/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

Most purchases made after 19 January will get delayed or may not get shipped until 2 or even 4 Feb (depending on the store) because of the Chinese New Year, as most shipping companies will be closed for the holiday.

>IRC channel
#/csg/ on rizon

>Discord link

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki

>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4

Previous thread user knows a little too much about Baofeng
user(s) shares some info about default chinkphone software user does a very very small review on Xiaomi bluetooth speakers Autismcube gets reviewed user reviews a bunch of shit A showdown between the stinky chinky and the filthy capitalist pig

Other urls found in this thread:


Okay, I'm going to paraguay to buy some baofengs. I'll post when I get back. Wish me luck and no gunshots

What the radios give access too? I have a SDR just for keks and never got much out of it. Just some weird signals and some walkie talkie chatter of two kids
that radiomind

I can't believe it, I didn't even notice that my file got fucking eaten

here's the smorgasbord



Got some exercise gear in the mail anons. Let's dig in


There's a bag in the bag!

..And inside the bag, another bag!

Within the third bag there is another bag. This must be precious goods!

>filthy capitalist pig
Kys you disgusting piece of filth

And within the fourth bag, an item wrapped in paper.


yeah sure

They printed "Body Art Decorations" on my plug.

Just a few nitpicks/suggestions for the audio segment:
Add in Remax 610D ($8), Somic V4s & Einsear T2 ($11)
Remove the Kz ZS1s/QKZ N1 (Niggerdeep bass)

You could also consider adding these if /csg/ anons are adventurous enough to take these new/old Audiomemes on.



Best 3 Bucks IEM:

Best 4 bucks IEM:

Best 2 bucks IEM (For poorfags):

What happened to the Bluetooth IEM section by the way?

How many of these earphones you own? Or are you just copying links off aliexpress?

pic of it in?

Used to own the Langsdom (Gave it to my Londo cousin) and JBM (Back when Awei is still a thing 2014)

Rmb the sound is pretty gud (Can't rmb the signature though), not sure how does it scale by today's standards
>>Pretty well I imagine

obvious things like the microphone windscreen don't really need to be on there

You're all right! It is a butt plug. GF wants to poop again before inserting. Never used one.

Also tried out the Remax 610D and Kz ZS1 at the local Chinkstore.

The Remax 610D has very little sound isolation but great sound (Albeit V-shaped).

It is fairly rich in details (Highs and lows).
But the mids is a bit recessed/drowned out by the lows.

It also fits very snugly into the ear (Best Chink IEM there).

I am basing my opinion on the Einsear T2/Somic V4s based on the reviews (Outside Ali/Head-fi)

You should use it, and uh, take pics for reviewing purposes.

They actually feel really nice, you can just sit down playing comp and you just always have a boner.

So, this might be a stupid question or something.
I've heard about cashback sites, offering you a percentage as a rebate for each purchase on AliExpress.
That sounds a bit too good to be true, even if they are giving a percentage of their commission for such sales...Anybody knows if it is a scam?

the entire IEM section can just be replaced with a link to audiobudget.

but the infographic is getting a little too bloated. This is just going to cause choice/analysis paralysis. Newfags won't be able to make a decision and will still continue to flood the threads with the same questions "what is the best IEM".

All of this information is great but I think its better served to have all the choices information on each item on the wiki and keep the infographic more streamlined and concise. unfortunately if there is only a few items on the infographic all the trolls will just come back with thier "paid shill" arguements

they essentially make you click their referral links, so the money they make (and the cut you get) is from the slight extra you pay when you buy an item through a referral link

I don't think so Tim

L-literally who

anal play is a lot messier and stinkier and all around less satisfying that porn and internet fetishists would have you believe.

also women don't like it nearly as much as the internet would have you believe

A referral link makes you pay extra? that's just stupid!
Thanks, btw.

Kk just insert 3 Bluetooth IEMs (Kz/Meizu/Remax) and remove the Eiaosi and Qkz N1.

Then we can call it a day.
Just Add in an Actioncam section
Surveillance Cams
Mouse segment
Soldering kits

True dat.

get out underage

It was two bucks and she asked for it user :/

Then you hould have gotten anal beads then, fucking degenerate

Do you know what a douche is lol

I know you want it (you back of fence)

>remove the Eiaosi
shhhhh. delete this post before you summon him

get dragon dildos

> two bucks

hope she enjoys her heavy metal poisoning

Do the Chinks actually think they can fool anyone with stock factory images?


so now burgers will not get any cheap chink anymore?

Hey /csg/, are there any worthwhile deals on a ChinkSSD?



They seem to be the same price as a non-chink SSD.

Then there is no 'good' deal unless you want to steer into new 'untested' waters

Namely tinkering with other Chink brands like


Lol what

Any Canadians here?
I feel like I'm getting fucked by duties and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm in Onterrible if that helps. Thanks.

what are some good chinkshits to decorate my desk at work so qts talk to me

here's what I can think of off the top of my head

HAVIT HV-MS672 (just by looking on amazon)
Redragon M601 (ditto)
VicTsing MM057 (ditto)
replica microsoft IntelliMouse
Generic chinese verticle mouse
unauthorized authentic Razer mice

will try to unbloat it

>What happened to the Bluetooth IEM section by the way?
not happening

$3.17 for Jackly 32-in-1 while GB/AE sells the same set for ~$9.


For ordering off banggood and shipping to Canada is the free shipping fine or will Air parcel register ship faster? It's just an extra $1.76 for tracking I guess?

i had been out of the general for weeks, is this legit or i am getting chinked?

reminder to get your tea orders in from Health Tea Store, looks like they are closing up shop

Seems popular with the Aussies.


godspeed cheng ;_;7

I need to email them and ask for their new store soon, since I know a lot of people like them.

I wonder if they are still going to do free shipping still

What is wrong with you? Are you Azeri?

Its a ebay one, here is the link:

Got my hero 616 today and used some old parker ink.
it writes nicely, i still will like to try a jinhao meme one.

This isn't chick shit but I ordered an ssd from a new amazon seller and now the seller has removed all their items and listed them on a new account with higher prices. Why? And will I get my ssd?

Any Chinese anons here? A i filling this out properly, and what does it say next to the +61 at the cellphone option? Can't copy paste , so i cant translate

So status hasn't changed from arrived at sorting center.

Is it going to get shipped, or nah?

It took to long, if i dont buy it straight away, i think and realise i dont need it.

MIne was stuck on that for a week or two, it was a knife though, so...

Just got my Pusheen pillow for my gf.
Don't know what to fill it with. Gotta wash it cause it smells horrible.

Top says Christmas island, bottom says Coscos (keeling) islands

>will I get my ssd
probably not, sounds like a scammer

Fill it with cat poop to make it clear the two of you are never gonna get a real cat.
















you are supposed to put a round cushion inside

We only have cheap IEM suggestions, should there be one for higher tier stuff?

Yeah I know.
What I meant is that I don't know where to find one. Or just whatever it is pillows have inside.
I am dumb, I know.

Then you have to make your own separate chart for that.

I am all for it but the rest of /csg/ are fucking cheapskate kikefags who would spend 3 nigger Bucks for a IEM, rather more for the really good shit.

Not that hard


>No Gr07 or XE800

anyone buy bobo wooden watches? are they decent?

Yea they are good

Too expensive for /csg/

You fell for a scam. Do not buy from new Amazon sellers. Start the refund.

>Yea they are good
did you buy one? post pics pls

3D Printer Pen with ABS Material. The pen is lightweight and heats up fast, easy to use. You can control the flow. Perfect as a gift and perfect as a toy for yourself . It gives you long lasting fun.


Paid Shill detected

>user reviews a bunch of shit (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread)
I'm expecting the black nomos from exactly the same shop/item. I hope it comes soon, because i've already received orders placed after it. Hope it looks like yours too!

Does anyone have used a nomos for a long time ? how does it hold ?

Asa next purchase I'd like something like pic related.

I like the naviforce better, because it's black, but has additional logo, with bothers me. Also, curren is supposed to be 44, navi 45 mm.... Anyone with more info on them ?

haha just saw it in the comments

link for both watches?



Looking to buy a chink shit audio setup, anyone got a link of good shit to get?

>half my aliexpress 11/11 shit still hasn't arrived
what the fuck
Something I ordered on ebay a few weeks ago is already here
and instead of getting my money back, the sellers can just extend protection forever?

I need a wifi repeater.
Any suggestions?
Anything I should look out for?

I just got the xiaomi ones, waiting for them in the mail atm. If you want customizability you can get the zsun one in the infographic.

trump is an orange fag :^}

Can anyone tell me anything about these watches?


Fucking fags kys

What the fuck do you think chink shit is for dumbass we are all cheapskates thats why we are here

They look pretty good

Also do anyone know good watches on aliexpress with over 50mm dials?

>Autismcube gets reviewed → → → → →
What the hey is an Autismcube?