Has there ever been an instance of very popular FOSS having obfuscated code in it that did something malicious?

Has there ever been an instance of very popular FOSS having obfuscated code in it that did something malicious?

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FBI backdoor implemented in OpenBSDs IPsec layer.

Luckily other OSes doesn't have this problem, because they have standards to readability. Theo de Raadt only cares about code purity.

who is this man

Jimmy Numale

how obfuscated was it?

The essence of cuck made form

It contained cryptography math, which makes it unreadable for 99% of code monkeys.

written in what?

I wouldn't use Mint, Elementary, or Solus if you care about security.

Theo is fucking hilarious
>code purity !! no features !!
>why is linux winning? :(
>down with GPL! not true freedom!
>waah big companies are making billions off our work and giving nothing back

IRCd on gentoo iirc

C of course, what the fuck do you think an OS would be implemented in?

Funny how nobody has found the backdoor yet after years of accusations.

It was silently patched and commit history was deleted, everyone knows this.

How can it be patched when zero evidence of it existing has ever been found?

lips duh

I literally just explained it to you. Revision history was tampered with. There are bunch of people who have older versions that have posted sha256 checksums that differs from those found online.

Post the patch

Make me

So it doesn't exist? Just as I thought.

It wouldn't have been secretly patched if random anons on the internet had it, now would it?

Just google OpenBSD and checksum mismatch, you'll find plenty of relevant results.

Not me, but nice samefagging and false flagging of you. It's not apparent at all.


I like this guy. Seems like a wacky zany character I'd like to hang out with once or twice.

>wanky zanky

What kind of weird fetish is this?

>OpenBSD FUD is STILL going around
Holy shit, you can say anything and have it parroted.

one of those people you just want to punch in the face

>OpenBSD doesn't have a backdoor
>Jet fuel can obviously melt steel beams
>9/11 wasn't an inside job
>vaccines aren't a CIA infiltration gig
>obviously Russian hackers leaked emails to wikileaks

Wake up sheeple


OS written in Node.js when?

ASM. If no ASM no good
C is for inferior OS programmers

Do you people really believe this shit?




Idk if this counts but i remember a developer made a typo in an update that was:
>rm -rf ~/ home/program/whatever
Which executes as:
>rm -rf ~/

Bumblebee and Steam did that.

Chromium downloaded an obfuscated binary blob. Eventually someone noticed and reported it to the Debian developers.

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this particular cuck lately?

I think it's because he looks so fucking ridiculous.

Python. You can do anything in Python.

You're not kidding

hahaha for a second I thought it was actually him.

What was just some hacky script for laptops with multiple GPUs.

That wasn't malicious, albeit extremely destructive.


>rm -rf ~/ home/program/whatever

~/ is /home, fyi

That's what he meant.
This script would purge the contents of every sub-directory of /home it had access to

you sure it wasn't rm -rf / home/program ?

OP here. I didnt really think too much about it but yes youd be correct. Not that it matters.

Since that program most likely didn't run as root, that would just have just caused a ton of permission errors for a long time during which it would be hung. Until the user got tired and killed it. It probably wouldn't ave time to get to something it could actually delete.

Sup Forums should just block mobile traffic. Gets rid of the iTards and cuts back on a large chunk of server load in one fell swoop.

Purity? What the shit is that?

That's when you hijack a project (OpenSSL), and start posting code online on mailing lists and blog and ridicule it and tell the original author to choke on a bucket of cocks because he decided to not use brackets around his one-liner if conditions.

