Mini PCs

How does Sup Forums feel about mini PCs?
They may not have specs but they're cute and functional.

Do you guys have a mini PC? post it

I don't have any myself, but I usually set up customers with NUC UMPCs when it fits their needs. Tiny but still expandable in many ways.

Most Minis, unfortunately, really lack in terms of long-term reliability and overall quality. And the ones that do do well in those regards, cost so much more than a typical PC does, without really offering too much in return :\


well I have a mac mini and it's fucking shit.

waste of space


I have pic related as an htpc in my living room.

I found it at goodwill for $26

nice, I can't find any computer shit at my local goodwill except for random cords

Overheating problems and unrepairable.

No thanks.

It's pretty rare. I always check when I swing by because of my one time find. I did repaste the cpu and mobo chipset because the old paste was rock hard.

My next system is going to be a ryzen+vega itx build

I have a huge boner for the Ncase M1 and this is what I would love to do, but I don't have a reason as I'm currently on a [email protected] and a Fury-X


today OP was faggot

I'd rather just use a laptop if specs weren't that important

Those fanless nucs are they any good for shitposting? Im looking for something that is fanless and portable, of I pay €60 for the case (local builder) could I get anything useable under 500?

what, you mean one of these?

My sister bought two of these at a thrift store. We laughed at how terrible Win7 was running on 2GB of RAM and she installed Mint.


I'm going to buy a J3455 apollo lake NUC soon

I'm sorry you were an only child user.
Anyway, those things are pretty cute, but an old laptop would honestly be more useful.

The only reason why I want to get one of those NUCs.

Those are super cute. Are they discontinued?

pretty good

pic related, it's been my only computer since 2014. It cost 200$ then, I bought a larger m.2 SSD and 8GB more of RAM for a combined total of 100$ and put windows 10 on it
bam, 300$ for a full blown, low-power tiny windows machine

processor is actually quite decent as well

Most likely, they came out in 2008

this thread again jesus fuck.

Impractical gimmicky shit

Same with gaming laptops. No matter how good it is, how sexy or whatever, you cannot avoid thermodynamics. That system will heat up and produce a shit ton of noise from the fans to try and cool it down.

Looked into buying one a year or so ago and was completely turned off by what was on offer, barebones boxes with horrid specs for the asking price. And I'm not short on desk space, so anywhere where I'd want a mini PC I could just as easily stick a mini-ATX box and get something a lot more reasonable and modular.

They don't have to be THAT small

i was having real trouble getting a mini-atx box built for cheaper than a nuc

I actually used op pic as a kodibuntu box for years. It works great, has hdmi and some of them have blurary drives. You can pick them up for like $75 on eBay.

My main rig is an even smaller mini itx build.

They're more expensive, especially some of the fancier cases.

I just think that they're the smarter purchase in the long run

They're pretty good torrent machines

yeah even like shit tier case etc etc i couldn't get one under 400 for any kind of comparable performance

try google.
here in austin we have only one location that sells computers.
its mainly just bins and bins of laptops.

There's literally no reason all pcs up to upper midrange shouldn't come in a compact format.

The smallest case I can find in local stores is midi and it pisses me off that they all have space for 10 HDDs and 5 optical drives, 80% of my case is just empty space since I only use 1 HDD.

Also, motherboard layouts piss me off. Why are GPUs fucking perpendicular to the mainboard?
C'mon man.

my desktop is an optiplex small form factor i got for 200 dollars does that count?

>buy cheap HP for the office's shitposters
>it uses a laptop style power brick
>crack it open
>it's a mini-itx board in a microatx case
What the fuck HP.

How well does Photoshop run in a NUC? Or does it even run at all ?
On adobe's website it says it requires at least a 2ghz processor or is that just a meme?

>That system will heat up and produce a shit ton of noise from the fans to try and cool it down.
what are you even talking about? it's 2017, it won't even have the fan on unless you're gaymen. Most cases are fanless

it runs fine on any nuc

I'm and I use it often, runs perfectly

>are system requirements a meme?

That's what it says on their website.
According to this which is 1.4Ghz and it runs fine proves that yes it is a meme

what model? how is it shit?

cos it's a mac... durrr

Are you fucking retarded?

overpriced ≠ shit

They don't have specs? None?