/wdg/ - Web Development General

>This season's Advent of Code:

(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1491924462/ref=sr_1_1_olp?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1484761473&sr=1-1&keywords=You Don't Know Js
chan.sankakucomplex.com/?tags=jeanne_d'arc_(drifters) 1girl rating:s

First for Webpack 2 stable just got released, it's time to update you're build, bitches

I've never had to use webpack.

What does it do? Is it like npm?

Transpiles from TS/ES6+ to ES5, minifies, uglifies, etc.

it's the most used module loading system, we need one before the official one gets released in about ES2023. Plus, it also works as a replacement of gulp/grunt

what's wrong with grunt ?
i never did serious front end dev but i remember trying it out years ago


How do I make an image element that scales fullsize with the browser window until the user scrolls down for more content? Im using css and I tried height: 100vh and min-height: 100vh. The fullsize works but the image end up getting cropped instead of scaling when the browser window goes too small

What are good sources of inspiration for good programming projects, potentially for a professional portfolio? Things like youtube channels, blogs, etc. I mainly work with enterprise software but anything interesting is welcome.

Anybody have experience with high traffic data/event logging?

Kafka seems OK, but writing plain logs with something like Flume (or cat, for that matter) and reading using MapReduce or Spark might be much simplar at the expense of some efficiency.

It's pretty much personal preference. 99% of the people bitching about task runners never make it to launching a production web application, so use what works for you.

I've never seen a project that used Webpack that wasn't 100% shit.

It's hands down the WORST thing that has ever happened to front end development.

how about mongoDB? (full disclosure, I used it for event logging, but it wasn't really "high traffic")

Most projects still use grunt or gulp.

> I've never seen a project that used Webpack that wasn't 100% shit

enlighten us, what technologies/libraries are used by the most awesome projects you have seen? also include date of project start, pls

Could be. but if you want to use ES6 and modules, you need a module loading system.

So, you have to go either:
- Grunt/Gulp + Babel + Browserify
- Grunt/Gulp + Babel + Webpack

Or, even simpler if your use case is not too demanding, use webpack as your task runner:
- Webpack + Babel

Does your boss know you are asking for CSS advice in Sup Forums?

In any case, I'm traveling to singapore in 15 days, I'll help you in exchange of free burgers.


Express framework.

Also, nothing comes ready out the box. It does a whole bunch of stuff. It's not Django so don't expect it to be.

i would not recommend that. trust me i have a degree in Computer Science.

lightweight frameworks are quite an advantage in this client-side heavy world, I'd say.

to be fair, shitty courses like that exist all around the world, not only pakistan

With MongoDB and Kafka, it's not really and either/or -- you can use the two together. So, I have a firehose of data I need to deal with, and Kafka in that case would deal with write throttling, scaling, replication, etc.

At 500k req/min, queuing, storage, and fetching get hard

You know how I know you are a React developer? Because you think everyone wants to use Babel and a module loader.

Webpack is a case of "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".

Its dependency graph is incredibly clunky and the way it injects tags into HTML makes me want to puke.

A much MUCH better approach to front end development is to have a build process that doesn't break convention.

Go take a look at Yo Angular or Yo hottowel for reference.

This guy does a good summary: statusok200.wordpress.com/2016/08/04/webpack-sucks-at-least-for-now/

/dev utils general/


I seriously hope you're not suggesting weighing down the client side so you can use a "lightweight framework"

Well, you guessed right, I am a React developer, I'll give you that. But I guess Angular2 guys are also fond of modules and ES6 (even experimental stuff like decorators, btw)

I agree that style handling in webpack is questionable.

> /dev utils general/

what would you rather talk about? Doing fizz buzz in PHP5?

Vue.js master race.

is there literally any point in doing stateful web programs anymore?

>uses templates
>no onle liked templates
>they conceded and added support for JSX

What do you mean by stateful?

you must only make stateful apps then

>can't explain what he means by stateful
Speak up bro, do you mean having a backend? db? sessions? all of them?

After looking it up, I have only made "stateless" apps. And by that I mean "Database-onry".

Also, databases are inherently stateful.

Actually shipping something
Infrastructure & scaling
Monitoring & automation
Applying webdev to traditionally nontechnical environments to do cool shit
Securing applications
Conventions/practices outside the scope of Grunt

These threads turn into a pissing contest about which build system is better, or which trendy JS framework is better. Don't get me wrong, I deal with both of those things (and more) at my day job, but there's more to all of this than that.

There's so much cool shit that can be done with webdev, and a stupid amount of money to be made. Really sad to see the conversation stop at Step 1.

Really depends man -- contracted with a SaaS concierge company whose core product was a stateful web app. It was easy for their small team to manage, and they didn't have any scaling problems because their product wasn't really meant to be used by thousands of people at once.

databases are yes, but we aren't talking about databases, talking about web apps

>web apps
Most of which are database wrappers.

you should have practiced a stateless design anyway, pleb, git gud

Holy shit you still aren't getting it. You don't know what stateless means I guess

you are replying to a second person
the first person now understands you perfectly
and agrees that stateful apps are generally a poor design
especially with regards to scaling and data resiliency

>Security Warning: As of January 2017, data from tens of thousands of MongoDB installations has been stolen and is being held for ransom. This appears to be because when "installed on a server with the default settings ... MongoDB allows anyone to browse the databases, download them, or even write over them and delete them." Furthermore late-coming extortionists are overwriting the demands of the original extortionists. Therefore database owners who decide to pay the ransom will make payments to people who don't have the original data, so the data is not restored even though the ransom is paid. In other instances, the original extortionist did not copy the database before deletion, so the victim will not get their data back even if they pay.

lmfao oh that sucks for all you mongoDB'ers.

I prefer to call it MemeDB or MongoloidDB.

I went through so much trouble securing my shit vps to make sure my rss feeds are safe from chinese bots i need to maintain a file with all the logins/autisticly long passwords i set up
I can't imagine how one would install a production database with default settings (especially if default settings means no acess control)

>Actually shipping something
>Infrastructure & scaling
>Monitoring & automation
>Applying webdev to traditionally nontechnical environments to do cool shit
>Securing applications
Post your face when I asked one of those questions you made fun of and I have done all of these beyond what you're capable of.

I want to see it.

Node.js, or as I have taken to calling it, Meme.js encouraged JavaScript kiddies to cobble together shitty backends out of premade parts.

what's wrong with JS that it gets so much hate now?

The language designers had code in mind that fits into an HTML attribute, took most people to write their 50k LOC webapps to notice that.

Thoughts about Memeor, /wdg/?

Never mind if it is "dead"; never mind if it doesn't scale; what I care about is, does it really allow you to prototype faster than "big" frameworks like Rails/Django?

I'm taking to trying my hand at more graphic designy stuff now that I've got a pretty good conventional foundation in programming and all that.

What I need now, is some ridiculously stylish websites or maybe some not so cluttered websites ( because my demo is mostly individuals and not so much enterprise companies ) to practice with and maybe get ideas from.

At the moment I have one major idea in web dev that I want to pull off and really I can't imaging it'll be that difficult barring finding the right restrictions on the return vector and ways to keep the return trajectory non-recursively normalized no matter where the drop occurs.

Stylish doesn't seem the right kind of idea, you know? When I was learning photoshop/illustrator my ps buddies and I used to go off trying to emulate the art of like active anime companies and the more organic figures ( to bring some life to these machines and geocities pages ). If you google Spike Spiegel wallpapers pic related comes up. I made that using the lasso tool in Photoshop. Just to give you an idea of what I mean when I say organic. Back then the styles that were most popular were the tech grunge, with nano shapes and structures ( honeycomb grids, random tube "grids", etc ) and those color dodge and color burn monstrosities with Lain bleeding into the background.

Now that I think of it, I may have been using Pen tool by the time I made that.
Still, it looks like it was recovered from my old vaio and then resharpened or something because there are some shapes I don't recognize but that is definitely my old wallpaper. I think I entered it into a wallpaper contest and got second.

Anyway, hi guys. I'm bob.

I suppose if there's not meaning in that then there's not much meaning to be had among people.


hey wdg it's Django really worth to learn? I know some basic php crud and really want to learn something new.

webpack pratik

What is the best deal for a hosting service. It would be beginner stuff. Not much traffic. Thinking about namecheap.

Look into CouchDB as well.

Alright, so I have one shared hosting account that comes with one free domain. Let's say it's A.com. I want to be able to host 2 websites with 2 different domains with this single account. So I'll have A.com and B.com serving two completely different sites.

So basically I buy the second domain, create an addon domain via the shared hosting's cpanel and have the second domain forward all requests to the subdomain.

Is this correct or there is an easier way?

I use two VPS providers that aren't listed (I'm in EU)

1 Core
1 GB
20 GB
2 TB/month
from 1.00 EUR+VAT/month
Yes, it's really 1 euro ($1.10) per month.

I use this as a dev box.


Two cores
RAM6 GB (guaranteed)
Disk storage 500 GB
100 Mbit/s port
6.99 eur per month

I use this for email server/owncloud

I think it is because it is so fluid it has a lot of different ways to do the same thing more than a lot of other languages.

>does it really allow you to prototype faster than "big" frameworks like Rails/Django?
Maybe for a hackathon thing that mostly needs to look pretty and "work", but for a prototype meant to resemble a real-life crud app, rails and django are lightyears ahead of it. Plus if you proto your thing in meteor and get it the way you want, you then have to re-make it in something that's actually usable.

Yes, it's worth it.

For shared hosting, that's probably the easiest. If you have a VPS, you would just set up virtual hosting or something

>can't imaging it'll be that difficult barring finding the right restrictions on the return vector and ways to keep the return trajectory non-recursively normalized no matter where the drop occurs.
you wat ?

shameful display

This looks really cheap, any gotchas or problems with your providers so far ?

only one. They recycle their IP4 addresses and I got one once that had previously been used by a spammer and was blacklisted by Microsoft.I couldn't get them to remove it from the blacklist so I deleted the VM and spun up a new one and got a clean IP.

Giving me the freedom to use whatever I want is kek because?

Okay? It doesn't matter how many of those things you've personally done if you're not willing to engage in meaningful discussion around those topics as a means of helping newbies. You really epitomize the "smart people acting dumb" stereotype here

two big points stand out:
real time applications like chat

also the fact that smelly smelly pajeets continue to insist on shoving everything to back end means we should be doing the opposite. why should a business stress their own resources when an end user has a $700 phone in their pocket that does the work for free?

Question for the the Sup Forumsentoomen, is it possible to get into web development if you don't have CS background? I could not get into CS due to my weak maths and later due to financial reasons only managed to get a business studies degree.

I am in my 30's now and can't find a job and soon might not have a place to live. I want to be able to work freelance or join some small web development firm. I don't know if it is too late for me to learn. I have found some universities offering certifications and short courses on networking and web development, I will use my last bit of savings to do that if there is a possibility of employment in the future.

I did learn html, css and wordpress during my business degree.

this is a terrible plan. you need to get an entry level IT job as a desktop support technician. check craigslist and monster but also local/regional temp staffing firms.

when you have money to live you can follow your passion and if your passion is web development you will eventually find your way into doing it full time. later on.

I live in a 3rd world country where my qualifications don't mean shit. Entry level IT jobs require Bachelors in CS. I don't meet the criteria. Too much competition.

What did you do the first 30 years of your life?

I'm learning front-end at the moment using the learnCode.Academy video playlist and I feel like I've hit a wall with my learning of JavaScript, that series just jumps straight into JQuery and I don't think I'm ready for that quite yet.

Is there another good resource, video or written, that I can use to continue my JavaScript learning?

If you know html/css/wordpress then apply today to Automattic as a 'happiness engineer'.

You can also apply here:

This pays $70k USD per year for simple support. To get this job solve the easy csv challenge. It's Unix epoch time so use date:

date -d"2014-07-22" -u +%s to find the epoch date in UTC, then just run awk:
cat sample_data.csv | awk -F, '$2 >= 1403395200 && $2 < 1405987200 { print $2 "\t" $9}' | sort -n

Now write a simple function to do the same thing in java/ruby/php or python for the test.

Also read all their documentation and tell them about it in your cover letter, and read the Zapier customer service "book" zapier.com/learn/customer-support/

Now pretty much every customer support job posted to weworkremotely.com you can do after that. While working there you get remote experience and you can learn webdev or whatever on the side

Read the 'You don't know JS' book series

Can get them all on libgen.io

Learn everything JS first then start with those complicated libraries like ember/JQuery ect.

Also consider buying this React book:

There's a billion React jobs right now

You are a star but I really have to ask is there any alternative to Libgen.io, because it is literally blocked by UK ISPs.

Fun stuff. I love you anyway. I'll look around generic websites for a download.

Use Tor or a mirror
libgen.in/ gen.lib.rus.ec/ booksc.org/ sci-hub.org/

Can also probably find torrents of those books, or just buy them used they're a good reference to always have lying around your desk you'll constantly use the books.

Try watchandcode.com/p/practical-javascript, it made object oriented programming click for me.

Also if you click used on Amazon there's UK vendors selling these for like 78 cents each
amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1491924462/ref=sr_1_1_olp?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1484761473&sr=1-1&keywords=You Don't Know Js

I'll buy some copies some time, but these mirrors worked so I have the first book now. Thanks!

I'll do this course too, thanks!

It gets hate from non-JS users because they don't like change and when something faster and more powerful comes out they would rather stick to their older technologies and shit post about JS. Web programs are completely changing course and what they're capable of thanks to JS. Especially on the cloud. I hate JS syntax though.

>Java Scripting
fucking kek holy shit

What do you guys think about Pinegrow Web Editor?

>more powerful

>a single-threaded runtime with sub-par concurrency

>caring about fucking concurrency when javascript executes on each client's computer individually

your cpu must be shit if you can't handle async callbacks even if its on a single thread

how do I architect some widget in React that has... movement between different states. So you click one button it goes to one state, then depending on which buttons you click it can go to other states or loop back to the initial state. And specific actions occur depending on which states are being transitioned between

should I use some kind of FSM library? or is there a React way to do this? is this what Redux is supposed to do?

any good examples for this kind of thing? most React examples seem to be displaying data or other very basic UI flows

I'm trying to convert some kind of flash/actionscript app to this newfangled html5

I wasn't criticizing clientside JavaScript, friends.

sometimes the thumbnail does not load.

Is there a simple addition to a style or userscript I can add to render placeholder squares the size of the thumbnail to make them always clickable?

It is not blacklisted, blacklisted images have their own class.

or maybe even make the span-object act like the actual thumbnail

looks more like it's hidden intentionally, see display: none.

I thought that too, but when I hover the URL in the devtool it says "Could not load the image"

though opening it (the thumbnail URL) manually loads the thumbnail.

got an example page?

It loads for me in Opera, though not in Firefox (regardless of whether I am logged in or not, or using the default style or not).

chan.sankakucomplex.com/?tags=jeanne_d'arc_(drifters) 1girl rating:s

The 4th thumbnail from the top left for me.

The image on the actual page does not load either (Except when using the direct link/path to the file)

What IDE is that?

just press F12 in firefuck, senpai

cuck did mook add a new word filter?

chrome dev tools are better, git gud

Sup Forums, you told me node.js is the best.

But there's litereally ZERO good REST frameworks for it. How the fuck do I generate enterprise grade, fully RESTful CRUD applications without that?

You are forcing me to repeat tons of code, and you're making me do it in FUCKING JAVASCRIPT

Python has Django REST Framework. Absolutely beautiful definition of URLS, and lets you build viewsets which represent all the crud operations of a resource. Plus it sucks your dick.

You tricked me, Sup Forums

it doesn't even have good database support

(nope, it was just me mistyping severely)

I try my best, user.

You posted this yesterday too. Use Express. Node doesn't do anything for you out of the box, so you'll need to learn all it can do. Git gud with async callbacks and stateless design.

sorry you are too stupid for asynchronous design


all i did was google btw node rest frameworks btw

lacks viewsets

has bullshit like findOne

use css animations ?