news bubbles.

tl;dr try getting outside your fucking bubble faggots

And yet the murder of Seth Rich remains unsolved.

We found out about a lot of new shit including how Donna Brazille had debate questions leaked to her through CNN to give to Hillary the night before.

They say a lot more shit than just what we already knew about. Sounds like you're trying to minimize the impact of the leaks.

We all know he was killed and robbed by a nigger, user. There is no need to act politically correct and pretend that it wasn't done by some entitled hoodrat

Nothing was stolen from him. He had his wallet and expensive watch on him when the cops found him.

>We found out about a lot of new shit including how Donna Brazille had debate questions leaked to her through CNN to give to Hillary the night before.
This was not new information, Trump's campaign had accused CNN of this months before the debate.

As I said, the emails simply confirmed stuff we already knew, nothing new was brought to the table.

>They say a lot more shit than just what we already knew about. Sounds like you're trying to minimize the impact of the leaks.
How the fuck am I trying to minimize the impact of the leaks? Hillary's political career is literally over after the loss of the presidential race.

That's not what it says on Wikipedia, but okay, go ahead and be a conspiracy tard and think that alien reptiles did this because they hate Julian Assange.

>There's way more evidence than just that. See a dumb reddit post I made with more details:
This is just more of the same garbage.
>So and so has been known to have..
>This and that are highly likely..
Thank fuck you don't work in law enforcement. I've read it all and there is yet to be any definitive proof of anything.

>Trump's campaign had accused CNN of this months before the debate.

>live in an area plagued by robberies
>get killed in attempted robbery
>robber freaks out and runs away because there are potential witnesses who heard the gunshot

No, it has to be a cover up, right?

Actually, it is exactly what Wikupedia says
>His watch strap was torn, but nothing had been taken.

I'm sure literally everybody is hacking everybody else all the time, nonstop.

It's just that King Nigger and the neocons are getting their panties in a twist that a populist won, who does not give two fucks about grudges with the commies from the '70s or about offshoring more jobs to chinks and poo-in-loos.

It took JFK like 3 years before he got half his brainpan splashed across his wife's lap, and I'm guessing the CIA wants to set a new speed record with Trump.

Yes, and Iraq was responsible for 9/11


Technically not months before the debate, it's after the debate, but before the leaked emails.

What happened to those dozens of women who claimed Trump had sexually harassed them?

>She deleted what she determined were private emails. All of the emails that were ever sent to any other politician using the government email servers is still there.

you retarded faggot, the entire point of the private server was that she was handing out accounts to her private buddies like candy, and conversion transcripts would have no provable external record.

Hillary in particular kept Sid Blumenthal in close contact despite promising Obongo in writing not to hire him in the State Dept. FYI, Sid is widely believed to be the one who started the "birther" rumors during the primaries in '08, topkek.

They got paid and faded back into obscurity

>>lel no warranty provided to this information
There was a quote from a FBI BigWig not long ago that said basically the same thing. The CIA hides behind the excuse of "National Security", where the FBI has to back up their claims in court. The CIA is an agency of deceit and they pride themselves on it.The NSA won't speak, and DHS may as well be town cops.

Which ones? Seems to be hacked like every other day.

I'm not saying that what she deleted was OK. In fact I'm saying the opposite. When I explain to my not so tech savvy friends about how fucked up having her own email server was they don't get it.

And you're not helping your case by calling Obama "Obongo". It's simply trolling and you're not going to "turn" people who think he was an intelligent and thoughtful president-- albiet a pompous asshole and condescending to people like you-- to your side.

Just stop.

> thinking civility on chans matter two fucks

half the point of this place is being able to say whatever you want without the forced civility of IRL discussion.
also, the people who made a point about obama being "so well spoken" etc. etc. are using the exact same base mentality of people who'd have called him an "uppity nigger" two generations ago, and I find that fucking hilarious.

>"Well spoken" equivalent to "uppity nigger"

Yeah and the other half of the point to chans is trolling yourself into a nice pathetic wasted life.

Truth is trolls always win. gg

I work in information security, not law enforcement, but I do law enforcement-type stuff on a daily basis.

I'll repost the links though:


>You're citing Crowdstrike? Immediately discarded. Crowdstrike is run by a russian jew who hates russia and putin. Guy's fucking full of shit.

Ok, how about Volexity, Dell SecureWorks, and ThreatConnect then? Also Jews?

Did you actually read what CrowdStrike presented instead of just dismissing them ad hominem?

>Anyway, FBI/DHS evidence released is incredibly weak
They haven't released any fucking evidence, faggot. And they might never. A lot is probably classified.

>Trump says russians didn't do it and he knows more about it since he was briefed.

>PS: Did Russians also make HRC install her own illegal server? Did they make DNC fix elections? Did they make Donna Brazzile give questions to HRC? Did they make all the "journalists" cooperate with HRC's camp on how to trash Trump and write favorable articles for HRC?
I'm not defending the DNC or HRC, idiot. I'm just talking about whether a foreign competing superpower tried to influence our election by hacking our politicians.

>And surprise surprise, WaPo withdrew their claims that russians hacked power plants.
I'm not defending the shitty WaPo either; they suck. However, that's basically irrelevant. That was a claim made by the power plant themselves, who realized they were wrong. WaPo just reported on the plant's claim, then the later retraction from the plant. Not their fault.

the russians used the fallout 4 terminal to hack

no joke

CNN said. Must be true. CNN is the best

>We found out about a lot of new shit including how Donna Brazille had debate questions leaked to her through CNN to give to Hillary the night before.
As I said in an earlier post, this is literally the worst thing found in any of the emails. Some of their comments about Bernie are embarrassing, but no evidence of real misconduct was found.

Brazile should be fired (sadly, she's still the chair), but other than that nothing really new was learned. It just confirmed the DNC had a bias against Bernie. Guess what, if you leaked the RNC emails I bet you'd see an even stronger bias against Trump.


whoever did that at cnn was a cia nigger and so are you



Quit fucking straw-manning. Calling out the DNC for being fucky doesn't make someone a Republican, you idiot. The DNC is fucked, the RNC is fucked, the whole fucking federal government is bought and paid for. This binary dem vs repub shit is just the political equicalent of coke vs pepsi, mcdonalds vs burger king, apple vs microsoft. It exists to make money and it helps when people get to latch their identity onto some bullshit binary like this. Fuck the federal government, fuck the Republicans, fuck the Democrats, fuck ANYBODY who gets paid to "represent" us or make policy.

The religion of this country is money and that's worse than moloch or satan or whatever. And the amount of disinfo and spin surrounding the DNC and Podesta links kinda proves that there's shit in there that the consumer-populace isn't supposed to look at too hard


fuck the russians, if they had anything to do with this, it's prolly because trump's gonna strike an oil deal with russia, piss off the saudis, and quite possibly end the bullshit proxy war in syria.


nice propaganda m8.
why would anyone just go on the internet and tell lies?
why would a government try to spin stories?
why would propaganda exist in an era of easy information?

fuck off, shill



>the site trying to aggressively claim hamilton owned slaves
no thanks

>And the amount of disinfo and spin surrounding the DNC and Podesta links kinda proves that there's shit in there that the consumer-populace isn't supposed to look at too hard
I agree with you the DNC and RNC are corrupt and terrible, but this is also pretty dumb. There is no "disinfo and spin". Literally all the emails have been public to read for fucking months. There just isn't anything that interesting in there. There's some embarrassing stuff, but literally no actual scandals (except Brazile's question feeding).

The only "spin" has been articles about Pizzagate, because people are going fucking crazy over it and potentially risking lives.

you forgot the deal they had with bernie that he would not attack hillary.

That's an exaggeration.

Here's the email: wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/47397

They probably had some agreement where Bernie would not attack Hillary's own personal wealth, and in exchange Hillary wouldn't attack some other unknown thing about Bernie.

I don't think that's that unreasonable, and it's not exactly collusion because Bernie is clearly no fan of hers. They were just agreeing to not get into direct ad hominems, because that's a smear war that can escalate quickly. It's politically disadvantageous for both candidates in the general election if you go after someone of the same party on a personal level.

Only they know the actual conditions of the agreement, so maybe it is something more sinister, but it doesn't seem that bad to me. Just standard politics.

when has a nigger ever not taken the goods and ran?

Yes, only Sup Forums thinks otherwise and they're a bunch of uneducated mongs

>muh fake news
>muh russian hackers

Fuck you, there's been PLENTY of spin and distraction.

The "fake news" narrative and the "russian hackers" shit are the two big ones.

Drink bleach, shill.

liberals control wikipedia

You have to separate the spin from the reality.

"Russian hackers caused Trump to win/Trump worked with Russia to win election" is spin.

"Russian hackers leaked details on Democrats to help Trump win or set up a politically advantageous situation if Hillary wins" is fact, even though he would've won regardless.

"Fake/conservative news helped Trump win" is spin. "Hoax stories about Democrats raping or murdering people are being believed by old grandpas and Sup Forums" is fact.

The only spin is the partisan spin; to make Trump look worse and make up excuses for Hillary's pathetic defeat. If you think they're spinning to try to cover up Hillary raping kids in a bathroom, then you're braindead.


From your link:

>In July 2016, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stated he had not seen evidence emails leaked from the DNC were traceable to Russia.[29] In November 2016, Assange said Russia was not the source of John Podesta's hacked emails published by Wikileaks.[28] Assange refused to elaborate on reports that appeared in The Daily Mail, that his associate Craig Murray traveled to the U.S. to obtain the leaked materials on his behalf, from a third-party who knew someone else with "legal access" to the Podesta and DNC emails. Assange said that Murray had no permission to speak on behalf of WikiLeaks.[143]

libcu-cks BTFO!

>If you think they're spinning to try to cover up Hillary raping kids in a bathroom, then you're braindead.

Again with the strawmanning. Did I say that? Fuck no. Does that invalidate my unrelated point? Of course it doesn't. And fuck you, shill, go drink bleach.

So on top of the fake news and russian hacker rhetoric, now you fags are going to try to use pizzagate to somehow "debunk" the contents of the emails?

>Nothing illegal going on, those emails were boing, move on

fucking disinfo faggot.

>You have to separate the spin from the reality.
>"Russian hackers leaked details on Democrats to help Trump win or set up a politically advantageous situation if Hillary wins" is fact

Yeah, but you're wrong, though. You're presenting lies as facts. That's spin. Fuck you. Nobody's buying it. I hope you lose your fucking job.

Who is this man? What did they do to the real Donald?

Sanders most likely wanted Clinton to not attack his faith since he's borderline atheist.

Because it's full of accurate and well-sourced information instead of Sup Forums spam?

>Again with the strawmanning. Did I say that? Fuck no.
You, or some other poster, said:

>And the amount of disinfo and spin surrounding the DNC and Podesta links kinda proves that there's shit in there that the consumer-populace isn't supposed to look at too hard

I was addressing that. The only "shit in there" that I've seen people accusing the media of spinning is pedophilia stuff. If you have other suggestions or examples, please provide some.

If you genuinely did not mean Pizzagate, then I apologize. But point is there wasn't anything all that interesting in the emails. All the scandalous stuff has been publicized repeatedly. It was already common knowledge the DNC are incompetent, biased hacks, and the leaks didn't really add to that other than Brazile abusing her CNN job.

Not saying I blame them at all. I would've done the same and more if I were Putin.

Even Michael Hayden, former NSA/CIA chief, called it honorable espionage and that we've done similar: newsmax.com/Newsfront/michael-hayden-russian-hack-honorable-state-espionage/2016/10/18/id/754147/

But to deny it happened at all, even if you hate Democrats or Hillary, is fucking retarded.

You really think "Russian hackers leaked details on Democrats to help Trump win or set up a politically advantageous situation if Hillary wins" and "Hoax stories about Democrats raping or murdering people are being believed by old grandpas and Sup Forums" are lies?

The second is blatant, and the first is only being denied by people who think there's a giant conspiracy between every US intelligence agency and every major US information security firm and the entire US government.

You can take me on this bet: at some point, Trump will admit Russia almost definitely did it (and maybe try to mitigate it by saying we've done the same to them). He can't hold on for long. Anyone denying it at this point just doesn't want to feel like their electoral victory was soiled.

Yeah, that's quite likely actually. No attacks on personal wealth = no attacks on religion. Seems like a reasonable bargain.

>screencap this
There is an archive you mongrel.

Oh, that's cool, if you just keep repeating that Pizzagate is a bunch of conspiracy nuts that think that Hillary Clinton is raping toddlers in a bathroom, that'll get people to stop paying attention to


Did your mother have any children that were not born retarded?