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Technology #585
How much is this worth
I need a laser printer replacing ink. Which one does Sup Forums recommend...
Barron Trump is one of us, Sup Forums...
Tips for someone learning to touch type?
/nsg/ - Netsec General
Upgraded to Debian Linux because Sup Forums said so
This Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Opera plugin destroys ad companies!
Expert: Meitu is no worse than any other application, outrage is due to "racism"
Hello sir, this is Microsoft tech consultant
Explain why you dont use Gentoo Linux
Why would anyone use this?
What kind of cursor do you use?
Is2.Sup admin has all electronics seized by us border
How can anyone compete?
Screenfetch thread. Postem up Sup Forumsayboys
Virtual Machine noob thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What is a good beginner crypto book?
Hey some local boy is trying to sell my a pc with a i5 processor (doesnt know which one until he checks) 16gb of ram...
No /mpv/
There was a black spot on my monitor, my friend told me to press it so it would go away...
What does Sup Forums think of
It legitimately makes me angry at how poorly this company is run
Old people and computers
Anybody now of a fuckin tool like a HexEditor type of thing that can also represent the data in byte format?
I want a gmail account with my real name for my job, but I need to have a phone number to verify it...
Tinker Board, Asus's answer to Raspberry Pi
I actually thought it was pretty alright
What are better alternative to PHP and/or PHP & SQL?
Close button doesn't close
Again? Congress still messing with net neutrality
Thanks to the internet I'm officially depressed
FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules “as soon as possible”
What was your first cell phone?
QT vs gtk
Overpriced AYYYDell circlejerk
Im in
Why no other distro has something like the AUR?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I've just installed waterfox-bin from AUR and holy fuck it's fast. And what is even better...
Idle win 10
New FCC Chairman
/ungoogled-chromium/ thread
1 cent worth of aluminum
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
The only tech you need
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Yes Mr. President Edition
What would I use SPARC for? What are pros and cons if we compare it with x86 (aside of tons of software for x86)...
Other than escaping botnet what are the advantages of Linux over windows?
He still uses windows for anything other than gaming
$1500 for some batteries and a PCB the size of a flash drive
Is there a better NoSQL db?
Old tech general thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
There are people who buy expensive meme soundcards instead of just setting the equalizer to powerful
Boot time thread
I bought a digital vt-62 terminal because i thought it was an old pc is there a use for it at all?
I'm fucking tired of firefox's poor performance (and occasional unstability)...
Browser tier list
Should I finally upgrade from the i5 2500k...
Do you think Trump is going to stick to his word on net neutrality?
Pwn2Own 2017 Takes Aim at Linux, Servers and Web Browsers
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are HDD caddies worth a try?
Where were you when SSD cucks got BTFO
Found iPad
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I've finally finished learning C
How do you pronounce:
Worst drives of all time?
Will We Ever Win?
Memes aside, what is wrong with Arch Linux?
Is this monitor worth it?
Erratic Wifi Speeds
He doesn't rotate his RAM every 6 months or every 1,000 hours
/nsg/ - Netsec General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Samsung quantum dots
Junior developers used to be fresh CS graduates programming since 12
Windows 7 + new Intel CPUs
Sup Forums is shit now
Anyone know where I can find this exact clock?
Find a flaw
/wt/ watch thread
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
What are some badass Sup Forums-related things you can say to bullies that you can get away with because they will...
Probably many of you are hoarding terabytes of data. How do you keep it organized...
0.99$ custom mousepad
Buy American
How freetards can even compete?
Java was originally invented as a language for use in Embedded Devices
Anyone else here /UMPC/?
Why does everyone call the SSD a meme?
Laptop for my father
What's wrong with ubuntu?
Is this the right way to fix a cpu Sup Forums?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
What the actual fuck???
Is 8k the end game?
What is the point of Remote Desktop unless you are tech service?
Holy fucking shit i'm so mad right now
I met a software engineer that insisted technologies like OpenSSH with an open source licence might have back doors...
Tfw esports was just a fad
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Three devices is two too many
95% of Sup Forums does not actually work in the field of IT, some argue
Gates has a 3% stake in microsoft
Let's be honest: this man is bad for tech...
Shit looks abandoned
Why did it fail?
Why haven't you uninstalled firefox yet?
Fixed a laptop and got to keep it!
Imagine you're a QA and you wrote an acceptance test. How do you test your test?
How do you choose to write your unit tests in C, Sup Forums?
The Singularity
Why havent the linux community yet in 2017 invented a simple tool for chosing color schemes for your system?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Buy pic related
Anyone else late in their late 20s...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Oh boy
Windows ad thread
Instead of making the user remember his password why don't websites just generate a password whenever requested and...
I think I broke it
Terry's Stream
Are you still meant to defrag once a week?
Apps you install on a new computer
Pic unrelated, i finally have my own room in my college apartment...
Sup Forums faps over handheld PCs
How did your distro hopping journey end?
What the fuck were they thinking?
Sticker Thread
Trump is L I T E R A L L Y letting Pajeet lead the FCC
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How often do you guys scam websites like newegg or amazon or any other sites...
Hey geeks what's the best manga reader for pirated manga
"Don't create a new thread on page 1" doesn't mean sit on your ass until page 8 Edition
Ayyyyyy lmao
DE General
You belive in binaural Beat ?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/wdg/ - web development general
If I look at doujins (non-loli) on my university wifi I won't get in trouble right?
It's Finally Friday Audio Thread
Is Apple File System going to become the best file system?
How fucked are we?
Home Screen Thread
So basically Intel admits it doesn't have good engineers to make something better than the bolted on Pentium Pro core...
Anything useful to do with a Raspberry Pi?
What happened?
Does Sup Forums listen to music while programming or doing technology related work? If yes, what do you like?
What programming language would Tomoko use?
Proof FLAC 96000hz is better than mp3 320kb
Looks like it's time to dump leftyfox...
So apparently WoT sells your identity and browsing history
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Screenfetch thread?
Pick one and only one
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
New Macbook Pro is gonna have 32gb of Ram
What went wrong?
Chrome extensions
Well, what do, now ?
Firefox Addons
Be computer tech
Does anyone know what happened to gummi latex for Windows? Used to have be on github, but not anymore
Type at 65 wpm
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
I've been hearing sparking noises come from my PSU, I'm absolutely positive it's not a mechanical noise...
I used to turn my pc off before bed RELIGIOUSLY, but without that I'm older and lazier...
What do you use your computer for?
Leo Laporte caught with porn live on TWiT (again)
What would you do if you received 8-10 P4 computers + a fuckton of old parts and cables?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
H-hold me, Sup Forums
Help me identify this model. A guy is selling this very cheap. I'm thinking of buying it
Whats the best way to learn html, Sup Forums?
Let's have a thread about anime and computers
Why run any other distro?
What's the CHEAPEST Android tablet that's GOOD?
So, youtube is a camwhore site now
So, the debate over Net Neutrality is pretty one sided...
Should i upgrade to windows 10 ?
Holy shit how cucked can you be? I was going to try and live with it but Mozilla is beyond help at this point
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Font thread
What is your favourite lunix distro?
Trump had to give up his Samsung Galaxy before being sworn in
What went wrong?
/sqt/ - Stop Asking Stupid Questions Thread
It's time Sup Forumsuys! Arch Linux vs Gentoo Linux thread
This is the current state of Windows 10
Television thread
Saved all my audio files as MP3
1 Idiot vs 2 Cisco E-Switches
You must learn a programming language posted below your posts
So what moron thought it was a good idea that the whole system should cease booting if a single fstab entry is no...
Using Windows 7
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is Poojitsoft trying to make W10 Education go away?
Is any resolution above 1080p a meme?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Average computer user here. I finally understand why Sup Forums hates windows first hand
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I got this headphone amp (I realize there are headphones amps out there specifically for use with guitars and I may...
Is this thing Sup Forums approved?
How come phones haven't really advanced that much in the last 5 years than they had in the previous 5 years before that?
1440p IPS Gsync Monitors
How come there are no good open source GUI git clients?
Let's share some mp3 players
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
How do we stop the Arch epidemic from destroying more lives?
It's the clover randomly freezes episode
ITT post linux hints and things you need to know about linux and using linux distros
If there's two people in the office with the same mouse type, how do those USB dongles tell each mice apart?
Question for linux fags: how can i cache a file into memory...
How the fuck do I turn off this retarded layout with rectangles?
/C General/
Toshiba is dying
This is the best a billionaire could do
If Sup Forums is soo good a coding, how come it doesn't has its own app?
I've been wearing over ear headphones for a few years. From Turtlebeaches, to Logitech, to Audio Technica
Is Ubuntu the greatest thing to happen to Linux?
/BST/-Battle station thread! You know what to do post them, old thread is dead
Need a straight answer here, Sup Forums
Get new laptop
So what's the deal with this?
Write once, run everywhere [spoiler]slow as shit[/spoiler]
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is this the future?
This may sound like bait but it's a serious question, why do people use linux...
Sup Forums humor thread
I need to do a simple work (text + embedded images) for my retarded boss but I heard Sup Forums hates libreoffice
Youtube tutorial
Why haven't you accepted that you're just a bunch of nigger cattle?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Technology has stagna-
Do you think that card manufacturers ever make upgradable GPUs, and RAM on graphics cards?
What's their end game?
What will be the next life changing technology like the steam engine and internet?
Ironically using windows
ITT: we rate eachother's setup
Why aren't you running the best Linux distribution?
How do i unlock a stolen iPhone 7+?
Trump attacking Internet privacy: will gut rules against user-tracking
I've been giving a lot of thought to making one of these into a media center for my house...
Cyber security advisor
What is this cable used for?
Light bulbs are technology
Samsung 850 EVO 250GB for $129
What is the best general purpose programming language and why is it C#?
Why have people been led to believe that the RX480 isn't enough for 4k gaming?
Opera 12.15 Source Code Discussion
This is considered a priority for the FSF
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This thing has a MicroSD slot for up to 2TB extra storage
Why does linux lack professional software?
BSD And Other Things
What stuff do you guys want to exist faggots
Oldfags, why were all computers beige in color for decades and decades??? Even today. many of them are beige in color
How badly will a i5 6400 bottleneck a gtx1070? I'm getting the processor and mobo from a buddy for free...
Did I fuck up?
LGA 3647
Ordered DT990 premium 600ohm for 250
My parents just bought me a 32gb iphone 7 instead of the 256gb one i specifically fucking asked them to buy for my...
Where do you put your shoes/jacket in a house like this
Should I go for it? looks too good to be true
/wt/ watch thread
Why do girls pretend to like technology
Why are there no tech cities in Europe?
What does Sup Forums use to listen to music?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Linux Mint or Ubuntu?
XPS 13 2-in-1
Hey Sup Forums. My friend has a problem with a guy who somehow got hold on her naked pics, she doesn't know him...
Say three actual good things about Linux
My studio wants to move to Linux from Windows 7 but the inability to get support for Adobe application on Linux makes...
Which linux kernel are you using? linux-zen, linux-ck or linux-lqx?
What's the best way to get Windows 10?
Download library
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/spg/ - SmartPhone General
Can we agree no OS has a built-in calculator as good as Gnome's?
Where were you when the i5-2500k fags and AMD-tards got BTFO by a $65 processor?
Google Material Design
ITT: We post our comfy programming setups
Fuck with the zuck, get cucked
Does anyone here remember these ridicoulous home stereo sets from the 2000s?
What's the best browser?
Is the L/G/ V20 the official phone of Sup Forums:
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I paid 1800€ for a snowblower
Why do people use Mac when it's leagues more expensive than more powerful computers?
Got 300 bucks to buy a new propietary cellular. im stuck one either one of these. which one?
>>> int(1.999999999999999)
When did you realize windows has turned into utter trash?
Does Sup Forums stay immunized?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
WTF how do we open a simple fucking video file?! Holy shit Apple
Could I love an AI sexbot?
Petition to remove RMS and have Torvalds as the stickied post
Are gaming motherboards a scam?
There are some people right now that are not using this
How to shop for motherboards
What do you use to encrypt your hdds Sup Forums?
Temple OS
FSF's new priorities include DIVERSITY
Apple has to sell defective products and then charge to fix them to make money
What's your favorite programming font?
Whats the lowest and highest temperatures your CPU got during normal usage, Sup Forums...
Somehow opening a file with "Open With qbittorrent" ALWAYS crashes qbittorrent and I have to close it manually
be you
Sup Forums: "mac is for noobs lol"
30% of junior developers have started programming less than 6 monts ago
Can someone explain what linux is
Solaris killed by Oracle
He pirates with torrents
What exactly stops a rogue package maintainer from pushing malware to us Gnu/Linux users?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Started learning Python
Highly integrated processor in ever device for fast hw-accelerated graphics
I'm being blackmailed on kik
Awk master race
Is it ok to use Debian as a desktop OS?
Name a better browser
Make first PC
I am very torn whether i should run Linux or Windows
Who here wants to help me build a reddit+Sup Forums+hackernews alternative?
Linux users!
Hey anons
Decisions, decisions, decisions
The situation is so much better for programmers today - a cheap used PC, a linux CD, and an internet account...
Stop using GNU slash Solus
Contactless smart cards and magnets
Now having a fabulous motherboard
Say one good thing about openSUSE
Would you rather use Windows or Ubuntu
Tfw to smart to vote for Donald Trump
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
SJW Firefox
Microsoft is begging you to ditch Windows 7 for Windows 10
Have obtained a free power pc macintosh. What can i do with it?
Non-browning GMO apple slices go on sale next month
Is it still relevant?
How fucked are you ?
/hpg/ headphone general
Why can't 99% of computer science graduates actually program?
Hey user you should use qbittorrent it's way better than that shitty slow utorrent
How "Google free" are you?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
He clicks on the back button
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Buy a shitty cheap laptop
I understand basic programming tenants. I know my searches, sorts...
Is the iPhone still the best camera phone?
Linus BTFO by Professor Davis
Barring a miracle, does AMD have hope in the long term?
Where do I purchase keyboard caps? I want to purchase blank ones for my keyboard
How do rich people keep their money safe
Solus Is now the 6th most popular distro in the last month on distrowatch
Whats Sup Forums's opinion on Elementary OS?
I have lost basically all fucking interest in gaming, which was one of my main hobbies
Why you aren't rich like notch?
What major technology companies do you predict will go bankrupt in the next 5 years?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
$250 Million house
What ram does Sup Forums have or use or want
Shitposting at work
Post desk trinkets. Something that says: "I'm in control of my life"
Why are Nords the best at technological innovation?
Relaxing android games
Question for linux fags
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I'm in, Sup Forums
Its a single image "select all street signs" captcha
IPhone or Android?
Go to lecture
4chins is inbrowseable
Don't know if this is the right place to post but here's a fucking story that happened to me today
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Pixel Launcher just broke 500,000 downloads in the Play Store
Is your smart phone as /comfy/ as mine?
Finding TLS AES Private Key
I'm starting to want it the more I look at it. What lagdroid features would I be missing out on?
Why can't mods ban Indian IPs?
Commutes this faggot's sentence
Dumbass tech stories
Hey Sup Forums sorry for the shitpost but how do I get my computer lookin this fly?
/ungoogled-chromium/ thread
Name 5 things wrong with this OS
Why Linux sucks so much?
What's wrong with this?
Thoughts on liri?
Mini PCs
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Micro VS SSD
Redpill me on buying Used PC Components
Explain computers and the internet to an educated person from 1880
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is the new macbook pro 13" without the touch bar meme worth purchasing as a computer science student...
Name one (1) thing you can do with terminal that you can't do with a GUI
How is Sup Forums liking the new malwarebytes? It now replaces your antivirus
What's a scientific way of calling this?
That one thing you will never replace because it is perfect
Who Arch Linux OpenRC master race here?
It's Linux not Gnu/Linux
Trying to learn programming
Apps that used to be good but are shit now
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Arch Linux or Gentoo? I want to try GNU/Linux
I'm hammered as dick lads
/bst/ - Battlestations
Programming language thread..list your top 5 programming language and if you want explain why. I'll start
I'm applying for a job as a django backend developer (spare me your memes)
Android 7.0 Nougat
Now that Mozilla has revealed their leftist cuckery what other browser respects privacy?
I have finally installed Debian GNU/Hurd on my pc, i feel so fucking free right now
Current state of windows
/mmg/ Mechanical Mouse General
Are we living in a simulation?
Assembly language. Write 3 pro and 3 con. Why should I learn it? Why shouldn't I...
RX 480
So your boss/employer is about to break you the news you're being replaced by an Indian
Speccy thread
Russian coup
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Comp sci student here.What should I pursue between Mobile(iOs &Android) and Web Back&Front
We all agree Rust syntax is horrible. Here's a list of the major problems and how to fix them...
Why Finland is so successful?
2016 + 1
Finish explaining in detail how to accomplish what you did and how you came up with it
New Intel processors backdoored
Bought the rose gold iPhone because I thought it had a nice fleshy copper shine too it
Mozilla releases their new branding
Opera 12.15 leaked source code discussion thread
Why do people buy 4k TV screen when theres 0 content in 4k?
Current state of Linux
Current state of Windows
Sup Forums humor
Friend comes to me with external HD that can't be read anymore for no good reason in windows...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What does Sup Forums think about GRUB?
Why are these ordered the way they are?
he fell for the "HEVC is always better no matter what" meme
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Trump attacking Internet privacy: will gut rules against user-tracking
/GUTS/ thread
Did you have teachers with anime wallpapers while in college?
Install Solus
Web browsers since Opera Presto have gotten bigger, slower, less customizable and have way less functionality
Author of libevent that used in Chrome and many other open-source libraries became homeless since no one would hire him...
Screenfetch thread??
Any /effay/ shoes posture-friendly?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/spg/ - SmartPhone General
This is Mozilla's new brand identity and a new logo
What vpn does Sup Forums use? Anyone else here use privatetunnel?
What are Sup Forums's arguments for/against Unity?
Tfw 64GB of RAM
Is VSC part of the botnet? Am I safe with the telemetry="false" setting?
/cpg/ - Cassette Player General
IF you can make it better, I would like to see it. Until then keep using your 2600K
What is the best browser? v3.0
This can't be life. All non INTJ's it is time to report in
/ftp/ - FTP sharing
Finally replacing my sound card for a newer model...
Is this legit or is it just another Sup Forums meme?
What could possibly go wrong?
Osprey 1.0.1
TruffleRuby is supposed to have a full release by the end of the year, with speeds up to 7x faster than MRI...
To make money by selling Mac software i have learn objective C
Am i ricer yet rawr?
A new IP has entered the network
This must be a fetish thing for him, right?
Why hasn't there been an active effort to develop a virus that cleans up malware and puts up measures to make the...
Why are American programmers so shit yet so entitled?
Black van outside my house
Is 16GB... dare I say it... The New Standard™?
Did i do good, Sup Forums?
How do I download Microsoft word for free?
What is their endgame?
Hi Sup Forums...
Malware replaces Windows with Linux
Why do people still use CRT monitors besides nostalgia or cost?
Microsoft warns Windows 7 is dangerously insecure
Who here /debian/
Is he a good hacker Sup Forums? is it true that he's a genius at security pentesting and discovering exploits?
Please disable adblock to support Sup Forums
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
A-anyone here /xp/?
Is she a national hero, or a treasonous whore?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums hate Mint because it's mainstream and more easy
Is your gf computer literate?
Windows 10 end of extended support: October 14, 2025
Is there a way to send and receive SMS messages for free on a PC?
What is Sup Forums's e-mail of choice?
Ask someone who just got hired at a Microsoft Store Anything
What are you favorite rechargeable batteries / chargers?
Visual studio compiled programs are now backdoored
Do you acoustically treat your room?
Desktop customisation
What is your opinion of a compter built into a desk?
Which one is better?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
C General
Buy overclockable 1440p IPS monitor in early 2012 for $295
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How do you guys feel about schools slowly adapting Computer Science and Programming studies into schools as early as...
Okay, so if you're not >underage you probably remember the bad old days of 56k...
What's the best video player on android?
Idunno man
Who /angular/ here?
The current state of Linux
I found this iPhone 5s in the snow. The screen is cracked and the home button missing.I got it home and it works
People are talking about leaked Opera source code
Minimum deposit required = 10 million
Current state of windows
Why is a mac better than windows
1995 thread?
Sql hand written, WHY!!!!
Tech noob here
Kaby Lake Pricing Crisis
That screen on time
/wt/ watch thread
Javascript a shit, alternative needed
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
I've always been an Android user and now, out of sheer boredom, I'm thinking about switching to Windows
Terrible selection
Why is Sup Forums so much smarter than /sci/?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
So the site i've been using to bypass this shit went 404 for whatever reason...
WHY is this allowed?
/ccg/ Cert and Career General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
BSD And Other Things
RX 480
Windows 10 bug discussion thread
Is now a bad time to buy an SSD?
ITT: We compare our phone cameras
Why dont they make thicc software and operating systems anymore like windows vista and ios 6...
I work in IT
Current state of windows
When did you join the /only have laptop/ master race?
Nostalgia Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tech nostalgia thread plz
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Tfw you get outskilled at ebay sniping
Video Editors
What the fuck lads
Queen of /ptg/ edition
I have a uni project in which we have to work in groups. our group is composed of 4 normies and me...
No mouse thread?
Anyone who uses any Linux distro on the desktop other than Debian, Fedora, or Ubuntu is just attention-seeking...
The last good Intel CPUs
Going to change my Nexus 5 and get a OnePlus 3T. What can I do with my old Nexus 5 besides selling it?
Where do I learn to use tmux properly?
Laugh at idiots who put tape over their webcam
Applefags will defend this
Android, are you trying?
Fucking meme OS
Wow its nothing, literally higher clock rates and nothing else
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Any dinosaur computer experts here?
Ubuntu MATE
I have a medical examination coming up at work
Beds are technology
Does Sup Forums approve of Kodi? It's Open Source
Should I buy an ipod touch?
Where the fuck can i download an osx iso or virtual image lads...
Alright Sup Forums I've decided on 2 JBL LSR 305 Studio Monitors for general listening / TV speakers. Good call?
Cassette players are technology! Old technology that is
A question, lads
Now that trump and putin are best friends what will happen to him?
Just got one of these RTL-SDR compatible dongles
Why doesn't Linux have an alternative that even comes close to IIS performance-wise?
Why are they so shitty?
Stop buying Intel
Linux and video editing software
What are some good alternatives for this botnet?
Why does this piece of shit crash every time I try to upload a file a click the 'Desktop' shortcut(the one in the...
What will be more future proof Sup Forums?
Open clubroom door
Adding RAM
There are anons on Sup Forums still not using a mechanical keyboard
I'm using love2d as a 2d framework to do experimental stuff
There are people on Sup Forums who play video games
Linux distro for ricing
Should i encrypt my SSD?
Any Africans on Sup Forums right now? Preferably white just because that's what is relevant to my skin color
Anyone else replacing their 2500K with a ryzer POOcessor?
TCPL general
Nokia leak reveals foldable Android phone that turns into a tablet
So is it basically understood that every shilled FIVE STAR mouse is going to require a separate USB port to function?
Have a brand new laptop
I got given a 2008 unibody Macbook for free
Pure dread, blood is running cold
Rose Gold
Five things you'd change about the google pixel to make it better
Updating the screen guide
>BST - ZeroTasteEdition<
Download libre office
How can I make my DE look like CDE (without actually running CDE)?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - Edition
What kind of media player does Sup Forums use? I was using VLC until awhile ago, but MPC-HC had...
Fallout 4 lagging even on reduced settings
Opera 12.15 Source Discussion Thread
True or false?
1. Go to
No EDC thread? Let's fix that
Best editor/ide for linux
Console graphics screenshots
I seriously hope you guys are wearing a Casio watch
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Will there ever be a good Linux desktop environment that can rival MacOS X or at least Windows 10?
What do Windows® customers do for the 5 minutes a day this isn't happening?
Why do computer screens do this when you take a picture of them?
Should I buy this monitor?
Will VR ever become a thing?
TFW my toaster doesn't toast evenly
How fucked if Tech if Trump starts a trade war with India and China...
What $50-70 SSD should I get? For a friend...
Could this run overwtach
The pinnacle of smartphone design
Linux Mint Backdoor
Programming music
Usenet Thread
Why are Microsoft designers so bad?
I'm doing a Mega Man game for TempleOS. Anyone wanna work on it with me? Sprites, levels, ideas, etc...
How hard would it be to engineer a GPU for an M.2 slot? It could be sold as an upgrade to laptops
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why is firefox shit/why is firefox good?
Why is Samsung so far ahead?
Ok i followed some anons advice and went to best buy. These are my options. What do you guys think i should get?
Cool Shit to Write in Assembly
Are motherboard standoff screws really necessary...
Thoughts on project neon? did MS finally save windows with this aesthetic + bash support?
Live in DC
Speccy thread. My agp card (JATON GeForce 6200A ) should be here tomorrow and I hope this one doesn't arrive broken
Post tech Sup Forums secretly wants
Hi Sup Forums
Curved edges
Should I buy it, $149
Download Linux
No guts thread
Hey Sup Forums
This was the best mixture of flat and 3D UI
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
AI painting
Are standing desks a meme?
1 single $1500 computer of your choice, or 2 $750 computers (desktop + laptop or whatever combination)? choose wisely
AyyMD Thread
Comparing the amiga 500 to every other computer from the era...
Not trying to be too much of a memeing fuckface here...
1080p 120+ fps > 4k -60
Turok N64 source code, kext and media files found on Silicon Graphics Indy, device will be put on ebay
Perfect programming languages don't ex
So this is the power of the macbook pro
Sup Forums called me an idiot for writing down all my passwords in a book at home instead of saving all the passwords...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Password Thread
His browser doesn't have built in tiling
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Is "2600k will last forever" just a meme? If CPUs have improved 10% each generation since 2600k...
Alright guys i narrowed it down to these three. Which one is the best budget computer...
Windows or Mac?
Would you buy this if you could?
Where do programmers like Karlie Kloss and Zoe Quinn rank among guys like Pike, Jeff Dean, Linus, etc...
Got an Asus 1070 Turbo. Will it VR with the vive?
Laptop General
Install wangblows
Why do you hate iphone so much Sup Forums? they are so aesthetic
I find this quote unfair to windows. It's not just cheaper in time to have windows...
Give me ONE actual reason to use such an unstable piece of shit called wankblows
How do linux users survive without SVP and madVR?
What's the most disrespected piece of technology?
Tips to get the most out of plex? just fucking found this amazin software
P50 vs 15 inch retina
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Notchs house is pretty ugly desu
Sup Forums humour thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How can MacTodders ever recover?
Linux-fags. Post and give Windows-fags actual good reasons to try and to switch to Linux
/csg/ Chink Shit General
French Tech VISA
Nvidia Actively Gimping Older GPUs
Apple hate thread
Which color cursor do you use?
Let's settle this once and for all, Sup Forums: Manjaro or Antergos?
Tech-related professionals of Sup Forums...
My musicbee install is years old
What is the ideal spot for a PC, on the desk or under the desk?
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
How do I get it open? I don't know the code...
What's Sup Forumss opinion on the XPS 15? Considering picking one up used
Is it possible to write a program that can solve a problem the programmer can't?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Fell for the Skullcandy earphones meme because they were only $10
Is it because they're better?
Mail delivery!
We will never have a botnet-free search engine that can do this
Who started this babytalk shit? When will it end?
I study computer engineering, just wrapped up my third semester...
Hello, Sup Forums
Is there a better desktop environment than this? explain yourselves why aren't you using based EDE
Nvidia 1080 - 7.2Billion transistors
Can someone donate to me a better pc than this
C and GUI
Why in 2017 do electric shavers still suck?
What went wrong?
What's the most disrespected piece of technology on a modern PC? I'd say it's still the keyboards...
Why isn't Sup Forums using invisible recaptcha? this shit will eliminate our captch solving suffering forever
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
My CPU cooler runs fine, however its a 5 year old stock piece of shit. Bought pic related for OCing up to 4.6 or 4...
watching movies in the pixelated medium of "dvd screeners"'
I want to start a youtube channel. what is the best camera model on a relatively low budget...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So what do you guys think
AV1 codec is approaching bitstream freeze
/csg/ Chink Shit General >>INTO SPESS<<
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's your excuse for using a mobile OS developed by an advertising company?
You can buy a mac, you can buy a pc. Why can't you buy from a store a computer that has Linux pre-installed ?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Best SSD manufacturers? I am reviving a 4 year old Asus laptop with a ssd...
Alienware 15-R3 : i7 6th Gen - 6700HQ, 16GB Ram, Dedicated 3GB Nvidia GTX 970M, HDD 1TB + 128GB SSD, DVD/RW, 15...
How secure is your password Sup Forums?
What are some uses for an external hard drive?
Can malware damage hardware?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...