Open clubroom door

>open clubroom door
>see this
what do


dumb animeposter

anime website

Ben go back to trash you piece of garbage.

literally who

where's nude Kyoko?

Ben/akari/butts are all the same autistic person.



>open bathroom
>see this
what do

Please kill yourself


Fuck off pedos

Reported to mods and FBI

OP's picture has some covered up girls licking and painting air, and second one is just pouring liquid from one cup to another.

I see nothing pedo about that, except maybe the one girl in her undies in OP.

reporting that you've made a report is against the rules, faggot

>bein this new and not knowing the rules of Sup Forums...

What's with the weird blank sections in the middle and top left?

This is a christian board you know


since when did akari get thighs like THAT


Why are there floating underwear and chinese dress? is the girl some kind of invisible man.

I don't see anything?

man if these were boys my dick would be diamonds

but these aren't even getting me chubbed