Sup Forums humour thread
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is this real?
Having a job as a Haskell programmer.
Is that the tranny who left GNU?
This shit can't be serious.
From what Linus Tech tips is this from?
No it's this guy.
highly-elevated kek
cat ears headphone
This is cool
Are you real?
The Turbopixellator always gets me
my god it hurts why did you show me this
The absolute madman
First iPhone was a failure.
>41% market share
not in your wettest dreams, macfag
delet this
I used to do that kind of thing when I was board in class. Mostly because I was bored.
saved the other day from the yahoo mayer thread
PC parts make good trapeze artists.
why was the function never seen again?
because it never returned
Positronics would be antimatter electronics
What's wrong with that? He can't type on the keyboard because he can't move his arms far back enough. Look how cranped hits elbows look.
I've had those creative's for a while and they are unironically amazing.
I've tried a couple of set ups that ended up being = or worse for more.
ive done this before nothing wrong with this