What lunchers do Sup Forums use?
What lunchers do Sup Forums use?
Why would you use more than one
The only thing that bugs me about Nova is how it renames my Google Now notifications to "Launcher3"
Nova Prime
Was $0.99 a while ago
Nova is literally the only launcher worth a damn
Nova Prime. It's pretty comfy
Nova is a battery hog.
No it's not
Nova desu
Every time I attempt to use a different launcher I end up coming back to Nova prime
Novafags, I use an old version (2.3 maybe), any reason to update?
Default because I don't have enough autism to use something else
Action Launcher 3.
Depends on which version of Android you're using. I can't say they've added a ton of features since then, it's more about smoothness and compatibility.
Action Launcher 3. Material/pixel feel with customizability.
Android default. What reasons are there to use a third party one?
I use Zen Ui, works great but could be botnet idgaf
Thanks senpai.
Nova, by far!
I don't see Nova in battery stats at all.
Prove it faggot!
wallpaper compaesano?
Nova is overrated imho. Action is better.
I personally just use touch whiz because it handles icon notifications. That's kind of a pet peev with me. I don't always hear my phone beep so i need the icon to display any missed messages.
It just werks (TM)
Bought Nova Prime at €0.50
Action launcher 3
Litterally the opposite
Here you go user
I bought Nova but I don't see the point in using it at the moment. The default Google launcher is fine for me.
>inb4 normie
Only thing I really don't like is that when you unlock the phone it doesn't automatically go to your default home page. If you locked the phone while in a different home tab it will go directly to that and not your home screen.
Same thing if you press the home button when inside an app.
Is this just me or just really stupid design from their part?
Hi holeguy
NLP. Best for keeping things minimal but also fully functional.
I'm using the free Nova. Why should i buy prime?
To support the developers ;)
Nova, everything else is shit at this point.
>supporting closed source software
Top kek
Action launcher is better.
Haven't tried that in a while. I'll install it to see how it goes.
Problem is that most are trying some gimmick to some extent and when you just want to use it, Nova is the one that doesn't gets in your way. Hence why they end up being shit.
It tries to be a clone of pixel launcher now, but it has a lot of neat features like covers which looks like an app but is actually a folder when you swipe up
action launcher looks decent but I'm not spending 5 bucks just to try out an apps features to see if I like it more than nova