Is your smart phone as /comfy/ as mine?
Is your smart phone as /comfy/ as mine?
wtf OP
Have one as well. What are the actual odds of the bootloop happening?
>Dbrand shill
Kill yourself.
thats aids
>Pixel, Phone By Google
They sponsored my CES coverage
Do you ENJOY bezels
My phone case has bezels
Literally amazing, you can drop your phone flat on it's face and the screen will be untouched.
Super underrated phone
Hell yeah. V10 is a great phone. Sucks about not being able to use the finger print reader of you're using a case though.
You can get a case with a hole for it.
They've patched that, they completely ignore the railing now (mine is messed up though so I can't use it at all).
>using a phone to take a photo of a phone
>still no android n
>assuming dbrand
>complaining about shilling
>only one to mention dbrand
What cases? I'm using the Incipio hybrid Case. Great one really but no go on finger scanner
Oh? It has been like 4 months since I tried to use the scanner with case on. Maybe one of those 3 100MB patches T-Mobile sent me fixed it. I'll have to try it again.
Any idea of when? Even a round about time table?
Yes, mine does not sound weird.
I've heard it is supposed to happen in the first quarter of this year but who knows. I'm getting less optimistic about it. Pretty dumb too since the V20 was the first out of the box Nougat phone.
I have an s7 edge with an otterbox defender.
Pretty comfy desu.
Also have an iphone 7 plus.
Yes, I am using iPhone 7 Plus.
>pays to be used as a botnet and get spied on