Remember when computing was fun?

Remember when computing was fun?

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What made general purpose computing fun was the novelty of the experience.

If it's not fun for you anymore, it's only because you've stopped learning new things. Don't trade discovery for convenience.

Dunno, but I can appreciate trying to fit that much information in such screen resolution. Even though some of it may not be necessary, I find that today there's too much space and too little detail. It's interesting when you can use all your space for most of your tasks.

Yep, this, it isn't fun for YOU anymore because you let yourself get old.

Otherwise you can have yet another shitty "member" nostalgia shit thread.

Other day I was on and looked through some amiga magazines from the time. Literally every picture in there was from turbo beta males, covered in acne. along with almost the entire rest of the magazine being ads for very special hardware you have to have and terrible rip off demos, this doesn't seem like it was much fun of an "era" and you are mis-remembering it on purpose

Install a GNU+Linux distro you're not familiar with and experience it all again.


>compating Linux with AmigaOS
not even close

Kek, keep thinking that.
My brother was an Amigafag since the beginning, well known name, now drives several sportscars, owns two houses and has a young wife and several kids. Guess the acne faggots didnt turn out so bad at all.

Because you weren't there, all you have is an image from it from magazines and together with todays stereotypes of people and technology you interpret it as you want to see it.

Nice bait, made me reply, retarded point though.

Wasn't AmigaOS only popular in the EU.

Well, depends where you lived and if you used a Amiga, you dip.

Dunno, not really I think, the only other equivalent we had in the US at the time was MacOS

Sort of.
America was full of console babbies and mactards, so fewer people had Amigas there.

Don't say that, you're gonna piss the nesfags off.. oh wait, this isn't /vr/ kek

East coast US here. Where I lived we didn't have any marketing for them. They weren't in any big department store like:::sears, Best buys, Circut Citys, or compUSA mid 80's-90s

I'm guessing their marketing team sucked ass or they couldn't compete with the PC clones?


Commodore's marketing was abysmal - bordering on non-existent.

I do remember seeing the Amiga 500 in a few Christmas catalogs (perhaps the Sears Wishbook ?). We had a local dept. store here that always had a badass electronics dept - and they had the A600 right before the dept store itself went under.

Other than that - it was either a small specialty computer shop that sold Amiga - or mail order.

Yeah, there wasn't much market for the Amiga in the US, worldwide market share was equal to PC and Mac though, Atari was quite popular too.

>technological and cultural stagnation of the Middle Ages

Is this bait?

Mostly, America was full of consolefags.

pics or didn't happen.

>you let yourself get old

What fucking shit is this?

>"I went to so therefore I know all about that era"

No you don't.

Its bait you dip

Kek, and you are the unsucessful one with no wife, no job and no car who shitposts on Sup Forums and gets a kick out of telling lies on the internet.

this really isn't a big achievement when it only happened 40 years later. If you worked minimum wage for 60 years you could get all that.

"computing" is still fun, certainly more fun than it was in the 80s. You can get really mentally old at just 20-30. People at the time were anti-computer and wanted to stick with typewriters. Just like now there are some 20 year olds who aren't hipsters but are against smartphones because just because they are too new and they are scared of them. Same exact thing for amiga shits, they became old in the 90s, gave up, and haven't accepted anything else.

One of my favorite things about the age meme is how you can never get over the "you weren't there!" sentence. for example you can't talk to vietnam vets and cite history and the written word because they will just make some shit up on the spot and insist you're wrong.

By the way, I'm 120 and everything you say in response to this post is wrong.

Do you consider the commodore 64, a consolefag system?

Nah, I'm the young brother learning law and working together with my brother.

But keep thinking whatever makes you sleep at night.

C64 was way more popular in the EU, America was funn of NES.

Please make up some better bait if you're going to shitpost...

When the NES hit in the USA, the C64 died quickly there.
In Europe the NES wasn't that popular and the C64 continued to sell.

>Calling Europe the EU
Do Americans really believe that it's a United States of Europe?

No, EU means Europe, same like NA means North America...

Then masterfag, what do you call it?

NA is an initialism.
Obviously that doesn't work with Europe since it's a single word.

Amerilards in this thread were literally saying "the EU" to refer to the entire continent

Release dates always have EU, NA, JP, etc

No problem, I plan to accommodate your needs. Here goes.

-The amiga was a computer system that never existed at any point in time, the amiga is a disconnected collection of old people's mis-remembered memories and thoughts having rotted away over the last 45 years ending up thinking that an entire brand existed. There was no amiga or ever was, and any physical example is no more than the same kind of hoaxer that has gone around the world and constructed very detailed dinosaur skeletons and then buried them hundreds of feet under the ground, perfectly inside bedrock.
-Amiga emulators therefore emulate nothing because there never was an amiga, the only people who download them either want to pretend they suck and don't really use them or just stare at the desktop for an hour or so for muh nostalgia.
-Sabrina online was a 20 year suicide note and also didn't exist, she was electrocuted in the first strip at the gay expo show and the rest is just hallucinations
-Amiga magazines never existed and were all retroactively published in the last 5 years as a cover story using class photographs of smelly nerds who were the only group that would be too autistic to call up and complain that somebody used their picture without permission.

That's all I can come up with for now hope you enjoyed.

Yeah it's not a proper noun

Please get a trip so it would be easier.

No, because i was born in 2004.

Nice nazi dubs.

Amiga causes Muritards to sperg out because the aren't familiar with it and as always, they are scared of things they don't know.

it could also be that it's a 30 year old piece of shit that barely has enough software to get online and be relevant and its still psuedo gay pride exhibitionist fanbase insists that you have to drop thousands on working examples so it can be slow and bad and is living in a circular logic state where the last time they used one was 3 decades ago and all their "memories" about them are wrong and everything you say based on reality disagrees with the rotted ideas they have in their heads and then the word underage is thrown around and the thread is 200 more posts of nothing.

But hey it's really entertaining to keep making this thread saying "Remember when computers were GOOD?" and being completely unable to define in any way, shape, or fashion as to what "good" is. Because they don't remember.

...or maybe people mess around with them because it's fun?

Logical that you faggots don't agree with anything what people enjoy.

>Because they don't remember.
They remember, but you don't, nobody is going to explain it to you. You are in the wrong place doing the wrong thing, not they.


>drop thousands
My A600 with a Vampire cost me 230 bucks total... what are you talking about? Also what software is it lacking? Literary can browse and post on Sup Forums with it.

I find it fascinating how some faggots waste time and spend such dedication on shitposting just because the topic blasts their butt.

Real mature faggot

>tfw justin gets so buttblasted he starts posting porn again
It's like the furry spam threads all over again

Go back to Krautchan.

Sorry, never heard of that place, but will check it out.

>use mouse for almost everything
>keyboard shortcuts few and far between
Good riddance

>keyboard shortcuts few and far between
Wut, I always used keyboard shortcuts with the Amiga

Computing was always tedious. Between troubleshooting and looking through a vast catalogue of crapware for that one program that works you might think you're having fun when you're really just wasting time.

Linux fags still try to do that.

>you might think you're living when you're really just wasting time.


>If it's not fun for you anymore, it's only because you've stopped learning new things. Don't trade discovery for convenience.
Discovery and convenience don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Convenience - Running Windows because reasons

Discovery - Poking and prodding various system assemblies in PowerShell to automate all the things.

Current target in the COM library is Microsoft.Update. Previous targets have been System.Management.Automation.

Also, I miss Solaris 9 and my Ultra 60. Good times...

What if we make the file explorer in 3D?

IRIX is pretty cool but that file manager was really only experimental, it's not very useful.

I am pretty sure i remember 5 minutes ago, thanks.

Holy fuck, literary LGR fags
They have no brain of their own and when LGR uploads something Sup Forums is full of the shitposts

Holy shit, I keked so fucking hard, truth is funnier then the shitposts


Ah, the Amiga, there will never again be such a great platform and OS.

>browsing and posting on Sup Forums
pics or it didnt happen, its a fucking piece of shit from early 90s

what happened?

here, to save the day

>implying MS-DOS didn't replace C64 and Atari games

No, it's what redditors actually believe


Yeah sure, in 'Murica though.