comfy edition
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
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Morning guys
Mornin everyone.
Dude we basically have the same specs except I just use 1080p dual monitors, one at 144hz and the other at 60. Why do you need 3x 144 hz monitors?
Hello there
Shit I'm early for once
m8 I would try to sort that plastering out on the wall first before even starting on the desk
Comfy af, also loving the fat PS3. If only mine still worked :(
Now that's a battlestation. Looks amazing, also digging the separate display for the console I really need to do that. Doesn't the fourth display ontop strain the neck though?
r8 8/8 m8. I will get the awful cable management sorted soon, a few posters up maybe and will get a pair of DT990 Pro and a DAC soon enough.
post a selfie
Good morning /bst/.
Moved some stuff around, with some books next to the lamp on the right, and freed some space on my shelf for some more cute girls. Should take some new pictures eventually.
I really like this one
Why not use a display and a better keyboard user
I have a 1080p monitor but I haven't bought a Thunderbolt adapter yet, so I can't use it. Also the keyboard is super comfy
Morning lads, new PC.
Cool station
>Jack Daniel's
>Dack Janiels
Cheers mate
Were you posting in the /mkg/ thread earlier too?
I really should find my miami socks...
Afternoon user I don't believe I have seen you before.
How is that ultrawide? Half considering selling my 3 23" 1080p ones for a decent UW.
Always a pleasure seeing you friend. I would be delighted to see new pictures.
What camera do you use?
I disagree with the latter point. I fucking hate the keyboard on those things.
Don't those things have a higher res than 1080p anyway?
I see that Hyper 212 EVO. Nice one.
>Jack Daniels
That stuff is swill.
Get you some proper whiskey.
Ultrawide has been a really great experience so far.
But you'll need a secondary display like me when you want to watch tv shows or whatever while playing vidya
Ayy. Happy Saturday friends.
late morning, but good morning BST.
>Always a pleasure seeing you friend. I would be delighted to see new pictures.
>What camera do you use?
I'm using a LG G4, nothing fancy.
How on earth do you take pictures of your screens without it being stupidly illuminated man?
My phone supposedly has a better camera than the G4 but I somehow can't figure that shit out.
Either you should have the rest of the room lit on a similar exposure level to your monitors, or just turn the brightness on them down. I always keep the camera settings unchanged, with the lowest ISO available and the shutter speed on either 1/4 or 1/2, depending on the lighting, and sometimes even 1/8. Apart from that, it really is just about not making an area too bright, because you either need to overexpose everything, making that area (the monitors usually) look even brighter, or you need to underexpose it, which makes the rest really dark, but kinda fixes the monitors. If everything is similar then you don't have issues.
>Were you posting in the /mkg/ thread earlier too?
yeah that was me
they banned me as soon as the qt with the pink and white socks came around though. they really do dislike him.
>I really should find my miami socks...
yeah do it!
>Comfy af, also loving the fat PS3. If only mine still worked :(
thank you man
Nice thermometer
nice desk, stand/sit?
Yep, with an electric motor.
I really need a second monitor
good morning.
but its cute
What for? You are using Windows.
I doubt I will it has alot of sentimental value behind it and I already lost alot of stuff from that time of my life.
I like that light. What brand is it?
Like your pokemons?
Looks like this one
Though the "real" ones of this type of lamp tend to cost $250+
Thanks for the link. I've been thinking about pulling all the incandescent bulbs in the house and replacing them with LEDs.
I dont have space for things that dont bring me joy. Nice try though.
Why are your feet in the picture?
c-can i suck on your toes?
No, get 21:9 screen. Much better for lot of things and it looks rad. I recommend 2560x1080 for gaming or 3440x1440 for productivity.
>recommending a single 1080p ultrawide instead of a second monitor
is this bait? any ultrawide that isn't 1440p is trash
>is this bait? any ultrawide that isn't 1440p is trash
And i'd still take two 1440p over a single 1440p ultrawide any fucking day.
Having a game take exclusive control over the first monitor while still having chat, skype, email, references, game maps, etc. On the 2nd monitor.
Why would I EVER want to reduce myself to a SINGLE screen? Say goodbye to ever mutlitasking while playing a game or other fullscreen applications.
>And i'd still take two 1440p over a single 1440p ultrawide any fucking day.
me too
I was just saying that there's no reason to buy trash like 1080p ultrawide
it's still not a replacement for two monitors, but a 1080p 21:9 is shit, because it gives no utility, and games look like shit, specially considering the scale of the monitors and how a 1080p resolution translate to that
Relaxing watching shows m8.
Thats still gay user.
Post socks.
I already did
Did you even open my picture?
But are they part of your station? Are they a prosthesis?
Humans actively made technology as a way to improve our life. So therefore humans are technology.
You are hitting new gay meme levels.
So its for attention, i see. Thanks
Actually nah I would post socks for attention. Even this trip is just to show how stupid trip fagging is.
HE'S STARING INTO MY SOUL, FUCKING DELETE HIM! That sushi thing is cool though. :3
wut dem fancy pictures fo?
How much is that desk? $1500?
We really need a new genocide
what monitors do you have?
Acer XF270HU (1440p 144hz) and dell u2412m (16:10)
thanks. just was curious
You would be the type of motherfucker to support trump
Your foots are fucking disgusting.
Yah the sushi is a qt.
Thanks its like you think I dont know my body.
Whats that implying
That you're white, and probably living a highly sheltered life and have no real understanding of the hardships faced by minorities in america.
lmao ^
To be fair, the faggot posted over $4,500 in random electronics in his picture, if you think he has ever faced any meaningful hardships in his life i've got a bridge to sell you.
>if you have money you dont know hardships
Nice victim mentality
> Puke on the wall?
Also, why bother getting that size of Pepsi if you can't finish it? Why not get cans?
Kek, I never said you didn't face ANY hardships, I simply said it pales in comparison to a poor minority in the US.
I have made a smart and now I just need to get the material.
It's gonna be great.
What are you working on?
/r/ing those images
here you go dude.
did you open up that broken model m yet?
not really, but i plugged it in again and the fucker just werked, so i dunno. im wondering if its the SDL cable connection, because its missing the clasp on one side, or it could just be something loose internally, or shit, it could be some weird software config issue thats since resolved itself, i dunno.
ive since gotten used to the space saver though, this fresh clack feel is amazing.
SSK ftw
id give my fucking left bollock for a bolt modded industrial SSK
ah, nice.
super jealous of that ssk btw what did you pay for it?
how much does something like this cost totally?
still not sure if i overpaid for it or not, but it feels that fesh that im not pissed off.
Man, you maxed out literally everything. Can I know how much you earn a year?
Just something for the speakers.
Want to try it out so I got a reference for future battlestation.
Super secret!
His primary monitors are ~$500-600 a pop, the computer hardware itself is in the realm of $1,500.
Add in the other monitors, TV, xbox, etc. You're looking at upwards of $5k all said and done.
£250 is pretty much just the right price for an SSK, just don't buy the ones that are advertise as 'new' on ebay for like £400, the guy refurbishes them well but they are by no means new.
Then I look forward to seeing it
thats some sexy SSK collection right there
im thinking of selling my two full sized ones to hang on to this desu
do it, I'd take an SSK over a full size industrial M any day.
early industrial models are the best of the best tho
Mind if I ask were did you get that desk/shelf?
All of my furniture was custom made.
the early M's tend to have a thicker steel plate and that's pretty much the extent of their differences, I've noticed the rivets on the old models tend to stay on much better too. My 1987 SSK still has every rivet perfectly in tact where as my 1993 was almost completely falling apart. If you bolt mod two models, one new, and one old there isn't much of a difference in feel desu.
i hear theyve thinned out on some of the plastics over the years, which alters the sound and leaves them less sturdy
Not pictured is my second monitor (AW2212) and my Rig on the right of the tiny desk.
some late lexmark models and early unicomps that had IBM branding were definitely done cheaply with fixed cables and thin plates / plastic cases. But yeh all the models from 1986 to 1996 are basically the same thing