Last thread about to die
/bst/ Battlestation
No legs this time?
I'm a pathetic human bean
early this time
I dislike the moderators on this board
Nice vertical monitors.
Happy new year this time. Nice to see a pic from a different angle, my friend.
I don't like this one.
What music do you make? Nice setup.
Finally bought myself a new desk
Mods are gay and don't like female legs
picture with old desk(s) from November
Yeah, special snowflake. Now post your real face
>using a dead cat on an indoor mic
why though?
tfw no /cuteboy/ legs
Happy new year user!
Kinda liked that little corner spot you had on the old desk, but this one looks nice too, specially without the case taking up space. The view is still great.
Updates coming soon for this pic. Ordered a 2015 MBPr and will have a tube clock in a few weeks. Hope everyone is doing well so far in 2017
thank you.
The corner was nice, yeah. But the new desk is actually just like a 25 cm differance from the "downwards lenght" of the corner. So it doesn't bug me that much
For fuck's sake, stop putting yourself in the face of fucking danger just to show us your disgusting socks. Get off that fucking chair and go take a normal selfie with a dildo in your ass like a proper faggot.
I really love the view you guys have here.
Looks kinda funky but the monitor placement totally makes sense.
Looks kinda messy, organize it a bit.
Music producer?
Moderation is kinda bad in every board user.
Makes me want to remove my bunk bed and get a regular one, would have to be fairly small though...
Monitor placement is a little weird but
It's clean, simple, and organized.
thank you man. Never realized how nice my view actually is
>paper hat retarded.
cute as always fagget.
Now thats a comfy view.
Its okay man im lost finding my way right now.
Nice lighting m8
Any ideas on out project thats going to take 10 years to finish?
thank you
>What music do you make?
I work freelance and for broadcast most of the time, haven't done much own stuff in a long time
>Music producer?
oh nice. Can you link some of your work?
also pop filter in a way
dead cats are pop filters yeah, but if there's no active wind or a fan or some shit blowing on it, it's overkill.
Hell yea mate, I would kill to have a view like that and live in a place like that.
I like that type of area.
I have a desk fan
Agreed. My PC was loud as fuck before I switched it over. Those Strix fans are loud.
Comfortable looking mess. The one flush with the wall looks like some sort of poster
I still love your setup.
Loving the ambiance
Not loving the Spotify
Looks cozy. Plan on getting matching screens any time soon?
How you feeling today buddy?
Love the mood lighting. Maybe get some LED strips for your screen too?
Such a fag. I love it. Cute sox
Loving those caps.
Can't see shit. 5/10
I just know you're a chink. Everything has odd placement. 5.5/10
Very nice, though the lights and dolls bring it down a notch. 7.5/10
A mess. 5.5/10
Clean, but doesn't look like anything special. 6.5/10
Lighting is nice. 6.5/10
Has a very nice view. 7.5
Looks amazing in this pic. 8.5/10
Looks nice, a bit cramped though. Nice Pink Floyd poster also. 7/10
It's okay. 6.5/10
If you'd rearrange your shit and clean up a bit, it has potential. 5.5/10
Ugly. 5/10
Degenerate faggot who needs his ass kicked.
eh, thats my old setup.
is what it looks like now.
Ahhh. I saw the view and half thought it may be a pair of anons living together.
New setup looks nice too.
cute shit minty
Good morning Sup Forums.
This really made me think.
Much better than this faggot
An image was supposed to come with this post.
haha. thanks
Get out you aids infested fag
A bit messy but looks comfortable enough. I'd get a wider mousemat and another screen if I were you user.
+1 for having coasters for both of your drinks.
Hi friend :)
a bit older, though
This is really nice user. Saved/
Going to buy some more ram and a AGP gpu (Most likely the ATI X1300) and hopefually make the Dell gx270 optiplex I have laying around usable again.
What a fag
What are you going to be using the PC for?
Older games mostly and hopefully it can run a gnu / linux distro better.
What do you currently run?
And why the ATI X1200?
Yea or maybe you can use it as some type of a server. I am pretty sure it can run GNU/Linux fairly easily.
What are the specs?
Going to upgrade the ram to 2 or 4gb and I tried Xubuntu a while back and it struggled.
>why the ATI X1200?
X1300 actually, its pretty cheap and new on ebay, but I guess any AGP card would work I'm open to suggestions.
Are there any possible CPU upgrades? It's LGA 775 or no?
RAM and GPU upgrade would help a lot.
According to the spec sheet its a .Intel 865G chipset.
A simple typo. apologies.
My next question is, why such an old system?
As for Linux, don't use Xubuntu. It's really quite resource heavy compared to other distros.
>why such an old system?
I've had it for a while and wanted to use it as a NAS or media server and thought if I could make it usable again with a few upgrades it would be worth it. it's currently running XP.
pls no h8
Ahhh. If you're looking for something lighter then I'd recommend Arch or if you can't be bothered with the hassle of the setup then go for Manjaro net edition then install your own DE on it.
XFCE is lightweight
I3 is even more light but it can take some getting used to a tiling window manager.
You said that last time and it seems you listened to my feedback.
That looks much nicer.
Though you still never told me what you were running on that TV in the previous image.
it was just a Plex Server I run on my NAS. Specifically, it was the Plex Home Theater client for PCs
Ahhh fair enough.
I feel like I should look into plex at some point.
I run a web server and NAS on a computer a little better than that but not so great, it would be fine with 2 gb ram and a no-gui GNU/Linux distro you just ssh'd into. Mine runs Debian minimal.
Try to upgrade as much as you can of it user. Which I think would be some RAM and whatever AGP card you can throw in.
Alright will do, thanks for the advice.
No problem. Godspeed.
You mouse looks a little off. Must be the lighting. Is it steelseries?
I actually purposefully got different sized screens and i'm personally enjoying it, both still the same resolution and manufacture of the monitors tho. I have considered rotating it vertically but i'm indecisive.
is sock-chan died?
>Nice lighting m8
Thanks m8. How are you doing? Going through some similar stuff that you mentioned last thread.
>I still love your setup.
Thanks user. Your keycaps are nice. Makes me want to buy a separate numpad.
Different monitors don't look great, but the rest is pretty nice. Cool lighting.
Probably already said it, but I really like the keycaps. I also have the same case in red and same mouse, so that's nice.
The desk looks a bit old, but also pretty sturdy. Cables look a bit messy behind the monitor, but the rest looks pretty nice.
How is Steins;Gate? I've been meaning to play/read it for a long ass time, but there are never any discounts on it for the Vita. Don't wanna read it on PC and don't really want to watch the anime before doing so either.
Do you have a picture with the lights on? Wanna see them cute nendos. Really like the rest a lot.
Some monitor arms would look a lot better than that stand you're using. The left one looks like it's about to fall. You could clean up some stuff, but it looks pretty cool.
Fair enough. to each their own. I did notice they looked rather similar.
Reminds of the 'keep away from me and my son' meme
Worth trying it rotated
You should do it my man, it's nice.
Overall nice, get a monitor stand, and center that picture above setup
>fucking pink and green keyboard
why the fuck do people do this? are you polish?
I'm rather limited by space my friend.
Pics were quickly taken two days ago for an user that asked what my own setup looked like.
Moving away soon so everything is messy.
Need a new desk before I can get a decent monitor stand because the desk itself has nowhere to clamp anything. Only way I was able to get the mic arm to clamp was to stick it in the cable management hole in the corner.
Once I have new place and desk, stands and a lamp or two for lighting are priority.
I do it because it triggers faggots like you.
I know? It's like he can't even tell it's turquoise
You spent money to make something you don't even look at brightly colored.
fucking toddlers.
I'd say its more a teal, and I think a new desk would do wonders
Captcha: road road
>why the fuck do people do this?
I'm seriously curious about this.
Here's the picture on the wall in case anyone is interested.
And your point is?
It's my money to spend and I decided I wanted to make my keyboard look nice.
So I did.
Meanwhile you're having a babyrage at some random person on the internet.
Fake internet points for attention.
The lighting in the previous pictures is pretty crappy. That last one of just the keyboard shows what they really look like. Teal to me is darker and a touch more green.
Why is your picture upside down user?
I really quite dislike that keyboard.
got the caps yesterday, they're cute af
v true
I can't quite tell but are those side-print caps?
Also I assume the case is white?
They are rather adorable. Prefer my own caps however. (See ) for a better picture.
Best mouse club.
>How is Steins;Gate?
I love it, why don't you want to read it on the pc? I'm about to start 0 soon.
I like to play some light stuff or read VNs before sleeping, and doing it on a Vita is a lot more comfy. Maybe now that 0 is out they're going to give some discounts for the first one, but nothing decent so far.
>Ugly as sin case
>Fucking terrible mouse
>Shit tier keyboard
You sire, are the faggot.
Great mouse. Love it to pieces.
Wish the cable was better though.
Yeah, mine is starting to get a little rough around the edges. Scroll wheel is falling apart too, though it's probably easy to fit another one in.
As much as I love the unlocking mechanism in it I can't help but feel it'll lower the overall lifespan of the mouse.
`The cable for mine is starting to fray in a couple of places and it has become untwisted in two places. Almost unfixable.
I think I'm going to go for a Zowie EC1-A when I replace it in a week or two.
The other guy said almost everything but still
>W.B. mask
>Monster can
>Actual kinekt
>Unfinished dinosaur toy
>Illuminated mousepad
what the fuck are you doing?
Pretty sure it's just troll judging from Great job committing to the meme though.
Not bad.
I see that Glorious PC Gaming Race sticker.
Which product did you get?