Is all the Apple shilling ironic or genuine? We have so many faggots I can't even tell. Every first post is some faggot selling his macbook to everyone. Discuss
///Apple Shills on Sup Forums \
They are definitely paid shills, ask me now I know.
Apple sells their garbage by shilling the fuck out of them, of course there are paid apple shills here
When confronted they either pretend to be retarded or whinny children.
Nice filename my dude, that photo is stale now. They HAVE to be paid but not by Apple directly I mean, who'd pay losers to shitpost on an anime website about Apple?
You have no idea what immigrants will do to not have to work under the hot sun in farms.
Alright, my bad. Sorry
I guess, but this place seems like a very unlikely target? I mean, they already got the bigwigs like facebook, twitter, instagram believing that green bubbles and anything but a mac isn't modern but for fucks sake a forum about mongolian basket weaving? This is the future my dudes
This, it started with the pink desktop faggot I swear to god
Sup Forums suddenly got popular with all the trumpfags and gamergatefags, it's a good target desu especially since most people still don't know about it.
apple guy here im no shill but i like the iphones design and the glossiness of ios
I guess, since the Sup Forums happenings rebbit has been spreading quite alot here. I mean Mac OS is not a bad OS but the premium you pay for a portless dongle-machine is blasphemous, this goes for both iPhones and Macbooks
anything other than the glossiness of ios? The OS literally owns you and you have to do what it wants.
It has nothing to do with trump. We've been here for years.
I know, you guys are usually the quiet minority. Why the sudden outburst of manchild screeching?
How does it feel to have made the wrong decision?
Battery life is most important and this provides it.
both are the wrong choice. Business laptops will rule the world one day, LONG LIVE THE STINKPAD
You're right, I should just return this free $4,000 laptop.
>headphone jack up that high
>cords all over the screen and keyboard deck
it's been going on for years nigger
I think it's periodical my dude, at every apple event we laugh and shit all over it, then some memester actually buy it and buyers remorse kicks in.
your so dumb
really gets the brain juices pumping.
your LITERALLY the dumbest poster on this whole web sight
sagebombing is against the rules
This is why we can't have a decent discussion about mac shills. They just shitpost everything into oblivion
you have to be 18 or older to post here
I am, which is really sad desu senpai.
theirs no way your over 16
I can't prove it so... take my word for it my dude. I am 18+
your not
Stop derailing thread you pink desktop faggot.
Can we agree that Apple threads should be ignored/pruned?
you should be ignored your a f*cking moron
>web sight
I hope you have a wonderful life.
Kill yourself
I gladly will if it makes you less sour my dude.
It will, so please do it.
this is how you derail a thread. I'm cutting the (You) supply for the macfag now.