I just read an article by this mutant named Ellen Pao. some kind ex-CEO from Reddit, in which she begs the founder of Twitter to ban Donald Trump. The mutant had ben fired of Reddit for banning people and subreddits she didn't like.
I looked at her Wikipedia page and she is married to a black man. The black man just finished a 12 years old homosexual relationship with a boyfriend named Buddy Fletcher.
A breath of imaginary rancid fish odour streaming from her dry pussy has been swallowed by my mouth and nose. This cold hearted bitch works at promoting forced diversity at Silicon Valley. Either you hire more women and black gentlemen or you are a nazi. I can see her lack of emotions and empathy, her lack of sex drive. This is the tech industry that California is building now.
I feel sick. Everything is so unnatural, so defective. I need to stop reading news, or start joining the nearest mosque. Internet is making me sick. I'm reading stuff I don't want to read, I shouldn't have to read.
This has happened after reading another series of rant from atheist jewish supremacist from Argentina, then Spain now America Martin Varsavsky who had shitty grades at school and failed at everything yet somehow got millions in founding by B'naith B'rith organization, whose kids are like 5% genetically jew yet he is an atheist jewish militant nationalist. Because he gets money that way.
I'm sick now. Really sick to see so much bullshit.
Putin, nuke us. I'm begging you. Xi Jinping, dominate the world. Iran, do your fucking job, nuke us too.
Evan Ramirez
Most humans are fucking illogical retards. Took you a long time to realize that.
Ethan Stewart
that's a lot of words that i didn't read
Jeremiah Diaz
When a company gets big enough to own a significant portion of the market they benefit less from net neutrality than smaller companies who can take away their marketshare. At that point net neutrality becomes "problematic" for them.
Jaxon Campbell
rl;dr for op: He is depressed because he discovered that femnazis are fucking idiots
Gavin Evans
Well they say ignorance is bliss. Also stop reading about femenazis and do something productive
Gabriel Bailey
your dumb
Dylan Stewart
Aiden Thomas
>Putin, nuke us. I'm begging you. dude, Putin & Trump will fix the world (and America). just watch. Trump will get Putin to lend him some of the mindfuck black magic & techniques to fuck up the libtards even more... just how Putin destroyed that subhuman scum in Russia.
Fun times ahead! Just watch as these SJWs all end up in jail.
Landon Diaz
It's sad. Instead of being a beautiful woman and doing beautiful things, or coding beautiful apps or games, she is some kind of ugly rancid lawyer trying to fuck up Silicon Valley.
It's sad. Reading news has been depressing lately, and internet has been one of my hobbies. It's hard not to binge.
I sound like a 15 years old, but I'm sad to see such sad stuff every day. I hope I can get a job inside a personal room, and I life consisting of commuting from my suburban home to my room, reading and writing some shit, and visiting some museums some weekends.
Online socialization is depressing, and nowadays is not because of jealousy but because of sadness. Doesn't make me anegry, just sad.
Someone needs to create a filter that blocks sad stuff from internet.