
Am I the only one that gets triggered badly by this?? Whatever happened to buying software? Now you are paying over $100 per annum to hire their product. I can understand this for corporations but for individual users? Do they WANT people to use pirated software??!

Oh and also we need you to have a Microsoft account to use this product.

>what is LibreOffice?

>Am I the only one that gets triggered badly by this??
i'm sure there are communities of incompetent worthless faggots who somehow can't afford (or be given) an office license and simultaneously can't grok python, R, and/or latex.

but you're at the intersection of two sets: poverty and stupidity. nobody is eager to help you.

>Am I the only one that gets triggered badly by this??

Do you think Sup Forums is gratis software you're running locally? Do you think you're downloading Google Search or Youtube when you use them?


I bought Office 2016 Home & Business for 150€, normal retail price is 250€

The only subscription I'm paying for is Spotify, for now...

>buying software

You never did, you only purchased a licence to legally use the software under the conditions set forth by the company. A licence is a one time fee though and you can't reap residual income with that kind of structure so now they have it set up where you're basically renewing your licence after a certain period of time. The only reason they can do this is because people are too stupid to know there are free alternatives.

Just buy Office 2016 pro from r/microsoftswapshop for $40.

Do you really need the extra shit in 365?

>t. iToddler
Oh you're one of those "I'm cucked and tell myself that I'm wealthy" types aren't you.

Or just use openoffice/libre office

>tfw free 365 through work
Feels good.

>t. iToddler
lol what the fuck are you talking about, you worthless nigger?

>Butt blasted
>H-h-he must be an iCuck
LaTeX is the patrician's choice. R and Python for most forms of quantitative analysis are pretty much unparalleled together. If you're too stupid to take someone's advice, don't make bitchy whining threads.


This, although someone really needs to make it look better

what's special exclusive shit? office? latex? none of this is complicated. if you're working someplace, they give you a license. if they don't, then you're fucking retarded.

if you need to make documents, use latex. it's better than word anyway. if you need to do any number crunching, excel is provably unreliable, whereas R and python have robust packages for everything from big data analysis to visualization. excel has "excel wizard macros" for troglodytes who are too invested to quit, like dinosaurs who keep getting their vcr serviced because they "just have too many vhs tapes".

The 1tb onedrive storage makes it all worth it for me 2bh


Also, nobody gave me advice, you just started on a tirade about how I must have been too poor to buy the license.

>Also, nobody gave me advice,
>python, R, and/or latex
do you need an engraved invitation? here:

go learn these things and use them instead. that's the advice.

why do you need me to hold your hand like this?

LibreOffice is shit and doesn't replace MS Office, even for non-professional use.

Thanks. I'll have a look at them.

LibreOffice is like GIMP. every time anyone posts anything critical about it someone starts sea-lioning. but here goes:

all i want is an open source software suite that has gone through usability testing. GOMS, NASA-TLX evaluations, heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthroughs. do people working on these projects do any of that shit? or do developers just show up with their own uninformed opinions about how they think people ought to use software and instantiate it themselves?

there's a reason adobe and microsoft and these other companies have more professional buy-in: the people that make this software do *rigorous*, not slapdash, evaluations to make sure the product is usable. and no, i don't want to roll up my sleeves and do it myself any more than i want to apply to work at adobe just because something in photoshop annoys me.

>Comparing gimp to libreoffice
It's literally just software for typing up documents as long as text appears as you type it's fine

>It's literally just software for typing up documents as long as text appears as you type it's fine
then use a plain text editor and txt or markdown files. jesus, why overcomplicate things?

>He doesn't have a .edu email account and get it for free

You can if your autism will allow it

>You can if your autism will allow it
did you quote the wrong post? you can what?

It's the main reason why I'm still using Office 2010. I don't like the concept for buying a service instead of a product.

Subscriptions keep people poor.

>people say LibreOffice is shit
>don't say how

>Office 365
Just get regular office

is it lega? I don't want MS nullifying my license after i purchase it.

it's unusable and unintuitive, sea-lion

But how is it unusable and unintuitive?

go away, sea lion.

>Literally doing what said

have you ever tried to open a docx, xlsx or pptx file with it? most of the times all you see is a mess

Really? I could give you examples of why I think Vim is unintuitive if you need some help.

Isn't that only because Microsoft doesn't follow standards? Wouldn't Microsoft be in the wrong in that case?

WPS doesnt have 1/3 of the issues LO has with docx&co files so no, fault doesnt fall on MS alone

>What is donations

I sub to Office 365 home.

I had a dropbox sub before then,
I looked at the prices and I could get 5 licenses to office + one drive for what I was paying for just dropbox for myself.

Occasionally I use office and I gave another license copy away to my gf, since she uses it more than I do.

it is hard to beat 5x (office + onedrive) for 10/month
If you don't need those extra licenses, they have a personal license for ~7/month.
Still cheaper than dropbox

As much as you hate office, it is the standard when it comes to business.

i had to ctrl-f to see if someone here mentioned vim, but nope. shut up and kill yourself, sea lion.

>office costs more than netflix

If they had made an office suite for $5 a month and included a Mac version people would have been happy to pay.

>unironically using software as a sevice

What happened? An entire generation of fuckups have been raised to value convenience over autonomy.

if microsoft could track your usage the way netflix does, i'm sure they could make it profitable for $5/month.

but they don't (yet). so you can either pay more or use google docs and trust that they won't look at your shit (lol)

except it is cheaper than netflix

Even Office 2007 is still fine for most people.
Noone reads the EULA anyway. Software licenses are a crock of shit.

You write like the type of guy that likes to prep the bull.

>not knowing how to pirate