RX 480

Now that I know the XFX is the best variant (personally and by the support of some people in this board), I was wondering if this is the best deal? :

The price is : 250( best buy prize match)- 30 mail in rebate - 20 (if I sell the 'free' fan color) and - 2 for ebates 1% discount. Resulting in $197.99.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do it.

I most likely will, here's what your comment sounded like to me.

Get this one instead and sell the game.
>cheaper to start with
>don't have to deal with the price match thing
>smaller rebate so you're not out as much money if it doesn't go through
>can probably sell the game for more than the fan

Pretty good deal. I sperged out like a goy anbd bought the MSI version at 270. I shouldve waited

I heard the RS is inferior to the GTR model.
I think the price difference is worth it.

Also price-match is not really a hassle, plus I know that most-people dislike that game for some reason (I think it's easier to sell a pc part than it).Thanks for the advice anyway.

But its not the Jedi way

>I killed them, all of them. And not just the nvidia faggots, but their jew owners and the shills.
>they're animals and i slaughtered them like animals


>AMD driver's have blinded you from the power of gamerworks!
>Nvidia was the way it's meant to be played brother!

>proceeds to catch on fire

>symbolism of AMD video cards starting house-fires

It's like poetry.

I've heard the MSI one is pretty good too, what makes the XFX better?

Overclocking and cooling I guess, saw that most Sup Forums users agreed on the XFX brand.

Looks like the only difference is a smaller heatsink and 50mhz lower clock. It's also physically smaller, sothat might be a concern if your case is cramped.

>replying to yourself

Not really, just me and some user memeing.




Fucking kek. this thead.
Using the GTX 970 Turbo nigger.

I actually had a 8gb xfx 480 burn up and die on me, they have quite a few cooling problems so don't sell anything until you benchmark it for like 3 days straight and know it won't cook itself to death.

Fuck you, Canada sucks. :(

Serves you right.
Kidding, but man why are those prices so high?

At least your not taxed on newegg like me ;_;

Rebates are for cucks. You loose the ability to RMA .
RS has a smaller cooler than the GTR.
You might need that fan someday

RMA? I have a 3 year product warranty so whatev.
But the XFX is GTR...
Yeah, I'm thinking of keeping it anyways (plus it lights up).

Just go on kijiji and look for a used 290x. Should be able to find the 4gb model for around $220-250 and it performs between a 470 and 4804gb

They want your sticker on the box for the rebate?
Guess what they need when you try to rma?

They make 2 different coolers

290x preforms like a 970-980 it wouldn't be a big difference.


>being this new
that meme came from fermi nvidiot

>RX 480
>Now that I know the XFX is the best variant
Even Geforce GTX 1070 better than this shit

So you can't rma it without the sticker.
So you have no warranty.

Exchange rate is like 0.75 dollars to buy one Canadian Pesos, also Canada has a magical unwritten tax that makes things more expensive.

Oh, and by the way, that price is before actual sales taxes. Add 12%.

>tfw no silicon lottery RX 480

$1 US = $1.35 Canadian

Nvidiot please, 1080 is like 400 bucks and the RX 480 is $200 ish. Double the price does not justify the 1070's performance boost.

>1080 is like 400 bucks
Nigga fucking where?

I know you meant the 1070.

When will prices drop for the 470 and 480s?
What do you think.
Any bargains for german bros?

Can someone explain all the hate on ASUS rx 480's? People shit all over them but they look so damn cool


Basicaly the cooler suck

Is it the same with 470s, 460s and nvidia GPUs?

Wow what a nice channel, he earned a subscriber.
I'll wait until his stress test results for the card come out to make my decision.
If its as inferior to the GTR as he says it is, I'll buy an XFX (or get another case fan).

>tfw got a new 4GB RX 480 for $120

It's a pretty good feel, except for maybe missing out on 8GB VRAM.

most current games at 1080p don't really eat up more than 4GB. By the time 8GB is required the RX480 will probably be too slow to run games at max anyway

You'll be keeping that card until Navi which is years and years away.

I got an R9 390 for $300 CAD new

You just have to look my man

the RX480 8GB XFX GTR and Sapphire Nitro+ cost the same in local prices, how do they compare?

get the gtr

just curious, what's the advantage?

higher boost clock and lower TDP, but its 1 inch longer

cool thanks, my case has plenty of space so that wouldn't be a problem

>magical unwritten tax
its called the "if I break my leg I can go to the hospital and not worry about going bankrupt tax"

>sticking red into your PC

just throw your whole set up in the trash bin.

nvidia or bust faggot

Why not a 1060?

Lmao got the 8GB Strix 480 for less than the cheapest 4GB 480 variant in Australia on boxing day sale

I have no advice, just a fuck you for such a shit thread

Its even worse in Australia, we get fucked for tax and shipping.

The GTR is a rebranded HIS card that uses a bit more overkill components than what a median 480 has, but the Nitro has a better cooler design for most cases as most of the exiting air goes up or out from the back vs GTR that recirculates about 60% of the air unless used in an open air test bench or in a case that has case fan(s) blasting new air for it. The later however gets shilled for more often here so you'd be more likely to feel that you made the right decision if you get the GTR, the differences in real world performance are however minimal between any of the better 480's

Nitro+ OC and GTR have the same boost clocks, the not-OC $10 cheaper version that some countries don't even have in stock has only 2% slower boost clock oob

MSI Gaming X is by far the quietest one
Also, just get a 1060

>Also, just get a 1060
That card was a great buy when it came out, it's not the case right now unless you want to run Linux with proprietary drivers.


I never said this. AMD drivers out of the box completely destroy Nvidia's nouveau abomination(I feel sorry for the independent devs). I had problems with both the nvidia driver package from official repos and the nvidia driver straight from Nvidia. That was several months ago, but it still happened.

I'm just complaining because linux mint still stutters like a bitch when scrolling, and I'm too much of a moron to find where to set refresh rate to 144Hz

OP. get the BLACK GTR edition yes, the one jayz2cents or w/e he is called had

This one.

Amazing what a few MHz in overclocking can push in artificial benchmark numbers.

thats the beauty of amd mhz, a 200mhz boost is like a 400mhz boost on nvidia cards.

Good thing artificial benchmarks are a good indicator of overall performance of a graphics card.

Get it. Especially at this time of year, it'll be a nice replacement for a heating system

>it'll be a nice replacement for a heating system
It's fucking cold over here. I get more heat running my old Pentium 4.

>480 Sapphire nitro+ is as cheap as a 470 around here
>not sure if I should get it because everywhere I read its made out to be a noisy housefire
>MSI and XFX cost 50+€ more

Maybe I should just wait for Vega...

The 290x performs better than the 480. Only slightly better, but better regardless.

But it comes at a price of more power consumption (read: irrelevant) and of course, higher temperatures (read: relevant). Also, very few 290x had a 8 gig variant and these were very expensive.

Sapphire is pretty gud though.

1060 is the same performance currently, isn't going to get better over time, only has 6gb of ram, something that will go up as the new xbox comes out.

look at ebay, there is a 980ti for 150, a fury x for 120 and a 980 for 50$ there was a working 390x for 20 and 290x for sub 100$ a few days ago when I checked, all cards better then the 480

unless you NEED new, ebay is the better option most likely.

That said, hard to say the price you pay for what you linked would be bad, just not best bang for buck.

can't trust second hand cards when the oven bake method still exists

Link for 980ti for 150? I call BS