Is he our guy?
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Even "bad" press is good press.
What the absolute fuck is this article? Who writes shit like this that is so fucking biased? I bet whoever wrote this is a cunt. It's only porn.
I'm convinced Leo actually runs totaldrama.
He's been caught with porn several times, it's probably a fetish of his or something.
there's that word again
lemme guess, you also believe it when things are 'leaked' to the press, right? it's definitely not advertising, no sirrie.
Based leo
Why would he advertise that he has a paid subscription to and/or that he browses porn on a work computer? I look at porn like post people, but I would never do it at work. Granted, it is his business, but it still shows a lack of professionalism and a likely porn addiction.
>lack of professionalism
Some of us actually appreciate when people don't take themselves so seriously.
The world could use a whole lot less professionalism.