Speccy thread. My agp card (JATON GeForce 6200A ) should be here tomorrow and I hope this one doesn't arrive broken

Speccy thread. My agp card (JATON GeForce 6200A ) should be here tomorrow and I hope this one doesn't arrive broken.

>not athlon 64

Old desktop.


My current desktop and my main pc.

>not 6800 Ultra

Not low profile.I need a low profile agp card.

scoobert doobert

What do you use it for?

occasional photoshop/rendering and gaymen. will replace 7950 soon.

How is gaming on a Xeon?

coming from an i7 920 ive had no problems with it, solid upgrade.

I used to game on a 1231v3. It was great.

What should i upgrade?

I'd guess GPU first, but CPU comes at a close second.

Get an ssd?


What's that intel tin?

Some silly hand out I got from Quakecon. Had 2 small marble things inside.

That's pretty cool.

Waiting for my house to burn down any day now.

You might of gotten an EVGA 1070 when they applied the fix.

the perfect facebook machine, for half the price of the fruit flavored one

upgrade your cpu cooler to get some negative temps

6C? How's northern lights santa?

Max out the CPU, and get an SSD.
Video card later

>triple channel RAM
>799 MHz

>Windows 10
Good joke, cuck

here it is neo-Sup Forums speccy thread posters that uses Win10.

fucking kek

Should I upgrade to the i7 model or wait for the Surface Pro 5?

Is this the shitbox thread?


You should definitely wait to see how it performs, i have the i7 sp4 and you prob wont notice that much of a difference in performance unless it's due to the iris 540

>Pentium III Xeon

That's cool user

fsb:dram 2:8 so 1600mhz u melt.

Woah, sure am glad i not the only Westmere user here, throws me back to the good old days

nice man, what you running that for? main rig or?

this is my previous build

Dual channel memory is a meme

first ever build,about a week old...just chucked a graphics card in from old tower..not into vidya.

Not bad but why:

triple monitor,vertical setup,its the auto config in nvidya setup too


Nice storage space.

It's my main rig, built it back in 2014 with parts from a server we were decommissioning at work. best $200 i've spent on a PC so far.

it's an old cap, i have much more now
i should probably visit the psychologist

What does that have to do with visiting a psychologist?

What mobo do you have running those two cpus? I'm assuming its ATX or EATX?

king of speccy here



the form factor is SSI EEB

nice, my previous posted x5650 rig was £337 all in.

because it became a digital hoarding

Oh I get it now, sorry.

Recently won this Z77N-WIFI for £24 (it needed a new BIOS battery so was sold as seen) and sold my old Z77-DS3H for £70.

Ayy, now I can downsize my case too.

Booting to WIndows 10 on a HDD is piss slow, around 40+ seconds. Linux 30+ seconds.


well, psychologist or i'll just keep buying drives
it takes a while to fill all these terrabytes so it's not a big problem
even the cheapest SSD will make a lot of difference. get some throwaway and replace it with proper one once you get some munny

I do have enough money for an SSD, SK hynix Canvas SL308 2.5-Inch 250 GB seems good enough I suppose?

Just finished my first new rig in 8 years.

i'm not an expert when it comes to SSD


Pentium II? How OS performs on that?

>low-end motherboard from 2006
>GTX 1080

Not too late am I?

>only 4 gigs of VRAM
baka desu senpai

It still doesn't run Overwatch :\


That's not surprising at all. Your CPU is shit

That would be you though.

Should I get 16 or 32gb of ram?


32 if you want to actually use your compy for anything worthwhile

I finally got my agp gpu :). Dual booting XP and Xunbuntu.

Nice to see some other Westmere bros.

What's the story behind your machines? Generally, people running Westmere (or any non-consumer grade hardware) have stories to share.

mine will be pretty much the same once i finally buy it
well, maybe my TITAN X will be the 12GB version and my mobo might be more fitting for my needs

You need at least 1 TB

Finished building this in a 760T Black series about 3 hours ago, haven't yet had time to adress the RAM, the unplugged 1TB 1000rpm HDD and Windows. Windows Pro coming in a week or two.

Pro is shit. LTSB Enterprise is the only W10 worth it.

>LTSB Enterprise

Don't care really desu, got a free version from a friend who didn't need it. Maybe I should keep Enterprise? What are the differences really?

The important part is the LTSB(Long term service branch)
No fucked up updating and no unnecessary default software(cortana, edge, xbox etc.)

Ah I see, I see.. I think I'll stick with Enterprise then, thanks for the heads up :)

Waiting for Ryzen and Vega

ignore the heating issues im in a super hot room and my laptop hasnt been cleaned out or new thermal paste put on in years (i ordered a few new parts on it so im waiting for those to arrive first)

But you don´t have LTSB.

x5650. im a cheap bastard and wanted a somewhat good system (compared to the phenom 9650/9600gt i was running). sold my ps4 (bad mistake buying that) and picked up an i7 920/gigabyte ex58-ud5/12gb of ddr3 (came with 16 but theres some weird x58 or 920 error that wouldnt let 16 work)/corsair h50/case for £160. sold the 920/4gb ram for £50 and bought the x5650 as its probably the best price to performance chip out there now. took a gamble on a £40 "working" 3GB 7950, works but one of the fans only span up at 100% so i took them off and zip tied two fans to it. unfortunately with the side panel on and a fan pulling in it still seems to get too hot so im running it with no side panel atm. planning to replace the gpu soon and get a bigger ssd/hdds/case at some point. guts attatched.

where can i grab LTSB? all i used for years were the win7 msdn isos and dazs loader but i recently upgraded the 7 install to 10 so im out of the loop.

Yeah but I'm going to get it.

I have mine from a private tracker, but I´m sure you can find one on kickass.


usual process of just making a bootable usb then installing? how'd you activate is dazs loader still a thing?

I activated mine with kmspico but. Check the readme when downloading.

>came with 16 but theres some weird x58 or 920 error that wouldnt let 16 work

Yeah, x58 only supports Triple-Channel, hence the three DIMM sockets. Generally speaking, Triple-Channel comes in multiples of 3.

Also, if I recall correctly, the 920 only supports up to 12GB anyway.

Nice job with the zip ties, by the way. It's a creative solution. Having said that, your CPU is trying to melt itself with your current overclock.

I'll be content for a while I feel, just got a new GPU and a Enthoo Pro case

monitor broke, using a tv temporarily while waiting for my benq to come in the mail

Meh, it's alright. Looking at new parts. Wanna swap for two X5650's and an RX 460, figure that would probably help out quite a bit.

A half decent LCD tv makes an excellent monitor, I have a 32" I just use as my monitor all the time

>1060 3gb
How do you like it?

>Dual core
>GTX 1080
TOP Fucking KEK

I only regret not having PCIe 3.0 on my mobo. On my to do list is get a real hdd