Idle win 10

>idle win 10
>3gb in use
>15% cpu usage doing absolutely nothing
>fucking clusterfucked & bloated UI

>idle win 7
>700mb in usage
>0-1% cpu load
>actually consistent and elegant UI

How can you justify using niggerOS

>win 7
>consistent and elegant UI

>using ram is bad
when will this meme die

Why would you just go and lie on the internet user?

if win 7 can deliver same functionality with less, why can't win 10, which is supposed to be an improvement, not?
it is

The fuck is wrong with your install? Uninstall your unused crap, disable telemetry, disable unused registry keys, disable built in apps like cortana and that 3d builder crap, and then turn off your useless startup apps like One Drive.

It's a pain but it's usable.

windows 10 is actually doing something useful with that ram instead of letting it go to waste

wasting ram for bloated stuff you don't need is bad

Might as well throw Mint on it if Windows 10 is going to be such a bitch to set up.

what? processing my keystrokes and clicks to (((improve my user experience))) ?

Yeah I agree. Mint is so much better than 10 and just use WINE for Windows apps you need.

while idling ?

you can hit winkey and just type the name of a file on your PC and it will find it for you, for example
you can't do that on 7, the search is garbage

i was actually using ltsb, all config and "disabling" is the only thing you can do in win 10. It's justa. fucking placebo, telemetry app still runs and you can't do a fucking thing about it.

Win7 is pretty bloated too, tbf

amazing... fucking genius for the 0.01% of people who do that when there's a fucking searchbox in the task bar, you know, that thing that's been used for fucking ages. what if I wanna turn it off? kill the process,then see it come back 1 sec later.

It's not.
Windows Kernel received no major improvements from the leap of NT 6 to 10.
It uses RAM for a ludicrous amount of background processes from the get go and not firing them up as a user requests them.
It obviously uses prefetch but has shitty hit rate and those background processes are unable to be evicted by running foreground processes without specific user input to close all of them or disable them at startup.

It's a clusterfuck.

A little
I like to slim it down in VMs where I can and if nothing else straight up XP.

>disable telemetry

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

my win 10 is around 970mb at idle

you have to be 5% smarter than the technology you are using

>tfw hackintosh
truly master race

>gud os
>gud and custom hardware

>a typical hackintosh is not a laggy bloated piece of shit where you need an i7 to get core2duo performance out of OSX

whrn will this meme end? this is on par with linux autists running some modern game in Wine and bragging about the hundreds of fps they get without proof/screenshots ofcourse.

Windows 10 is too big to fail, right? Where do average users jump ship to? Apple is unaffordable for most people / has its own issues, and Linux is Linux.

How to debloat senpai

mine doesn't so this

>browser hangs for some reason
>open task manager
>mfw Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is using 40-60% CPU

Unused CPU cycles are waste CPU cycles

>disable telemetry
You literally can't and if somehow you manage to do it all it takes microshaft is one forced update to fuck you over again.

>UHGH windows 10 is good u just gotta disable this that and 50 other things then install this 3rd party patch coded by some 17 yr old brony on github to make it usable!!!!
holy fuck w10 losers are pathetic

oh yeah its so bad

>Antimalware service exe

I'm even running a few VM's in hyperV.

And using CIFS/SAMBA
It caps at 100 MB/S.


>mfw 8.1 master race

less than a gig on mine, wtf are you autists doing any way?

get destroy Windows spying, problem solved. now quit bitching or a different OS faggots

rather shit be unused then spying on me.

I wish Linux wasn't such a piece of shit.

there's nothing wrong with caching, though the cpu usage is inexcusable

holy shit you are retarded, kid.

what is paging for $1000, alex

tree style tabs master race

gb in use
% cpu usage doing absolutely nothing

my win10 doesn't have that problem really desu senpai

better fix your shitty install

gb in use
% cpu usage doing absolutely nothing
Yeah, things that actually didn't happen.

>>mfw Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is using 40-60% CPU
That's because your browser hung.

I have a win10 tablet with 2 gb of ram total. I don't usually have any issues with it even though I use it to take notes during classes and surf web at the same time.

>Windows 10
>Doing anything useful

You must be 18 or older to post here, you fucking retard.

win7 search works perfectly for me

for win10 it waits for the internet to respond for every keystroke in the search bar so it lags like fuck just to type "fuck.mp4"

disregard this i suck cocks

Did you just pull these figures out of your ass? My "idle" CPU usage is around 1% if not less.

i wish someone could make patch to automate all the shit you have to do to make win 10 usable. Would also be great to get rid of all the tablet versions applications and only have classic ones like in win7.

I love watching ultra poorfags caring about a few megs of RAM they're not going to use anyway. Reminds me this place is full of technologically impaired NEETs.

If you are fucking autistic or have ADHD and mental retardation, and can't save files in an order you can find them, then you can install something that doesn't sell all your cached file info to (((globalists))), like Everything.

What the fuck are you doing nigger

oh and forgot to add thats 9 tabs of chrome, discord, steam, gimp, task manager, snipping tool, etc, open. If youre getting 15% usage you are doing something wrong

Doing more with less resources is called efficiency and it's what makes your comfortable modern life possible.

>Idle Void
>90MB in use
>0% CPU load
>0 i/o
>0b/s bandwidth
>fans aren't spinning
>God-tier bspwm
>I know exactly what my computer is doing at all times