Do you consider Wincucks, Applefags, or Freetards the most annoying?

Do you consider Wincucks, Applefags, or Freetards the most annoying?

probably freetards because outside of Sup Forums, winfags and applecucks don't go around telling everyone how much better they are due to their OS


Have you ever met a mac user? They just spurt bullshit about Windows having Malware and their OS being secure. That and the "muh speed" argument.

I've met less than ten freetards though, they knew when to shutup.

why did you make a thread asking an open question if you were going to try to discredit anyone who disagrees with your opinion

what is debate

your dumb
debat that nerd


Applecucks are always bandwagoners who don't really understand pc's but "yay apple my computer is awesome." And I'm an iphone fagg here but fuck OSX.

Winfaggs are worthless cucks who dont even know pc's either.
>> If you don't run Linux you aint shit.

What is the derogatory term for BSD users?

dumb phone poster

That implies someone uses bsd.

Bsd cucks

Most people IRL annoy me and most people run Windows, so I'm going to with that. People with Macs and people who run *nix are more likely to have an IQ of at least 105 and be slightly more bearable.

What version of OSX are you running?

what version of dumb phone poster os are you running

on Sup Forums - freetards

irl - apple goyims


1. Freetards
>muh gobunism
>muh libre
>muh decade old hardware
>smells like patchouli

2. Applelfags
>muh applel way
>muh iTunes
>muh snowflake hardware
>smells like astroglide

3. Wincucks
>muh business class
>muh .NET core
>muh gaymen hardware
>smells like curry

On Sup Forums - macfags cause of that one pedo who spams his degenerate desktop

Real life - Wincucks only because ms hires shills to encouraging people to try out the surface and windows 10


I had to search what the first two ">smells like" items are.

5-6 years ago it would have been applefags, but lately wincucks have been pissing me off more by incessantly ragging on apple.

I'm a wincuck who hates apple but I don't take literally every single opportunity to slam apple like some of these shits do.

*his (faggot)

she's a girl, she's posted pics before

Yeah ok, and here's a pic of me.

No he hasn't, faggot

wow your cute

On Sup Forums, freetards are very annoying. The months before the Windows 10 release there were multiple threads a day about the Windows 10 botnet, and they still pop up sometimes. They also assume they are better than you based on your OS. I'm a freetard but goddamn you guys are annoying.
I would call applefags more annoying, but I'm pretty sure most of the stupid remarks are bait by other os users.

In real life, applefags are terrible. They won't accept that their computer isn't better, think they are immune to viruses, and more. Know someone who is still using their 2012 MBP that takes 5 minutes to boot up. Their excuse is "a Windows computer would never last this long!"

The person who cares enough to make a thread asking who is the most annoying.

Freetards are definitely the most noisy and autistic ones but they are also a small minority and often got a point. Haven't encountered an annoying Macfag in years. Wincucks are probably the worst because the noisy one also tend to be completely clueless Sup Forums tards, the autistic wincucks also tend to be even more autistic than Freetards.

As a Macfag myself, I find other Macfags to be the most annoying. They look at me like some kind of amazing hacker for using disk utility through the terminal to list and format flash drives. Winfags come second, since they usually don't walk over and try to unzip my pants like degenerate hipsters because of the machine I use, but they're usually tech illiterate. You ask a Winfag which directory they put a file in, and they look at you sideways until you repeat the question using the word "folder" instead. I've only met a handful of freetards, but they were usually fun to chat with and they actually know how to use computers beyond facebook and porn. I did meet an Arch user in real life though, and he was probably 500 pounds and insulted my Debian desktop. That happened at defcon a few years ago when I went.

What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?

>gaymer faggots
>computer illiterates
>unproductive users

At least Applefags have photographers, designers, and non-gaming productive people using their operating system.
Freetards seem to be very passionate about computing, so props to them

I apologize on behalf of archfags. Not all of us are like that, just a lot of us.

>muh gaymes
>muh yahoo toolbars
>muh updates every 5 minutes
>muh anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware, anti-adware, anti-spam software
>muh botnet

I am a Mac user, and a Windows user, and occasionally a linux user

most people don't take treat their OS / computer of choice as a religion, linux users frequently do however


Wincucks by far, specially male.

I'm a GNU/Linux user and I don't like to play games and I specially don't like to watch other people play games.

Windows users generally also have an XBox they like to use as much as possible and if they are not playing games on that then they play games on their Windows box.

Both Mac people and GNU/Linux people usually don't start playing on their computer when I'm around. They also mostly understand more about computers than how to turn it on and how to run and play games.

Kind of like how atheists need to announce their religious beliefs constantly while no one else does.

It seems atheists and Linux users have more in common than thought.
[insert] fedora.jpg[/insert]

>and I specially don't like to watch other people play games.
This. I have wincuck friends who would reject actually going outside and doing something to play games as simple as Minecraft. Another friend (who happened to be a mac user) travelled 12 hours to see us and family from their state. And these stupid gamers would rather stay inside and play vidya than hang out with the person who drove across borderrs to see them.

I am happy I had a craptop that would only run Linux and terrible Windows partitions when I was a teenager, or I would probably be a neckbeard gamer.

TL;DR I need new friends.

Wincucks without a doubt. There's no inbetween with Windows users: they either don't give a shit about what OS they're using or they take it way too damned seriously and refuse to tolerate anything else (latter group being the wincucks). Windows users with opinions are almost always hardcore MS fanboys.

On the other hand, Mac users will most often respect Linux at the very least and will acknowledge that macOS doesn't fit everybody, and you'll never hear a Mac user seriously suggest running macOS on a server, because they know Linux is better suited for that. Serious Linux users will usually tolerate Mac users on grounds of macOS being a *nix, even if it doesn't follow their standard of freedom.

Both freetards and applefags agree on avoiding Windows as much as possible, though. Wincucks don't really have another group of users they can consider compatriots.

>Do you consider Wincucks, Applefags, or Freetards the most annoying?
can i add OP to the list

like what the fuck, who sits around thinking of shit like this

Android and iOS users 2bh. Sup Forums really needs to differentiate between computer and appliance.

Mactoddlers by a landslide.



Freetards for sure, here they are known as like vegans/sjw because they have their face so far up the own ass trying to police everyone else life and getting very emotional unstable when they don't get their way.




freetards are as annoying as applefags
wincucks just get shit done

Freetards, because they display this smug sikrit club mentality, while always trying to proselytise and convert others to their preferred OS.

Macfags because most of the time they're just faggots who picked their OS based on looks and other delicate criteria.

Winfags can also be annoying when they keep spamming threads about Win10.

I use Win10 mostly, but I have macOS in dual boot for dev work and testing. Ubuntu on the server. So I kinda use all OSes, because I have to test stuff on each.

>wincucks just get shit done
next next install finish.

Simple bastards

they all can be annoying at times, nothing worse than a fanboy, the fuckers deserve curbstomped

>applecucks don't go around telling everyone how much better they are due to their OS

Doing the exact opposite is the literal definition of everyone with an shitty outdated iphone or old mac workstation i have met.
My IT teacher even took his time to make sure the IT classroom is named after Steve Wozniak, and posted printed mails he received from him in a glass cabinet on the hall outside.

Big, smelly degenerates

Any that will proclaim the OS they use as the superior OS, I use them all and can see benefits and trade offs.

anyway, true god tier is DGUX

Windows users = Uneducated
Mac users = Pretentious
Freetards = Advanced end-users

Most accurate post.

seconded for accuracy

>android tablet power-users

Well, they have not tried Arch Linux... If they had they would love it.

Advanced end = "knows how to view files from terminal"

Probably wincucks because they go all linux isn't free if you value you're time, an muh vidya gaymen, and are sofa king retarded they don't even see the outrageous ironing of that dichotomy.
And let's face it, Windows is utter shit software, and basically spyware.

>productive people
These people have no PC skills, are illiterate faggots themselves 99% of the time are super unproductive (them buying a MAC for being "productive" is enough proof for this fact).

I hate the average Windows user. But if you are implying that Macfags are better in any way, shape or form you are fucking retarded.

>muh anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware, anti-adware, anti-spam software
This is literally a single 300MB piece of software, that runs in the background, muted.

Freetards,muh gento,muh faster,muh better.
Besides Freetards,Wincucks and Applefags ,the worst on Sup Forums are this fucking AMD/NVIDIA/Intel FAGGOTS.
Every day this annoying "IT`S OVER" threads.

Close, but there's bleed-over between the latter two groups. Some of the more vocal Linux desktop users are pretentious as fuck and a significant percentage of Mac users are software engineers and thus advanced end-users.

While plenty of software engineers use Windows (mostly developing software for MS platforms) they're a tiny, tiny percentage of all Windows users.

Everyone but mac users, because mac users actually don't give a fuck because they don't need to desperately convince themselves they made the right purchase.

They just know.

assuming they are all otherwise intelligent people, wincucks are the worst by far

an intelligent mac os user is fine, as is an intelligent gnu/linux user. if someone is especially dumb or annoying, this kind of overrides the tier list

BSD and its users are pure

>because they don't need to desperately convince themselves they made the right purchase.

Mactoddlers are literally the only ones desperately trying to convince themselves they made the right purchase.

Freetard here. I'm a libertarian not a communist.

But Woz is actually the only good part of Apple though.

Also he likes Linux.

Never met any linux users irl.
All my surroundings are mostly windows users, except for several mac edgelords who enjoy telling us what poorfags we are because they can actually buy useless but fashionable shit on their mothers money.
That's why my vote is for applefaggots.

That's worse, you nitwit.

Communism is awful, but at least it's functional enough to get off the ground. It's been tried; the results suck, but there are results.

Libertarianism is pure fantasy. It's like saying your political philosophy is based on Oz or Narnia.

Keep your goddam politics in Sup Forums

>intelligent mac os user

>mac os user

>but lately wincucks have been pissing me off more by incessantly ragging on apple.

Let me guess. You're a Windows user. Posts like these are one of the reasons you guys are by far the worst. You don't even understand that your OS is vastly inferior to any unix-like OS, or that Mac OS is actually pretty decent.

I still prefer GNU/Linux, but generally you can tell someone is uneducated by them hating on Mac OS.

Wincucks are the least annoying because they are too simple. The applefags are the most annoying.