K so I'm getting my first gaming pc. Someone Rate my setup so far...

K so I'm getting my first gaming pc. Someone Rate my setup so far. Part recommendations that i could exchange for a better\ cheaper one are accepted. I am on a budget so not everything is going to be extremely expensive (except cpu, motherboard, and gpu.)

CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H170N-WIFI Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard (need the wifi)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB GAMING X 4G Video Card
PSU: EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply
Case: Deepcool TESSERACT SW ATX Mid Tower Case

Mind you, I tried asking for help from a friend to pick out parts, but he just laughed at my initial idea to keep it under 250-500. Decided to give in and get better but more expensive parts. Overall Price is going to be about 690-700 bucks. So what do you guys think? Is it worth it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh and heres the pcpp page for my setup

depends what games your going to play but id get a 1060 if your budget can handle it if not id downgrade to a i5 4460 and try and fit it in

There's a thread for this. Search catalog for pcbg.

>western digital blue

i mean im just going to be playing csgo and some AAA tiltles like cod and gta maybe some witcher and syrim for sure basically all the normie games

fuck off to

o no i like playing popular fps's and rpgs.... time to kill myself

didn't stay to kill yourself, but whilst we're at it, yeah, kill yourself.


>"hurr durr look at me, I'm a manchild user who found a board for technology, they'll help me with my gaymes"
>ignores PCBG thread
>uses word "edgy"

retard confirmed

>literally first time on this board
>learned about pcbg thread today
>get yelled at by fat neckbeards defending their board from all non locals and console peasants

>literally first time on this board

I noticed
now fuck off to

you're talking about vidya in a TECHNOLOGY BOARD

don't go mini itx unless you are going to take it seriously, if you need wifi, get an adapter because right now, you are shooting any expandability you might want, right in the foot. plus with the side window, it will look retarded.

There's a board to contain you dumbasses.

well what motherboard do you recommend? and what adapter? kind of want to stay below 750

lmao i literally barely metioned vidya and you're getting so heated. fucking neck beards lmao

>le Sup Forums is neckbeards meme

>ITX board
>ATX case

im new to this lmao so if i messed up then feel free to correct me kind of want to stick with the mini itx tho

Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I is a popular cheap wireless adapter. for the motherboard, msi provides plenty of budget options, the msi b150m mortar is a popular mobo, but there are more options for mobos if you wish.
take advantage of the space savings and get a matx case as well.

I don't even browse Sup Forums on the regular or know anything about technology, but you're a fucking idiot.

instead of 1x8 GB RAM buy 2x4. It enables dual channel communication. Check your mobo's manual which slots you should use.

thinking about expanding to 16 later on so thats why i went with one 8 gb


>need to upgrade pc
>remember how expensive dollar/peso is right now



Here you go op, bit more pricy then your original build but 20x better

>building a PC before RYZEN™ and Vega are released

um... brah

LITERALLY the worst time to buy a pc right now

wait and prices will be adjusted, then buy

holy shit lmfao at people buying right now

you're literally getting on your knees and paying for sloppy seconds

Ah, you have only two slots? Then I understand. Speed penalty is not really significant.

This CPU is overpowered for a GTX1050 Ti - get at least a 1060 6GB or go a step down on the CPU.

stop saying mini itx

get a small and cheap case and buy a 1060 with the money you save

i mean i plan on upgrading the gpu after i buy my initial build but just not now. like i said i am on a budget

this is the best post
>hardware prices go down
>might have better price to performance for new hardware
OP just wait it out.

i just built a rig for about $600 with asus 170ar, gtx 1060, i5 6600k, ssd 250gb, 2tb sata drive, and windows $10 i think i did pretty good mom

wow rip

ya blew it kid

>single channel mammary
Lol that's what bottle nicked you really hard

Get a smaller case
Jesus christ, you wouldnt even have to change the mobo

Okay, seriously. You talk like a fucking faggot 16 year old. Not trying to be offensive, but all the fucking lmaos and other lingo/abbreviations you're spitting is just full blown autism. What's the point of changing "oh" to "o"? Is it that hard to type for you?
You don't have to act like your typing up a fucking iMessage

>1060 3gb

I know how to structure a sentence properly and spell. I mainly type like that because I could really care less how I type in an anonymous online image board. Either way, that o was mainly to make fun of user.

Yeah I switched it out don't worry user.

Whats wrong? Thats not a bad price for a 1060