wow its nothing, literally higher clock rates and nothing else
Wow its nothing, literally higher clock rates and nothing else
But muh 1% improvmeent? Deftienly worth the upgrade.
Would have considered the new Intel Pentium, but without overclocking possibilities it's a no go.
Upgraded from 2600k to 3770k to 4770k to 5775c to 6700k and just placed the order for my 7700k. Can't fucking wait to get it.
Poorfags and NEETs stay jelly. You just don't have what it takes to stay on the cutting edge. (money lol)
I'm just waiting for the x299 itx motherboards.
Doesnt it consume less power at idle?
>designed in israel
what did you expect?
Has nothing to do with being a poorfag for having a brain.
Actually the wealthiest people in the world are the most greedy and stingy ones.
You will never be one of those people, because you are as dumb as it gets, basically handing free money to a company.
Typical poorfag response lmaooooooooo
It's no magic if you simply undervolt your CPU.
It's easily done with Skylakes.
Why are you mad? They are basically the same price as skylake so if you are planning to build a new build this year, night as well get a labylake
Skylake is basically deprecated at this point.
Because it literally only exists for hardware Netflix DRM. Since when does Sup Forums like DRM?
I guess the G4560 Pentium is interesting for poverty builds.
>Upgrading your CPU every generation
Just stop insecurefag
That's just the freetards. I love DRM cause it helps to stop the filthy pirates and poorfags
>I love DRM
You could have prevented it.
Not that guy but you don't need to upgrade every generation to want to see an improvement in tech. The improvements have been less each generation, this latest one is just another in a growing line of disappointments.
>Because it literally only exists for hardware Netflix DRM
And Netflix hardware decoding.
but goy, you get 1-2 more frames in all your favorite games like Witcher 3, which also works great with Nvidia Graphics cards. *cough* Nvidia *cough* The way it's meant to be played *cough*
wow looking at this image, how will AYYMD EVER RECOVER?
I'm running a 3 year old quad core amd on my desktop. Why do you fags shill out for expensive Intel chips? I see more benefits from buying an expensive GPU than a CPU any day. What do you even need a high end CPU for? My average tier cpu is excellent for dekstop applications and it runs just fine for gaming.
So amd kills nvidia and intel then kills amd?
makes me so happy i got a 2500k desu, means i can skip this generation too, and hopefully get a nice boost next upgrade, from either aaaymd or jewtel
Sure, buying amd cpu 3 years ago was perfect. But what's the point of doing that today? It's all depecrated hardware on the way out in a couple months desu.
I was considering amd for my build, then I realized it's all in their final cycle now. After the new chipset releases? cool but for now Intel is the best choice even for budget builds
but he didnt die you dumdum
But Intel hates Nvidia much more than it hates AMD.
implying you aren't putting that on credit or your comp isn't the only nice thing you own. Post a timestamp pic of your house hot shot. you're postin from a chink tab with illusions of grandeur.
Did you really expect anything different? Intel publicly stated up front that they were doing away with the tick-tock cycle, and that product development going forward would be Architecture->Optimization->Process. We got a new architecture with Skylake, so that means Kaby Lake is minor improvements and fixes, and we won't see a notable change until the die shrink that comes with Canon Lake or even further beyond that.
Intel - Run by greedy jews
Nvidia - Run by greedy jews
AMD - Run by a fucking woman and a Pajeet that are too dumb to compete with Intel and Nvidia.
We are fucked guys...
>looking at everything from an "upgrade" perspective to determine if it's a failure
you're all idiots
Pic related, you're to the left along the x axis here.
>Never seen Phantom Menace
He did die dumdum
k, if you're starting from scratch cool. I can't find a good reason to upgrade my cpu even though it's fairly dated. I play any modern game at max settings and it handles all my desktop application just fine. I can't find a single application that would warrant upgrading the CPU. CPU market sucks
Not really. You can't sell desktops and laptops to consumers that offer nothing new over their old computer. Sounds like Intel is in damage control/apathetic as they have no competition from AMD as well.
6th and 7th gen. are pretty much priced the same though so anyone who doesn't own a 6th gen CPU will naturally opt for a 7th gen
I have Intel x5650 OC'ed to 4.1 (basically 6+ year old 6 core cpu) and don't see the need to upgrade even for some latest games (I get constant 150-200+ fps in overwatch [low, 1080p, 100% render]).
Upgrading my GPU from 560 TI to 1060 did wonders though.
No, he came back with robot legs
If I am buying new, should I buy the cheaper Skylake or the more expensive Kaby?
they're the same price fag-kun
Oh, ok.
I'll probably be able to get a used Skylake i5 pretty cheap though.
Back to work faggot, millions on welfare depend on you. How mad are you that all your precious money is gone to people like me who cheat the system and pay no tax????
>havent seen clone wars
>havent seen rebels
He didnt die dumdum
No you won't used prices are also high because non existant upgrades and it's really hard to break cpu.