Sup Forums hate Mint because it's mainstream and more easy

Prove me wrong
(protip, you can't)

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it's not suitable to my needs. that's why i don't use it. also, i'm not a 12 year old girl.

Security problems and conflicting packages names with upstream repositories.

>Security problems

Mint is a great newb distro.

The problem is that they have twice been hacked and had downloads replaced with malware.

That's a pretty serious security breach if its to be your primary OS.

Ubuntu with more bugs

Just install the cinnamon desktop on a better Linux distro and call it a day

not even once

its buggy as shit, I used to have a mint vm and it actually managed to break virtualbox.

u can't face the pepe army

Security issues. Linux mint discourages users from installing new kernels and kernel patches, and was actually disabled by default until mint 18.
Oh, and their website was hacked, and their ISOs had malware on them.
Personally, I dislike it because they think they are a unique distro when it's a glorified *ubuntu remix.


it has no security problems you faggot nigger

Sup Forums always says mint is good in any new linux thread

How is it easier than any other Debian/Ubuntu-based distro though? Also it's true that it has some security issues but as long as you update via command line they are inconsequential.

I think Cinnamon is the main reason for its popularity.

Not him but he is referring to the one or so day period in which their website was hacked and they linked to a probably infected iso

>more bugs than Ubuntu
Mintfags squash the bugs

I doubt it. Mint team developed cinnamon and tweaked Ubuntu LTS to work with it. I have used Xubuntu and Kubuntu and both of those were way buggier than Linux Mint Cinnamon. Particularly Kubuntu...

fix your fonts

Enjoy your security holes.

yea I remember it, and the torrent never had any security issues.
>using http to download iso

Mint is just a shit clone that takes all the work from Ubuntu. Not to mention they remove google from firefox as a default search option and you have to add it back in because they are partnered yahoo! shills.

Linux Mint is the best distro, security holes is a joke, renamed packages you would have to go out of your way to be effected by, like literally use old versions of shit on purpose. It's all FUD spread by paid canonical shills. Also butthurt Debian dev's who can't stomach going from Number 1 distro to dead last in a decade because their distro sucks, and Clement probably said "no thanks" to them at some point

>Not to mention they remove google from firefox as a default search option and you have to add it back in because they are partnered yahoo! shills

i am almost certain the default search engine was actually duckduckgo, maybe it's changed

even if i'm wrong, who fuckin cares change it back?


Debian > Ubuntu > Crap > Mint

>3000+ packages on stock install

Ubuntu is about 1600-1900 depending on restricted extras. Mint has too much bloat. It is easier to add required software than to de-bloat and end up damaging the dependencies of other applications.

my mint had 2300 packages on install. 3k plus now because i've been on same install for 2 plus years with seamless upgrades and shitloads of programs and zero problems

I don't care what the default is, I care that google is actually deleted from firefox, and it redirects you to mints website to add it back in.

I don't hate mint, but the only reason to use mint is cinnamon, and cinnamon is a javascript trainwreck. It looks nice though.

I love the upgrade screen in Mint:

( ) This option might break your system

( ) This option will almost certainly break your system

lol Firefox's default search engine has been Yahoo since 2014. Also, how do you get redirected to mint's webpage when you go to Firefox settings and change default search engine to Google? That doesn't even make sense and isn't even true

if what you're complaining about is Mint making the default start page Linux Mint website that's a pretty innocuous way for a free distro to make money dude. Ubuntu used to send all your searches, online and offline, to fucking that's exactly when Linux Mint skyrocketed in popularity, and that's REAL shady shit

it's to keep people from upgrading the kernel and breaking their out of date and shitty proprietary drivers, and that happens in literally any Linux distribution all the time. Not Linux Mint's fault, it's bc of Broadcom etc not really giving a shit about writing drivers for linux

Your mad they choose another botnet over your preferred botnet?

>and just werks.
Mint user here. If only that were true. I dare to say I had to do more tweaking after installing than I usually did on a Windows install.

Manjaro has no problem with this

literally every distribution of linux has problems with kernel updates fucking up drivers
"I have had similar problems with the following adapter:
id 0b05:1786

This adapter works fine with older stable 3.1X kernels such as those used in Debian Jessie. In fact it worked OK with the first stable Manjaro ISO I used in early April 2016.
However an update broke my wifi and I was not able to recover.
The only solution I found was to use a more Linux friendly wifi adapter.
This one continues to work well"

>However an update broke my wifi and I was not able to recover.
>However an update broke my wifi and I was not able to recover.
>However an update broke my wifi and I was not able to recover.
>However an update broke my wifi and I was not able to recover.

>website issues are somehow related to the quality of the distro

Considering that could effect updates being infected with malware, yeah its an issue you halfwit faggot.

Affect son, affect.

It was an issue for a few days a few months ago. Certainly not a mint fag, but that is really desperate grasping

>updates being infected with malware

that's never happened, the hack that happened was a link on their website was redirected to a different iso hosted on a different website altogether

most of the updates you get (well over 80 percent) are directly from Ubuntu repos anyways

you need root access to add new ppa or new repository.

it would be a lot more difficult to inject malware into ubuntu xenial repo or linux mint repo than to hack a web page and redirect a hyperlink to a different site that hosted a bad file

if anything, Mint is notorious about being overly cautious with updates, this is not only FUD it's just FOS. trying to imply that Mint users would get malware in updates, come on now

opensuse works better with my laptop than any *buntu did.

I thought *buntus were supposed to be easy.

Manjaro is better in every way

can i study linux on this distro?
too lazy to install other distro

you can't compare rolling release Womanjaro that uses pacman with LTS distro like Mint that uses apt though

different strokes for different folks. if I ever decide to take on a rolling release on a secondary machine that I didn't mind fucking around with, I would probably go with Womanjaro or Can'tergos though

yes you can. It's still Linux. You can learn all the terminal commands and how to make scripts and all that shit

if you wanna learn to build linux from the ground up then go do that with another distribution that doesn't do that for you

Mint is unironically one of the greatest distros, depending on what you want though.

It's amazing for someone not very tech literate, or something like a family computer. It isn't very minimal, but then again no other major desktop os is either.
It's not targeted at super skeptical power users like most of Sup Forums, but that doesn't make it a bad distro.

IMO it's the best introduction to linux and it's what I used for about a year. I'm now using arch, but if I ever had to share a computer with someone else mint would be my go to distro.

i like the cut of your jib. No normie would have problem norming out on my mint computer, however just because it's easy doesn't mean it wasn't a pain in the ass to build eDuke32 (my crowning Linux achievement and I spent more time figuring out how to do that than I have actually playing it)

Mint holds back security updates for the sake of "just werks" when in reality, Ubuntu is just as robust without sacrificing security

Only problem I have with it, they keep getting hacked. Its pretty hard to recover a tarnished reputation like that.

If the hacking never happened. I'd still be recommending it to winfags considering linux because its not Ubuntu which was still malware.

>inb4 canonical shills start telling me you can remove the ad-snooping.

Don't care like I said you can't recover tarnished reputations easily, should never have happened in the first place if you wanted Ubuntu taken seriously.

What about the non-Unity flavours?

>keep getting hacked

their website got hacked one time

>holds back security updates

unless you choose to install them, everyone on Sup Forums brainwashed by the outdated screenshot that gets posted by shills spreading FUD about mint in every mint thread

and no, that's not "oh well it breaks your system if you install them because mint sucks" sir, it is simply a WARNING to users that these updates haven't been tested on all hardware. so your proprietary graphics, wifi, or bluetooth drivers may no longer WORK leaving you in a spot where you will have to roll back to an older kernel or seek out updated drivers etc

any "dangerous" update you install on Mint that fucks up your graphics card will fuck up that same graphics card in Ubuntu

any risky update you install on Mint that fucks up your wifi will fuck up your wifi in Ubuntu

Mint just gives you the option, lets say if you are a grandma, to NOT update to the latest kernel or update your grub bootloader because you need the Desktop Environment to display properly and you need the wifi to play literati on yahoo games


Fair enough then, I guess. When was this introduced?

Now if they can not get hacked for like a year, I might start recommending it again. Mint itself is actually very well polished.

Mint is way buggier than Xubuntu.

No it isn't.

Having used both, yeah, it is. Mint is always buggy. Xubuntu has practically no issues out of the box and just werks.

What bugs have you experienced on mint?
Shitposting aside, I had it installed on an old laptop for about a year and didn't notice any bugs.
tbf, I didn't use it that much though.

Lots of freezing issues and cinnamon would lag like crazy sometimes

It's my favorite, easy as taking a piss to use and comes with the basics a normal human being would want.

My default distro when I want to make a quick install. It just werks. Very polished and zero bug or driver issue on tons of different hardware I used. I'm currently writing from a 2008 macbook running Mint 18.1.

Mint and Ubuntu are the only distros that actually look somewhat professional. Every other homemade fork is what keeps linux from being a competitor in the market of OSs

Building eduke32 is as simple as installing a bunch of dependencies with apt and running "make"
>Mint is no longer quite as cutting edge as it once was, which shows up in some important areas like the kernel (which is only at 4.4 even now). Mint is also still plagued by the some of the poorly implemented update and security issues that have dogged it for years. You can keep Mint up-to-date and secure, but Mint actively encourages users (especially inexperienced) users to avoid updates.

>In Mint 18, Mint began including an intro screen that comes up when you first launch Update Manager. Mint will ask you which settings you want to use for updates. The options are "don't break my computer," "optimize stability and security," and "always update everything." By default, the middle option is selected. Each of those options has some additional information, including a recommendation which is, in the same order, "for novice users," "for most users," and "for advanced users."

>Labeling a setting "don't break my computer" implies that the other options will break your computer, which is almost guaranteed to scare a new users into choosing that option. That's a huge disservice to novice users, and it's out of place with the rest of Mint. If Mint really can't provide a stable up-to-date system without blocking upstream updates, I would suggest everyone stop using it. The thing is, Mint can provide that, it has just made some poor UI decisions in its Update Manager which may mislead novice users. This bit of overly clever language could cause a newer user to end up with a less secure system.

>Again, Mint can be just as secure as any other distro. The problem is that it actively encourages users not to value security via poorly chosen defaults and user interface messages.

Mint is literally the shittier version of Ubuntu.

>iso and checksums replaced for DAYS without anyone noticing
>no apparmor profile despite being ubuntu based
>holding back security updates.

Reminder that mint began as a separate distro instead of Ubuntu Cinnamon Edition ONLY because cinnamon devs (mint devs) were to inept to keep up with gnome3 development which cinnamon is based on.

different user here

what do you mean by fix your fonts?

is there something specific you have to do to make characters not look like shit?


Why do some people go on the internet and lie like this.

Not him but they look quite off and before I checked the pic I actually wanted to berate him for attacking something that's a matter of personal preference.

subpixel matrix and antialasing seem way off. try to fiddle with default font settings, don't bother with infinality and other garbage

also try out different hinting.
some people like their fonts smooth and fuzzy so they pic either none or "slight" (most people would recommend it.

I like mine sharp so i always go for full hinting

Mint isn't really much better than a "homemade fork" lol. It's just Ubuntu with cinnamon slapped onto it. Way more bugs too.

And what do you mean by
>looks professional

You can get the cinnamon desktop on any Linux distro.

>I hate mint because reasons
>Prove me wrong
>Protip, you cant

Well, no argument there. I'm not a fucking mind-reader.

This and fucking Ubuntu. Almost as cancerous as Redhat.

I'm sorry, but if you use these distros you're just a wannabe.

>you're just a wannabe
can you elaborate?

No he can't because it is untrue.

I used a redhat derivative at one of the biggest tech companies in the US and I wouldn't call myself a wannabe. I build my ubuntu systems at home up from minimal installs and it's a happy medium between autistic distros and mint for me personally.