It's amazing how powerful modern mobile processors are.
What do you think of this comparison of a 7th gen gaming console and a gaming tablet.
It's amazing how powerful modern mobile processors are.
What do you think of this comparison of a 7th gen gaming console and a gaming tablet.
that's an 8th gen console
both look like shit
Nintendo Switch looks better
>playing anime
Nintendo looks way better
All those shit effects ruin the game, way better without all the flashy toddler shit
Nintendo wins again
Lmao switch can't into particle FX
You're kidding, right? even with these inherently shit graphics, the Switch version is missing the particle and glow effect around the character, is missing ambient occlusion, and the environment textures took a massive dive - just look at the walls and floor.
>Needing """particle FX""" to enjoy a game
I want manchildren to leave
Are you a sonygger falseflagging as a Nintentoddler or are you a genuinely retarded Nintentoddler.
LOL at the screenshot.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Are you an idiot? Playing nintendo games has NEVER been about the graphics
Gamplay > Graphics
Yes but this isn't even a Nintendo title.
They're just pointing out the fact that the Switch is underpowered as always. Is it a big deal? probably not.
But it is...something to look at
>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
WTF hahaha I can't even fuckin breathe
Is this the beginning of a new meme?
Toasting in epic Bread
Which dragon quest is this?
"Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
LMAO what the fuck
screencapping this
> Old shitty meme
It will fail worse than PSVita.
Vita failed because of its meme cards that cost almost half the console and shit the bed constantly.
I think what he meant to say was "Has anyone even really been this far in to the game, as to decide to even want to go and see what more looks like?"
That's not a fair comparison. How do we know the version of the game in the bottom picture is optimized as well as the other? It could be a whole different port and might not use the Switch's graphical capabilities to their fullest. Fuck off back to Sup Forums with these retarded threads
Fuck off!
>:^^)))) EPIC !
Only nintendo console I've ever used is Wii and I remember it sucked ass back then
What's the point of high-res textures when you disable almost all post-processing? The bottom screenshot looks so SHITE. DOA.
Fucking newfags
This guy gets it
You just described Nintendo in a nutshell.. "flashy toddler shit"
SNES, N64 and GC disagree with you.
It's always the same damage control from you nintendards.. gameplay,gameplay. Why not have it all? Who the fuck buys a game hoping that the gameplay is shit? When i buy games.. i want it to be fun as well as look sexy af.. and running smooth as butter. The only reason you morons run to the gameplay/fun argument is because you know damn well Nintendo will never give you anything powerful enough to keep up. All of my games are fun and gorgeous as fuck.
>missing the particle and glow effect
The effect happens in the Switch version too. It was too hard to get a screenshot of it.
Switch is literally PS2 level
even the Wii could do better than that
And retards are going to buy that junk
Nintendo just have a far superior OS
Top kek
>modern mobile processors
My sides, this is perfect
You have not played a ps2 in a long time.
Please go back and play a ps2.
Thank you.
the only thing that's different is lower resolution on the PS2
don't delude yourself
Would your rather have particle effects or a party and a face cam?
its a e3rd person game not played on her back. Occlusio is not necessary. That's the sign of polish passed the 90s AAA title. Kinda like how the ost ahould serve a whole role, the lighting does too. Youre all just drunks. You want everything like a brewery. "Mai favorite chunks of the barb!"
like if nothing casts a shadow on her clothing but her cleavage...
if it offers me what the ps2 did I might get it. I bought 360 for oblivion and fallout.
That's a big difference though.
This should be in Sup Forums. This doesn't really talk about the technology involved behind their graphics but is just a thinly veiled e-penis contest.
looks pretty thick when all things are considered...