What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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first for java
also, /fpt/ can suck my flaccid dick
Himegoto is shit
Maki is slut
OP is retard
Thank you for using an anime image.
Tell me about the worst bug you had to solve
Thank you for using a racially diverse image, dpt needs to be more tolerant of other races/nationalities/religions.
Fizzbuzz didn't compile because i didn't have a semicolon
Is she texting in excel? Where is this from?
>Is she texting in excel?
You don't?
the term computer bug actually came to be from a moth, not cockroach
I have shit memory so I only remember one of the most recent when writing my terminal emulator.
For some reason page up/down wasn't working when using `perf report`, but every other TUI had page up/down working, so I had to build perf with debug symbols and start debugging it to debug my own terminal.
I found out perf uses slang, which is really ugly, first suspicion was it was using hardcoded key codes from rxvt, since those were in the source code.
After a while of studying the slang source code I found the function that perf was using for key press handling, and instead of giving a page up/down key it was giving out C1/C2.
Turns out I had a capability in my terminfo for C1/C2 that was exactly the same as the page up/down, and slang was giving precedence to the meaningless C1/C2.
So the bug wasn't related to either my terminal emulator or perf or slang, it was the terminfo I wrote based on the ones from st/xterm/rxvt.
For the record, st still has this bug.
I use word for that
Excel is for emails
>Excel is for emails
Outlook is for emails
Working on my Arduino project
How do I fetch the PC's date and time and store it in an Arduino sketch without using an RTC?
Ur mom is 4 mah deek
No, Outlook is for programming.
damn! sick reply Sup Forumsro
>implying I don't send emails to a mailbox on our domain that gets parsed constantly for new emails, so that it can send the code to a compiler and subsequently be run on our server
>racially diverse image
That is in itself a racist expression. I'll never understand how SJWs can say this without feeling the hypocrisy.
A segfault inside a function call from an open source C++ library itself compiled with the closed source version of a previously open source middleware. This is inside a business environment, so I have no hold on this licensing and dependency hell. Had to rely on the middleware editor support to solve the segfault without knowing what the hell was going on.
Fuck proprietary software and fuck software jew houses.
PS: "jew house" here has to be read as british company bought recently by taiwaneses. Thanks globalization.
Here's one from recent memory: in my Cython code I had an expression of the form 1
Who ASMR here?
What does that have to do with programming?
Text editor poll continues
Numerous out-of-order initialization errors in C++ that didn't manifest during development but caused subtle memory corruption issues in release builds, ones that showed up in a completely different area.
Can't even remember how I solved it, it was ten years ago and I just remember the trauma.
Vim isn't really a standalone text editor, in my opinion. It's a set of key bindings to efficiently navigate and manipulate plain text files. I use Emacs and VS Code more than vim, however when I'm using either of those I'm also using vim.
add it to the list of reasons not to use C++
why the fuck is she writing shit in excel
why is there excel on a nokia phone
who is she talking to?
is that a picture of a retarded person?
I like the text editor that is included with Visual Studio.
is vscode
It's actually a mirror
emacs is acceptable too
nano is for cattlenigger
why use web engine as text editor
why use web engine as anything except web browsing
The United States prevents me from voting in this poll, but I vote for emacs.
Because it doesn't look like it's outta 97
Probably not, depends what the hell you mean by elite. It sure is comfy though.
>why use web engine as text editor
Why not?
>why use web engine as anything except web browsing
Cross platform compatibility.
>The United States prevents me from voting in this poll
Good to see vim and emacs getting a reasonable turn out here. It means there may be some technical skill between the lot of you.
so what are you doing while it launches? do you launch it at evening and go to bed to start working in the morning?
also what do you do when u have file larger than 100kB?
I used gedit because it was the default text editor in my Debian installation.
Learn emacs or vim senpai, the keybindings are godtier
>Cross platform compatibility.
fucking js kiddies
[[To any FBI/CIA/NSA members reading this post, please ask yourself whether defending the Constitution means spying on innocent citizens.]]
They've cut off my access to most popular sites to try to trick me into giving in to the machine.
>caring about the constitution
that's like saying GCHQ care about british people
who notepad++ here? still comfy even after all these years
I could see it being a problem for your 10 year old Indian PC. But in the civilized part of the world, if your computer can't even run VS code, then you have bigger issues.
Believe me, I would use SciTe or gVim if they didn't look like shit, meanwhile I can spare some cycles and some ram to have a pleasantly looking coding experience.
I do
>what is sublime text
do you even know what Cross platform compatibility. is?
VS Code is admittedly pretty damn good.
>make this post as an rms joke
>get a call from Fort Wayne, IN moments later
>pick it up
>"Fort Wayne is a center for the defense industry."
Fuck, what the hell did I do? I know Sup Forums won't believe it but damn.
Not open source.
anyone who uses the buzzphrase SJW is, in fact, an SJW
I would use it if I could pirate a version for linux
>In computing, cross-platform software (multi-platform, or platform independent software) is computer software that is implemented on multiple computing platforms.[1] Cross-platform software may be divided into two types; one requires individual building or compilation for each platform that it supports, and the other one can be directly run on any platform without special preparation, e.g., software written in an interpreted language or pre-compiled portable bytecode for which the interpreters or run-time packages are common or standard components of all platforms.
>Build cross platform desktop apps
VS Code is open source.
Sublime Text ain't.
>I would use it if I could pirate a version for linux
is this bait?
sublime text is available for all platforms
Finding optimal trajectories. Find the fastest way to move from an initial to a final position and velocity under constant acceleration.
how do I attract girls?
>VS Code is open source.
>Sublime Text ain't.
VS Code is still slower than sublime, even though is open sores
top kek
If you learn vim then most of what you learn can be used on servers in the real world.
I sure hope you're not paying for that long distance call
self.money = True
self.attractive = True
self.tall= True
self.funny= True
[[To any FBI/CIA/NSA members reading this post, please ask yourself whether defending the Constitution means spying on innocent citizens.]]
Just like Assembly is super fast and that's why literally everyone uses it for everything, yeah?
>self.funny= True
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin? Go back to
Why does JavaScript get a lot of hate?
1. It's cross-platform.
2. Easy to learn.
3. A lot of it's bugs have been ironed out in ES6.
I really don't understand.
If you wanted to code a simple graphics program why wouldn't you use the HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript to do it?
Because he's writing in some dynamic garbage?
trial version is free for all platforms, and only difference between trial and full is that somethimes (1:100 times?) on saving file it asks you t purchase
With an attractor.
>Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?
please tell me. i am really curious what a NEET basement dueler knows about my life
Post your githubs so I can laugh at how fat you guys are.
no bully pls
How insecure do you have to be to have to justify your usage of fancy notepad.
You must be new to Sup Forums
>easy to learn
>easy to use
Are valid reasons to hate something here.
Because you're too dumb to understand that I was obviously alluding to your awful sense of humor by telling you to go back to .
So if being funny is a requirement to get girls, you are shit out of luck.
a big cock?
Obvious bait
>1. It's cross-platform.
The language itself has no platform specific bits, i.e. it's useless by itself.
>2. Easy to learn.
If all you do is write fizzbuz, sure.
>3. A lot of it's bugs have been ironed out in ES6.
r u callin me fat
>tfw your life is stuck in a non chad infinite loop
penis enlargement
back to rebbit faggot
Le html text editor :^)
If you're a cute girl (male) Im sure they'll start flocking to you.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
imagine you had to do a project with a deadline in a few days, but you don't know what you're suppose to do
I just bombed an interview with Nvidia AMA
Don't worry it's finite. :^)
I'm not even that guy but you are clueless.
>i.e. it's useless by itself.
No. Is C# or Java useless because they require a VM?
>If all you do is write fizzbuz, sure.
Javascript is a very bloat-free (featureless, really) language. It's by far one of the easier ones to learn out of all the popular languages.
You mean the project wasn't correctly scoped out with the client, or what?
That's easily remedied with a quick meeting.
mandatory pic rel
what did they ask you?
provide details pls
Ask for stock options, they're going to the moon this year.
Why does Haskell get a lot of hate?
1. It's cross-platform.
2. Easy to learn.
3. Type system eliminates a lot of bugs.
I really don't understand.
If you wanted to code a useless fizzbuzz program why wouldn't you use Haskell to do it?
Pascal workstation cards when?