Sup Forums humor
Oh fuck no. I bet somebody is already making a "correct" version of this shit, suited to his own tastes.
This is the "correct" version "corrected" by a macfag.
why does the penguin man say oh shit at the end
of course the wangblows 10. Try doing the Windows 7 version mate.
because no one who uses penguin install knows how to use it
the "oh no" is realizing his Windows virtual machine got infected
I haven't used windows 10 as a personal driver. So I wouldn't know, however I have used Linux Mint 17.2 & Ubuntu, and Windows 8.1 on a laptop for software that I can't use on Linux. Satisfied with everything.
However on linux, updates are just in the corner for my distro (no alerts for updates) and I'll check for available updates everyday and sort through what i deem needed to upgrade. As well as the occasional kernel upgrade.
"Mom, cancel my meetings, pacman broke xorg.conf again"
The Mac one seems pretty correct, dunno about Windows or Linux.
Guess why
>starts a thread with anything X vs Y
nice going ruining your own thread on the get go, OP
ICucks propaganda. Funny Tux emoji though.
>"Now look at this carrot pen, when i tell you to record Bellportacus you push record"
Imagine if you add Android to that illustration, that piajet in the image would be sitting in the middle of a ghost town.
Linux doesn't force you to update so he just realized that he hasn't done pacman -Syu for over a month.
It's nice to have updated features but arch can suck a dick when it comes to updates.
>Pacman for the first time in 3 months on antergos laptop
>Keep a close eye on the terminal so it doesn't fuck up
>Spot that it tried to install zfs before the spl.
>Have to manually uninstall and install in the proper order otherwise system would not boot and I would have to resort to sticking the SSD in the array and chroot fuckery
I'll take dnf or apt over pacman any day.
Found your problem. I used Arch with testing repos enabled for years with no problems. The only thing is that once in a while you have to review a config file, because thankfully, pacman doesn't just overwrite your current config.
Linux users are big guys.
updates are quite painless in linux.
And if anything serious comes up, Sup Forums will be spammed with "loonix fags on suicide watch" for 2 weeks reminding you to update.
See: shellsock and dirty COW
op is a subtle tim cock. in his image, mac updates is how penguin updates actually work. mac updates almost always add more bloat because muh planned obsolescence. fix it.
>fell for the arch meme
I use ubunto(last time was 2010) and never get update problems. Everything is streamlined.
Ubuntu is the windows of the unix world. Everything just werks and is easy to use.
I've had GNU/Linux updates break stuff, even on Ubuntu LTS. The comic is accurate.
>software from ppas and external repos broke when i updated on ubuntu lts
come on, user
Only Arch retards have update problems. Ubuntu and Fedora pretty much don't break unless you add a bunch of third party repos.
Had GPG break for a while on Debian Sid. A later dist-upgrade fixed it. I should be using Testing instead.
Arch retard who never had problems since years here..
>Guess why
We became cute anime girls?
>arch retard...
stopped reading there
Explanation: MacBooks no longer include an HDMI connector, requiring an external adapter this guy didn't have, so he used an overhead projector.
No shit?
couldn't he take the presentation file, put it in a SD card and run it from another computer?
oh man I haven't seen this image since like 2009
knowing OSX, you probably need to install itunes to do that.
>install itunes to do that.
Nobody's going to post about the red v blue or red v green threads?
I actually laughed a bit there, that's pretty accurate.
>I need to be spoon fed in order to use a computer
Doesn't count
>he thinks "unstable" actually means it's unstable
The one used by Mac was originally used by Linux as compared to Windows. Updating Linux is pretty painless.
Because he realised he's been ignoring the "software updates are available" notification for weeks.
The only people who runs Sid are the testers, let the Arch fags find the bugs.
LTS is an outdated joke unless you need it on a server. Rolling releases are much better suited for desktop use.
>Do you want to install this unapproved """app"""
>hey buddy want to update safari?
>haha sure i never use it but okay
>you must restart to update safari
>installing one update, 20 minutes remaining
>hey buddy, want to update everything but the kernel?
>haha sure i use that all the time
>Okay bud keep on working, you can keep your computer turned on for this
Idiots like these are why Windows is so insistent. When I was in college and fixed people's computers as a side-gig, if they got infected by a virus, it was almost ALWAYS because they were putting off updates for Windows, Flash, PDF Reader, Java, you name it.
Windows forcing updates is a good thing.
you are as stupid as the people you claim to have helped
>I do not have a job
Or you know, lack of common sense
It's exactly like the windows of the linux world for all the wrong reasons.
enjoy your malware
The important stuff like Firefox is recent. For anything else you need current for specific features, there's PPAs. But I still have Debian Sid on the spare ThinkPad I use as a sort of headless desktop.
>if they got infected by a virus, it was almost ALWAYS because they were putting off updates for Windows, Flash, PDF Reader, Java, you name it.
There's no possible way it had anything to do with that "free-song.mp3.pdf.jpg.exe" file they clicked on, right?
People put off Windows updates because it has a 10% chance of failing which leads to like 3 reboots in a row and a 100% chance of forcing you to reboot. If updates worked all the time and didn't require reboots, people wouldn't mind updating.
And because 791 out of 792 updates address an obscure bug related to Microsoft Exchange that comes up when you print an XPS file from a network share with the timezone being set to Zimbabwe, and only on specific builds of Windows Server 2012 while you have a copy of Windows Journal running in the background on an Itanium processor.
windows is correct if you don't disable windows update, which you should if you don't intend to receive updates.
linux is correct if you use a bad distro like arch, mint or any of the 10000 distros that run their own repos with minor modifications so they get the "correct" desktop experience
Right? People get viruses because they just make stupid mistakes. You shouldn't need the most bleeding-edge software updates to prevent you from doing that. You just need common sense.
Because Linux is crap
ltierally me
>trying to update a 1year old gento laptop
Was there a time Gentoo was honestly worthwhile for anything more than scrolling text to feel like a 1337 h4x0r?
New mac doesn't have sd port
Unless he had a USB c flash drive he couldn't
I just don't know any more.
The state of linux sucks.
Good thing the Macbook Pro comes with an SD card reade- OH WAIT LOL
Has this ever actually happened to anyone on here?
I don't think anybody unironically uses Arch for anything outside desktop threads.
every time i try to pacman -Syu i have to reinstall because it wont boot so ya
I know a guy who uses it at work.
Does he also wear an anime shirt and cargo pants?
He's pushing 50 m8.
For thee
>actually use my PC as a tool for doing things
>time to put an OS on it
>have Ubuntu install itself in two minutes
>apt-get install the couple things I need right now
>git pull my dotfiles
>swipe for a minute to see how many cute guys like me
>get on with my day
So does he?
>t. Poojeet Patel
Uses it at work? Or is at work and plays with it at home?
No, he uses it for work. Programming.
silly big green water creature survives! xD
Updates need to be forced, especially on an OS used by people who don't know what an exploit is and why they need to be fixed. However, Microsoft really needs to fix their update system, I mean, having to reboot for installing even MINOR updates? What the fuck.
They don't necessarily need to be FORCED, just make it the default option and hide it in an advanced setting or the registry or whatever. The people who are idiotic enough to need automatic updates also won't be smart enough to go into config files or use command line flags to launch something, even if given explicit instructions. What Microsoft does is actively detrimental to a large portion of their userbase who DO have a good reason for not wanting automatic updates, be it for security/stability concerns, bandwidth or because they have a specific workflow and schedule.
it's probably made with an osx exclusive program
I'm glad that "sysadmin" fatfuck pedophile finally learned to fuck off and posting as Anonymous.
lol me2
Spurious correlation, how do you know it isnt just a Murica effect? Or just a TI employee effect?
How are you fucking up like that
whats wrong with sysadmin?
he was a cool guy
Did he stop posting? Got a social life or something?
Those bastards renamed the font name of my terminal font. Took me 20 minutes to fix it.
Does this pleb not know how to write a bot?