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It's about time though.

For most people this is a good buy.

oh boy, just in time for many applications to support 4 cores!

It's better than any AYYMD APOO

Fuck off shill


what happened? did it get kidnapped?

I wonder how much it will cost though.

If it's really up around 150-200 bucks it's a hard pass and failure. Thing is already late to the game already. I wouldn't pay over 120 for it.


Yea, that's unfortunate. Fuck I miss the days of the Mhz wars where Celery's were a bargain OC dream and AMD was pumping out awesome gear.

I'm sorry to say this:

This kills the AMD. RIP in peace, AMD. I will miss you.

>Being this autistic
for (You) I'm sorry to say, but the 7350k will without a doubt be DOA.

no one is talking about pros/cons

us laymen want basic stats


You will never need more than a 7350k for gaming!

>Being this retarded

it's literally on par with the 2500k

>Ryzen will kill this

>being this deluded

>i5 2500 is still relevant
i'll just buy i5 3570k and oc it if the time will come

>Intel releases 2 year old CPUs
>Still 6 years ahead of AMD

>Being this poor

>being this projective


>2 cores and no hyperthreadding
>200 bucks

Holy shit, a dual core K processor. I wouldn't be surprised if that thing got the world OC record.

i3 always has hyperthreading. Only i5 has no HT.

Given the amount of games that "require" 4 cores you are probably better of with a quad core for less than 50USD more.

I just bought i3 6300 for 125 usd did I fuck up

seriously fuck off with this gay anime shit. these are children's cartoons you fucking pedos.


Like what, gaymen?

Those hyperthreaded cores still count as cores

A thread is not a core. Learn the difference, kid.



whats wrong with you?
you either threw that in there to be annoying or thought belittling someone like that lets them know you have the high ground... really cringy. please turn your red and black computer off and step away for a few minutes.

Intel is prepping their anus for Zen
My bet is Zen being 300$ and about on par with i7 withiong an insignificant margin.
And Intel getting their shit pushed in again


>that whole response
Go back to your hugbox on plebbit if you want your fee fees protected, you emotionally stunted kid.

>I wouldn't be surprised if that thing got the world OC record.
You can turn off 3 of i7 cores and try OCing it, it just hits voltage limit.

OC is limited by safe voltages not temperatures for last generations since probably Sandy Bridge.

This CPU is actually a good investment for people that want to emulate older consoles and still have a PC that's strong enough for everyday non-gaming tasks where the anniversary pentium G3258 would have choked them a little bit. Other than needing to hit 5.0-ish Ghz for what would currently be your best bet for emulation quality, you'd obviously be better off spending a few more bucks for an entry level i5 for all other gayming and everyday tasks.

Basically the people that are shitposting about this CPU don't know what it could be useful for and why it commands a price premium despite being a true dual core.

As usual Sup Forums is fucking cluless about technology.
Keep spending $350 on an i7 because you "need" it for games, regards.

gonna overcuck my i3

>using Intel i3

Why not? What if you just want to play some PCSX2 and shitpost? This CPU would be perfect.

you know OP you wouldnt have to take such heavy breathes of you would quit smoking already

i3s are perfectly fine for gaming and casual use. it's been proven again and again that unless you have a 120hz+ monitor it won't make a difference as you'll easily hit 100+fps on modern i3s

You're better off spending that money on a GPU for more noticeable gains.

nope fuck you i have a 6700k and im sticking with him


My 6600k regularly hits 99% in games, I shouldn't have listened to/g 4 cores is just not enough these days.

It won't be DOA.
Retarded bajeets will eat it up like fresh curry

Anime website

It seems that you are lost.

like my grandfather used to say, when it comes to gaming - hexacore or nothing

You queers get triggered when anyone has a conservative opinion. /Pol should stay on /pol and you fags should stay on your many, many containment boards.

It's actually quite telling that actual african niggers are so attracted to anime, when it is shown to them.

It's just for stupid anime 'people'

Anime containment board is Sup Forums itself.


You don't even have the courtesy to post interesting pictures. Its always the same generic female child. Its the equivalent of posting buttered toast.

>buying intel
LMAO, i bet youre also a trump supporter

99% of the enterprise market must be Trump supporters also. Really makes me think.

What's wrong with buttered toast?


HAHAHA "Buttered Toast!" "SHUT UP ED!"

Nothing at all. Its the height of British cuisine.

>containment board
Sup Forums is based on on anime, why would there be a anime containment board.

i3 always has hyperthreading, retard.

>quad cores for $150

>quad cores for $250

it's time for i3s to be quads, i5s to get HT, and i7s to become hexas

Fuck Intel!

But also fuck AMD for turning into such a fail company!

The price for an i5-6600k suddenly jumped, making a leap towards the i5-7600k.

It's simply ridiculous.

CPU-x86 cannot die soon enough already.

this is much less true with amd graphics card because their drivers require more cpu overhead so the better processor shows greater gains if you are using an amd card

This is exactly what AMD is doing, and it's going to BTFO intel for good.


>CPU-x86 cannot die soon enough already
Post your face when Intel killed x86 and AMD stood idly by.

I fucking hope so

when it still costs more to replace my 2500k (hurr 2500k retards, it's still true) than I paid for it new 6 years ago, there's a problem with the market

for comparison of what advancements SHOULD be, look at GPUs. a $80 GPU today is probably as good as a $500 gtx480

The i7 have no vt-d and no EPT... it's a downgrade from skylake.

What the fuck, Intel.

But they do?

Not listed:


X86 will be alive and kicking into the 2020s. Don't get your hopes up.

>tfw running an i3 6100 at 4.6GHz anyways
>stable at 4.8 but it runs cooler at 4.6
What's the point of the 7350K when it doesn't overclock any better than a 6100?

>most people
Only faggots that are going to buy Kaby Lake are video content creators because of better video rendering and those would be getting a 7700K. Gaymers and normal fags are better off just staying with their Sandy/Ivy/Haswell/Skylake builds because the tiny performance improvement in gayming and basic desktop use isn't worth scrapping hundreds of dollars of hardware to start from scratch. We are going to see shit threads bragging they still are using an i5-2500K overclocked for the foreseeable future.

Get a Z170 board for which exists a BIOS that can still overclock it


>motherboard more expensive than cpu

>The price for an i5-6600k suddenly jumped, making a leap towards the i5-7600k.

Shouldn't the price fall???

Gpu tech is 10 years behind tho. They've been working on cpu for 35+ years.