Do you acoustically treat your room?

Do you acoustically treat your room?

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Of course, what good audiophile wouldn't? What cable risers do you use op?

>>/lgbt/ is that way

No, I treat it autistically

*Do you autistically treat your room?

A audiophile music room would be made out of concrete and nothing else in it, retard, not full of blankets on the walls

that joke was already made

i have no meme picture for this to express my laughter

so was your mom lmao

why would you want to listen to prolonged sound reflections? this kills the audiophile ear

>cable risers
You do realise that these reflections and the consequent comb filtering are a legitimate and perceptible source of artifacts.

Dark field cable elevators

i have headphones, there is no acoustics needed its directly into my ear and not impeded by other noises

also it doesnt matter where i sit or lay down, cause its always perfectly centered

>A audiophile music room would be made out of concrete and nothing else in it
Please explain further

what about your door tho?

escept it doesn't give you a sense of presence when closing your eyes

No, since my room isn't for recording.

>Empty concrete room
He said AUDIOphile user

of course

what are those disgusting things?

yes. Unlike what is in that picture.

listening rooms are treated. Not recording rooms. Unless they are way too small

Not if you use digital ;>). More seriously audio should use an FM encoding rather then the simplistic AM.

why would I put mattresses on my ceiling?

Are you Persian?

If you have nice speakers this isn't an audiophile meme. There's a reason why almost every decently constructed auditorium features some sort of sound absorption on the walls.

I watch shit by myself and use ~$10 in ear headphones.

Does the same thing basically.

I made foam pads that don't do as much as Owens Corning and burlap but they definitely eliminate a lot of reflections, listening to stuff out of my monitors for work or for pleasure makes things infinitely better if they weren't there.

When I get my own place I plan to include bass traps. I'm more just curious how much they'll do even though I don't have a subwoofer.

When I buy a house I'll probably put up a bunch of soundproofing on the walls so that I don't wake up my kids late at night but that's about as autistic as I'd get

R8 my room Sup Forums

covering 5% of your walls in cardboard boxes with bedsheets over them is 100% placebo

Love it, its like my grandmas house in the 90s.

My house has terrible sound isolation so maybe I have to buy some of those to prevent my neighbors from killing me


Just needs some posters from late 90s/early 2000s movies. animes, bands, etc to achieve maximum comfy

No because I use headphones 90% of the time.


do you finger your own asshole and then lick the finger?

>I plan to include bass traps
Stuff old shirts/rags/cloth into cardboard boxes and you have a bass trap.

that's the plan my friend. never would i buy "actual" bass traps. that shit is fucking expensive

I would but I can't. Apartment.

Your ears hear in AM though.

I have my walls lined with cork, is this good enough.

Clap your hands, post results.

I was talking about acoustic treatment's legitimacy, not cable risers

Most anons here listen to their speakers on the desk: very near field. Acoustics matter less that way.

lmao like that is gonna do anything like wtf nigga hahahaha

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: Within reason. Constraints: aesthetics, budget, not wanting to chase diminishing returns in a house with a high noise floor.

Properly installed room treatments using the right materials like Owens Corning 703, 705, Roxul Rockwool (, can and will improve your listening experience. This is extensively researched and well-documented.

Yes, I always play soothing songs at night to calm the walls. In daytime I play more upbeat stuff to get them going.

waifu liek treatment

It sounds pretty normal.
However the recording made it sound as if I was [spoiler]masturbating furiously[/spoiler], so not posting it.