TCPL general

C programming general

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My favourite programming language general? Yes!

int main (void){
puts("Enter your number");
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
puts(num%3==0?(num%5==0?"FizzBuzz":"Fizz"):(num%5==0?"Buzz":"No fizz or buzz for you m80."));
return 0;

that's pretty leet, user

Ayy wtf
int main (void){
puts("Enter your number");
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
puts(num%3==0?(num%5==0?"FizzBuzz":"Fizz"):(num%5==0?"Buzz":"No fizz or buzz for you m80."));
return 0;

I'm sorry I am not used to use code blocks in 4chen, but why the fuck is it breaking?


void f(int j)
static void (*const ft[2])(int) = { f, exit };

printf("%d\n", j);
ft[j/1000](j + 1);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


For those that don't understand this meme:

literally the worst book about C i've read. Such an outdated meme at this point.

#thread rule: post your fizzbuzz before your shitty opinion

how can she still convince herself she's skilled enough to be an engineer?

this is the most fucked up thing i've read all year

it's like they learn all the unimportant stuff and skip the important stuff yet still feel entitled to a job

>b-bu-but i can use PHOTOSHOP
yeah, so can any 14 year old in america

Did ya even read the article? It demonstrates why women shouldn't be outside the kitchen.

what is the best resource for starting with C?

i have a semester of python and oop under my belt


top quality bait

actually, i didn't say this, but i'm more interested in a project that can introduce me to low level networking with C.

any ideas?

Want to test your C and x86 assembly skills?

Tell me what this code outputs if compiled on Linux for IA-32.

const char *data =

I aint running that shit, nigga

beej's guide to networking

How low level?

is really good for a general introduction to socket programming.

who GLib here?

It's harmless user, it only outputs "goto considered harmful" and "Hello, world!"

I also added a watermark to prove that I wrote it, see pic.

i love you

Doc we are usually on the same page, it hurts me to see you attack me like this.

sorry. The rule still stands though