/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

/Janny/ edition

The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Come blog with us
#ptg on irc.rizon.net, SSL only

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

• Sarek gets recapped & NoStream is dead as fuck ... or is it? • Tips on buffer farming • Apollo refuses to release the leech • MTV is now recruiting from MaM PU • Jannies do it for free • Saintyawn still alive • Attentionfag wants some attention • PTH gets more official recruitment threads
• user thinks the world owes him something • Not on PTP? HDB is the route for you!

>Friendly reminders
• Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
• Staff read & post in these generals.
• This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
• Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
• Sarek is finished

>Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


first for both apl and pth are shit

>tfw i'm a meme now
i'm ok with it

>he thinks he's a hotshot because he got onto hdb

>when student notes on a student society are protected by a password
>the password is literally supplied in a pdf visible to anyone on the web and the password is literally STUDENTSOCIETYNAMEpassword
>tfw I'm literally download 10 GB of secured notes off google drive

upload that shit

share, bro, you're in ptg

Fucking Nostream. At least the hacker has a sense of humor.

new apollo pick never

it was cancelled due to lack of interest

all their previous picks have been shit from a dog's anus

xth for ab is cabal

>he actually believes it's a hacker

Press F to pay respects to nostream.

>he doesn't know that nostream and pth merged

The only way that would happen is through Human Instrumentality user.

"Merged" would imply NoS had something PTH didn't
It was merely absorbed

ok kid

I think you're thinking of PTH's shitty christmas albums. Anybody who listens to She & him should be euthanized.

Why do specs look like shit when I transcoded from a flac?


Post the FLAC spek

>he doesn't cut hard for She and Him

what's it like to have such shit taste, user?


>why does my lossy encode have loss?

16kHz shelf is from LAME's -Y switch probably

>liking trash tier starbucks music

That's ok right?

yes. it looks like it just got rid of higher frequencies that were pretty quiet to begin with.

>PTH gives invites to users for the jolly good holidays
>O pulls a poo in loo and removes inv offering
>XnX loses all absolute use
Good thinking. You lost your opportunity on infiltrating your rival with the nuclear cancer you possess.

Tell me some funny situations from private trackers so I can draw them.

Guys I miss what so much

Oh, ok. Thank you user.

O gave 5 invites to everyone

XNX right now is basically only good for apps and other non-music torrents
>that one time demonotaku thought he was a worthwhile human being
gets me every time
>saintyawn bragging about being in "top tier" trackers by posting screenshot after screenshot, then ends up accidentally leaving his username in and marking himself
>sarek being the dumbest nigger in town
>/ptg/ continuously pissing in 312c's cereal and there's nothing he can do about it

what was so fucking based

we'll never have it that good again

oops i misread.

All those obscure releases gone. All those collages that took hundreds of collective hours to put together gone. ;-;

>it just got rid of higher frequencies that were pretty quiet to begin with.
*that you can't hear to begin with

>saintyawn bragging about being in "top tier" trackers by posting screenshot after screenshot, then ends up accidentally leaving his username in and marking himself

He's still in all those trackers despite being /marked/ though

Apart from shitposting here, how exactly does /ptg/ piss in 312c's cereal?

it goes the opposite way: 312 pisses in our cereal usually :/

Give it a few years

over the past year ive posted my hdb pth btn and ptp usernames here and still havent been marked

You can't know that for sure m8. If you ever get disabled good luck convincing staff to let you back in

312c has us all in his database, don't you worry. He's just waiting for us to slip up

>mfw /setforlife/ on pth and apooloo

post db9 stats

Where can I find some releases from Spinnin', Never Say Die, Savage Society, NSD Black Label and other record labels? Also where can I get VSTs too?

get your pimp ass an APOLLO invite

god of music has you covered! :)

>Where can I find some releases from Spinnin', Never Say Die, Savage Society, NSD Black Label and other record labels?
PTH, Apooloo, RuTracker

>Also where can I get VSTs too?
AudioNews. Open reg on the 2nd of every month

how do I register on PTH?

If you're not already on at least one reputable tracker then you're out of luck friendo. Wait for interviews if they ever open up

If I use qbittorrent, will they accept me?

post email

I don't think they have a whitelist, just a blacklist. Qbittorrent isn't on it

Sorry, I don't have any. But I am looking forward to that.

If this is bait, I'm taking the hook

He's trying to ruse you. Don't ever post an email address in this thread, you'll get blacklisted by tracker staff


apooloo staff picks up finally

[email protected]



why the fuck are so many of the album covers like this

What's the next step beyond the private tracker RPG? Scene topsites?


check now cuck

it's not announced yet but you can look in the freeleech search for it

Example - Impulses [1997] [EP]

people not using https img hosts. They're making their own imghost to move them all over to.

apooloo staff
CAT SHIT taste

fuck off

actually a good pick desu

xth for it's all in the hand.

h*h open signup for 45 more min. Hurry.

Let's spam [email protected] and [email protected] anons

h4h is gay

omg thanks

More than once a week I get on PTP IRC and call 312c a cuck.
He hasn't replied yet. What do?

tired of this trick ass shit

where's the outlaw county?? where's the sex pop.

fuck off with your shit taste, pooploop staff!

just tell him more often

calling him a cuck once every 3 seconds should get you your answer

>outlaw country
>sex pop
how is this level of autism not fatal?

No you don't, kek.

the fuck are you on about? you don't even know what autism means.

sir I have a PHD in psychiatry dealing specifically with those on the autism spectrum. You appear to be far more advanced than most of my patients. I'd suggest you seek help immediately.

fuck that gay shit. where's the technical powerviolence?? where's the progressive bleep hop?

>making up genres

just got posted

what did he mean by this?


If dubs, you send that and take a screenshot.

Can any of my /ptg/ bros check their private trackers to see which tracker got Twixtor Pro V6 plug in for After Effect (mac version)?
Just give me the name of the tracker that got it and I'll find an invite myself
Its been about a week but I am still looking for this damned plugin in every private tracker I knew and there is still no sign of it

found it on h4h

reminder that what.cd staff pick was once a literal recording of a field

wew laddies, who added those torrents to the poor lads seedbox?

NOPE'd the fuck out
what the fuck is wrong with you

I am just helping seed the 2hus

don't know what you mean :^)

and it was 2435 times better than this pooloo shit

Anyone else notice that autist who reported the DAT FLAC for the staff pick because the "album tags" contained extraneous info....

yeah that's pure hook shit

i hope gets blown the FUCK out

valid report imo

How do tracker keys get stolen?

/ptg/ is filled with way too many edgy redditors.