Shit looks abandoned

shit looks abandoned
what userscript should I switch to?

Other urls found in this thread:

pls respond

You must be retarded

v1.13.4.1 (2017-01-07)

I'll ask here instead of killing someone else's thread:

How can I easily open every image in a thread in a new tab?

I used to use this script (pic related), but it doesn't seem to work any more.
As you can see I've also experimented with Sup Forums X, but I couldn't find anything that recreates this function. It was so useful ;_;

mkdir -p ${HOME}/Sup Forums
echo "Checking $threadurl for images."
while true; do
threaddata=$(curl -s $threadurl)
echo $threaddata |tidy -q 2>/dev/null| perl -nle 'm/.*Sup Forums.?-.?(404).*/ and print $1' | grep "404" && exit;
imagelist=`echo $threaddata |tidy -q 2>/dev/null|grep 'fileThumb" '|awk -F'"' '{ print "http:"$4 }'`;
mkdir -p ${HOME}/Sup Forums/${threadurl##*/};
for x in ${imagelist}; do if [ ! -f ${HOME}/Sup Forums/${threadurl##*/}/${x##*/} ]; then echo "Downloading $x" && wget -q -nd -P ${HOME}/Sup Forums/${threadurl##*/}/ $x&&(google-chrome ${x}&)&&grabbed=true; fi; done
if [ "$grabbed" = "true" ];then echo "Waiting..."&&grabbed=false;fi;
sleep 5s;

Slightly modified my dump script to open each image in a new tab when they appear in the thread.

Also there is no reason to use 4chanX shits integrated into the site now.

go to home page on Sup Forums-x net, it's 1.13.3 now. i dont see on the main site tho

Github motherfucker, do you use it?

I use Appchan X, it's sugoi.

Jordan if I knew where you lived I swear to god

Speaking of X
Would it be too hard to implement a way to grab individual substrings of the filename to use in sauce without having to rewrite it completely?


You can do something like this: Forums-x/issues/1183
Probably worth adding a cleaner way to do it, though.

whats the point just hit the e key/use the gallery and click on the download icon next to the filename (using Sup Forums x)

Hey do NOT talk to a valuable subscriber like that. This is unacceptable!

I'm sorry sir, but was harassing you? I'll make sure to report them to a moderator. Thank you for your service.

javascript:[...document.getElementsByClassName('fileThumb')].forEach(x => open(x.href))

in a bookmarklet or

external-text:"open","javascript:[...document.getElementsByClassName('fileThumb')].forEach(x => open(x.href))"

in custom navigation

yeah, but it's a mess nonetheless

>valuable subscriber

We aren't all faggot attention whores like Jordan.

I have his home address, email me and I will give it to you

>doesnt leave email address




stupid question, would it be possible to export a list of threads you have in the the thread watcher?

On the topic of userscripts, does anyone have experience writing anti-adblock blocking scripts?

It's pretty hard making a working script with some sites

img2tab addon user. it works on every website.


Dollchan script