Sup Forums humor 2










Explain this






What the fug is that gay water mark in the bottom of ever pic










Why the fuck would you add little THIS IS SPARTA Sup Forums tags to each picture?


Yo what browser is that..ho,y shit


Still relevant nine years later.






>he's never heard of Sup Forums



>posts pic
>doesn't have watermark

What ha happens?









What even is this thread



Gold feature. There's a toggle.



Wait...this guy gave Sup Forums money



>how dim can you be
>not how dimm
Joke opportunity wasted


Literal autists v pseudo intellectual autists








Autism and cancer.

It's so he can peddle this shit on his site:





Other users can gift you Sup Forums Gold when they feel like you've made a worthwhile contribution to a thread or just the subchan in general.








I know this is supposed to be a humor thread, but... My T410 ran worse on Windows 10 than on Ubuntu 16.04.

Also, the trackpad is miles better on Linux than on Windows.


















